blob: 274909265bf9bc441f55062978eba3f5bce65b64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/session_restore_policy.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/engagement/site_engagement_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_manager_features.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_controller.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/local_site_characteristics_data_store_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
namespace resource_coordinator {
namespace {
bool IsApp(content::WebContents* contents) {
static constexpr char kInternalUrlPrefix[] = "chrome-extension://";
const GURL& url = contents->GetLastCommittedURL();
return strncmp(url.spec().c_str(), kInternalUrlPrefix,
bool IsInternalPage(content::WebContents* contents) {
static constexpr char kInternalUrlPrefix[] = "chrome://";
const GURL& url = contents->GetLastCommittedURL();
return strncmp(url.spec().c_str(), kInternalUrlPrefix,
class SysInfoDelegate : public SessionRestorePolicy::Delegate {
SysInfoDelegate() {}
~SysInfoDelegate() override {}
size_t GetNumberOfCores() const override {
return base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
size_t GetFreeMemoryMiB() const override {
constexpr int64_t kMibibytesInBytes = 1 << 20;
int64_t free_mem =
base::SysInfo::AmountOfAvailablePhysicalMemory() / kMibibytesInBytes;
DCHECK(free_mem >= 0);
return free_mem;
base::TimeTicks NowTicks() const override { return base::TimeTicks::Now(); }
size_t GetSiteEngagementScore(content::WebContents* contents) const override {
// Get the active navigation entry. Restored tabs should always have one.
auto& controller = contents->GetController();
auto* nav_entry =
auto* engagement_svc = SiteEngagementService::Get(
double engagement =
// Return the engagement as an integer.
return engagement;
static SysInfoDelegate* Get() {
static base::NoDestructor<SysInfoDelegate> delegate;
return delegate.get();
} // namespace
: policy_enabled_(true),
simultaneous_tab_loads_(CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads()) {}
SessionRestorePolicy::~SessionRestorePolicy() {
// Record the number of tabs involved in the session restore that use
// background communications mechanisms.
DCHECK_GE(tabs_used_in_bg_, tabs_used_in_bg_restored_);
float SessionRestorePolicy::AddTabForScoring(content::WebContents* contents) {
DCHECK(!base::Contains(tab_data_, contents));
// When the first tab is added keep track of a 'now' time. This ensures that
// the scoring function returns consistent values over the lifetime of the
// policy object.
if (tab_data_.empty())
now_ = delegate_->NowTicks();
TabData* tab_data = &tab_data_[contents];
// Determine if the tab is pinned. This is only defined on desktop platforms.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
tab_data->is_pinned = false;
// TODO(chrisha): This is O(n^2) in the number of tabs being restored. Fix
// this!
// In theory all tabs should belong to a tab-strip, but in tests this isn't
// necessarily true.
auto* browser_list = BrowserList::GetInstance();
for (size_t i = 0; i < browser_list->size(); ++i) {
auto* browser = browser_list->get(i);
auto* tab_strip = browser->tab_strip_model();
int tab_index = tab_strip->GetIndexOfWebContents(contents);
if (tab_index == TabStripModel::kNoTab)
tab_data->is_pinned = tab_strip->IsTabPinned(tab_index);
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Cache a handful of other properties.
tab_data->is_app = IsApp(contents);
tab_data->is_internal = IsInternalPage(contents);
tab_data->site_engagement = delegate_->GetSiteEngagementScore(contents);
tab_data->last_active = now_ - contents->GetLastActiveTime();
// The local database doesn't exist on Android at all.
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Get a reader for the local site characteristics data corresponding to this
// tab's origin. This makes it possible to determine if the tab has been
// observed communicating with the user while in the background. This can be
// ready immediately in which case a final score is emitted immediately.
// Otherwise, it will be loaded asynchronously and the score will potentially
// be updated.
Profile* profile = Profile::FromBrowserContext(contents->GetBrowserContext());
auto* factory = LocalSiteCharacteristicsDataStoreFactory::GetInstance();
auto* store = factory->GetForProfile(profile);
// The local database isn't always available.
