blob: 87076d97918224279d25dc74ac5edf43ceb17ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome_frame/ready_mode/internal/ready_mode_state.h"
// Defines the possible Ready Mode states.
enum ReadyModeStatus {
// Chrome Frame is permanently disabled and should be uninstalled.
// Chrome Frame is temporarily disabled.
// Chrome Frame is disabled, but should be enabled by calling
// ExpireTemporaryDecline().
// Chrome Frame is enabled, but not permanently (the user should be prompted).
// Chrome Frame is permanently enabled.
// Implements ReadyModeState, reading state from the Registry and delegating
// to the installer to effect state changes.
// If the current process is running at high integrity the installer is
// launched directly. Otherwise, it is launched by invoking a helper exe
// (chrome_launcher) at medium integrity (thanks to an elevation policy) that,
// in turn, delegates to Omaha's ProcessLauncher to reach high integrity.
class RegistryReadyModeState : public ReadyModeState {
// Receives notification when the Ready Mode state changes in response to a
// user interaction. Does not receive notification when a temporary decline of
// Ready Mode expires.
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Indicates that a state change has occurred, passing the new status.
virtual void OnStateChange(ReadyModeStatus status) = 0;
// Constructs an instance backed by the specified key (pre-existing under
// HKCU or HKLM). The provided duration indicates how long, after a temporary
// decline, Ready Mode re-activates.
// Takes ownership of the Observer instance, which may be null if the client
// does not need to be notified of changes.
RegistryReadyModeState(const std::wstring& key_name,
base::TimeDelta temporary_decline_duration,
Observer* observer);
virtual ~RegistryReadyModeState();
// Returns the current Ready Mode status.
ReadyModeStatus GetStatus();
// Transitions from temporarily declined to active Ready Mode.
void ExpireTemporaryDecline();
// ReadyModeState implementation
virtual void TemporarilyDeclineChromeFrame();
virtual void PermanentlyDeclineChromeFrame();
virtual void AcceptChromeFrame();
// Allows dependency replacement via derivation for tests.
virtual base::Time GetNow();
// Sends the result of GetStatus() to our observer.
void NotifyObserver();
// Retrieves state from the registry. Returns true upon success.
bool GetStateFromRegistry(int64* value, bool* exists);
// Refreshes the process state after mutating installation state.
void RefreshStateAndNotify();
base::TimeDelta temporary_decline_duration_;
std::wstring key_name_;
scoped_ptr<Observer> observer_;