// TODO(chrisha): Note that the reader can only not exist in tests. Once we
// have a single point to check for the availability of the performance
// manager, gate the following logic behind that.
if (store) {
tab_data->reader = store->GetReaderForOrigin(
if (tab_data->reader->DataLoaded()) {
} else {
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), contents));
#endif // !defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Another tab has been added, so an existing all tabs scored notification may
// be required.
if (HasFinalScore(tab_data)) {
if (notification_state_ == NotificationState::kDelivered)
notification_state_ = NotificationState::kNotSent;
} else {
notification_state_ = NotificationState::kNotSent;
return tab_data->score;
void SessionRestorePolicy::RemoveTabForScoring(content::WebContents* contents) {
auto it = tab_data_.find(contents);
DCHECK(it != tab_data_.end());
auto* tab_data = &it->second;
if (HasFinalScore(tab_data)) {
// Tabs are removed from the policy engine when they start loading.
if (tab_data->used_in_bg)
bool SessionRestorePolicy::ShouldLoad(content::WebContents* contents) const {
// If the policy is disabled then always return true.
if (!policy_enabled_)
return true;
if (tab_loads_started_ < min_tabs_to_restore_)
return true;
if (max_tabs_to_restore_ != 0 && tab_loads_started_ >= max_tabs_to_restore_)
return false;
// If there is a free memory constraint then enforce it.
if (mb_free_memory_per_tab_to_restore_ != 0) {
size_t free_mem_mb = delegate_->GetFreeMemoryMiB();
if (free_mem_mb < mb_free_memory_per_tab_to_restore_)
return false;
auto it = tab_data_.find(contents);
DCHECK(it != tab_data_.end());
const TabData& tab_data = it->second;
// Enforce a max time since use if one is specified.
if (!max_time_since_last_use_to_restore_.is_zero()) {
base::TimeDelta time_since_active =
delegate_->NowTicks() - contents->GetLastActiveTime();
if (time_since_active > max_time_since_last_use_to_restore_)
return false;
// Only enforce the site engagement score for tabs that don't make use of
// background communication mechanisms. These sites often have low engagements
// because they are only used very sporadically, but it is important that they
// are loaded because if not loaded the user can miss important messages.
bool enforce_site_engagement_score = true;
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
features::kSessionRestorePrioritizesBackgroundUseCases) &&
tab_data.used_in_bg) {
enforce_site_engagement_score = false;
// Enforce a minimum site engagement score if applicable.
if (enforce_site_engagement_score &&
tab_data.site_engagement < min_site_engagement_to_restore_) {
return false;
return true;
void SessionRestorePolicy::NotifyTabLoadStarted() {
SessionRestorePolicy::SessionRestorePolicy(bool policy_enabled,
const Delegate* delegate)
: policy_enabled_(policy_enabled),
simultaneous_tab_loads_(CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads()) {}
// static
size_t SessionRestorePolicy::CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads(
size_t min_loads,
size_t max_loads,
size_t cores_per_load,
size_t num_cores) {
DCHECK(max_loads == 0 || min_loads <= max_loads);
DCHECK(num_cores > 0);
size_t loads = 0;
// Setting |cores_per_load| == 0 means that no per-core limit is applied.
if (cores_per_load == 0) {
loads = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
} else {
loads = num_cores / cores_per_load;
// If |max_loads| isn't zero then apply the maximum that it implies.
if (max_loads != 0)
loads = std::min(loads, max_loads);
loads = std::max(loads, min_loads);
return loads;
size_t SessionRestorePolicy::CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads() const {
// If the policy is disabled then there are no limits on the simultaneous tab
// loads.
if (!policy_enabled_)
return std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
return CalculateSimultaneousTabLoads(
min_simultaneous_tab_loads_, max_simultaneous_tab_loads_,
cores_per_simultaneous_tab_load_, delegate_->GetNumberOfCores());
// static
void SessionRestorePolicy::SetUsedInBg(TabData* tab_data) {
static const performance_manager::SiteFeatureUsage kInUse =
auto& reader = tab_data->reader;
// Determine if background communication with the user is used. A pinned tab
// has no visible tab title, so tab title updates can be ignored in that case.
bool used_in_bg = (reader->UpdatesFaviconInBackground() == kInUse) ||
(reader->UsesNotificationsInBackground() == kInUse);
if (!tab_data->is_pinned && (reader->UpdatesTitleInBackground() == kInUse))
used_in_bg = true;
// Persist this data and detach from the reader. We need to detach from the
// reader in a separate task because this callback is actually being invoked
// by the reader itself; as we're the sole owner, we'll cause it to be deleted
// while several stack frames deep in its code, causing an immediate use
// after free.
tab_data->used_in_bg = used_in_bg;
void SessionRestorePolicy::DispatchNotifyAllTabsScoredIfNeeded() {
// If a notification has already been sent then there's no need to send
// another.
if (notification_state_ == NotificationState::kDelivered)
if (tabs_scored_ != tab_data_.size()) {
// An enroute notification should be canceled, as its no longer valid.
notification_state_ = NotificationState::kNotSent;
// A notification is already enroute, no need to send another.
if (notification_state_ == NotificationState::kEnRoute)
// This is done asynchronously so that this notification doesn't arrive before
// a tab score is delivered.
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&SessionRestorePolicy::NotifyAllTabsScored,
notification_state_ = NotificationState::kEnRoute;
void SessionRestorePolicy::NotifyAllTabsScored() {
// Only deliver the notification if its still desired; pending notifications
// can be canceled as conditions change.
if (notification_state_ != NotificationState::kEnRoute)
notification_state_ = NotificationState::kDelivered;
// This callback can indirectly cause our parent to release us, so make it the
// last thing we do to avoid a use after free.
notify_tab_score_changed_callback_.Run(nullptr, 0.0);
void SessionRestorePolicy::OnDataLoaded(content::WebContents* contents) {
auto it = tab_data_.find(contents);
DCHECK(it != tab_data_.end());
auto* tab_data = &(it->second);
// Score the tab and notify observers if the score has changed.
if (RescoreTabAfterDataLoaded(contents, &it->second))
notify_tab_score_changed_callback_.Run(contents, it->second.score);
if (tab_data->used_in_bg)
bool SessionRestorePolicy::RescoreTabAfterDataLoaded(
content::WebContents* contents /* unused */,
TabData* tab_data) {
return ScoreTab(tab_data);
// static
bool SessionRestorePolicy::ScoreTab(TabData* tab_data) {
float score = 0.0f;
if (base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(
features::kSessionRestorePrioritizesBackgroundUseCases)) {
// Give higher priorities to tabs used in the background, and lowest
// priority to internal tabs. Apps and pinned tabs are simply treated as
// normal tabs.
if (tab_data->used_in_bg) {
score = 2;
} else if (!tab_data->is_internal) {
score = 1;
} else {
// Replicate the logic of the existing ordering mechanism:
// - apps
// - pinned tabs
// - normal tabs
// - internal tabs
// Within each category, restore newest tab first.
if (tab_data->is_app) {
score = 3;
} else if (tab_data->is_pinned) {
score = 2;
} else if (!tab_data->is_internal) {
score = 1;
// Refine the score using the age of the tab. More recently used tabs have
// higher scores.
score += CalculateAgeScore(tab_data);
if (score == tab_data->score)
return false;
tab_data->score = score;
return true;
// static
float SessionRestorePolicy::CalculateAgeScore(const TabData* tab_data) {
// Convert the age into seconds. Cap absolute values less than 1 so that
// the inverse will be between -1 and 1.
double score = tab_data->last_active.InSecondsF();
if (fabs(score) < 1.0f) {
if (score > 0)
score = 1;
score = -1;
DCHECK_LE(1.0f, fabs(score));
// Invert the score (1 / score).
// Really old (infinity) maps to 0 (lowest priority).
// Really young positive age (1) maps to 1 (moderate priority).
// A little in the future (-1) maps to -1 (moderate priority).
// Really far in the future (-infinity) maps to 0 (highest priority).
// Shifting negative scores from [-1, 0] to [1, 2] keeps the scores increasing
// with priority.
if (score < 0) {
score = 2.0 + 1.0 / score;
} else {
score = 1.0 / score;
DCHECK_LE(0.0, score);
DCHECK_GE(2.0, score);
// Rescale the age score to the range [0, 1] so that it can be added to the
// category scores already calculated. Divide by 2 + epsilon so that no
// score will end up rounding up to 1.0, but instead be capped at 0.999.
score /= 2.002;
DCHECK_LE(0.0, score);
DCHECK_GT(1.0, score);
return score;
// static
bool SessionRestorePolicy::HasFinalScore(const TabData* tab_data) {
return tab_data->reader.get() == nullptr;
void SessionRestorePolicy::SetTabLoadsStartedForTesting(
size_t tab_loads_started) {
tab_loads_started_ = tab_loads_started;
void SessionRestorePolicy::UpdateSiteEngagementScoreForTesting(
content::WebContents* contents,
size_t score) {
auto it = tab_data_.find(contents);
it->second.site_engagement = score;
SessionRestorePolicy::Delegate::Delegate() {}
SessionRestorePolicy::Delegate::~Delegate() {}
SessionRestorePolicy::TabData::TabData() = default;
SessionRestorePolicy::TabData::TabData(TabData&&) = default;
SessionRestorePolicy::TabData::~TabData() = default;
SessionRestorePolicy::TabData& SessionRestorePolicy::TabData::operator=(
TabData&&) = default;
} // namespace resource_coordinator