blob: 2b709854d8a104b32ca08c45cbb8bf4f1feea51e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_format.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/output_surface.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRefCnt.h"
class SkCanvas;
class SkImage;
namespace gfx {
class ColorSpace;
namespace viz {
class ContextLostObserver;
class CopyOutputRequest;
struct ResourceMetadata;
// This class extends the OutputSurface for SkiaRenderer needs. In future, the
// SkiaRenderer will be the only renderer. When other renderers are removed,
// we will replace OutputSurface with SkiaOutputSurface, and remove all
// OutputSurface's methods which are not useful for SkiaRenderer.
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT SkiaOutputSurface : public OutputSurface {
~SkiaOutputSurface() override;
// Begin painting the current frame. This method will create a
// SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder and return a SkCanvas of it.
// The SkiaRenderer will use this SkCanvas to paint the current
// frame.
// And this SkCanvas may become invalid, when FinishPaintCurrentFrame is
// called.
virtual SkCanvas* BeginPaintCurrentFrame() = 0;
// Make a promise SkImage from the given |metadata|. The SkiaRenderer can use
// the image with SkCanvas returned by |GetSkCanvasForCurrentFrame|, but Skia
// will not read the content of the resource until the sync token in the
// |metadata| is satisfied. The SwapBuffers should take care of this by
// scheduling a GPU task with all resource sync tokens recorded by
// MakePromiseSkImage for the current frame.
virtual sk_sp<SkImage> MakePromiseSkImage(ResourceMetadata metadata) = 0;
// Make a promise SkImage from the given |metadata| and the |yuv_color_space|.
// For YUV format, at least three resource metadatas should be provided.
// metadatas[0] contains pixels from y panel, metadatas[1] contains pixels
// from u panel, metadatas[2] contains pixels from v panel. For NV12 format,
// at least two resource metadatas should be provided. metadatas[0] contains
// pixels from y panel, metadatas[1] contains pixels from u and v panels. If
// has_alpha is true, the last item in metadatas contains alpha panel.
virtual sk_sp<SkImage> MakePromiseSkImageFromYUV(
std::vector<ResourceMetadata> metadatas,
SkYUVColorSpace yuv_color_space,
bool has_alpha) = 0;
// Swaps the current backbuffer to the screen.
virtual void SkiaSwapBuffers(OutputSurfaceFrame frame) = 0;
// Begin painting a render pass. This method will create a
// SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder and return a SkCanvas of it. The SkiaRenderer
// will use this SkCanvas to paint the render pass.
// Note: BeginPaintRenderPass cannot be called without finishing the prior
// paint render pass.
virtual SkCanvas* BeginPaintRenderPass(const RenderPassId& id,
const gfx::Size& size,
ResourceFormat format,
bool mipmap) = 0;
// Finish painting the current frame or current render pass, depends on which
// BeginPaint function is called last. This method will schedule a GPU task to
// play the DDL back on GPU thread on a cached SkSurface. This method returns
// a sync token which can be waited on in a command buffer to ensure the paint
// operation is completed. This token is released when the GPU ops from
// painting the render pass have been seen and processed by the GPU main.
virtual gpu::SyncToken SubmitPaint() = 0;
// Make a promise SkImage from a render pass id. The render pass has been
// painted with BeginPaintRenderPass and FinishPaintRenderPass. The format
// and mipmap must match arguments used for BeginPaintRenderPass() to paint
// this render pass.
virtual sk_sp<SkImage> MakePromiseSkImageFromRenderPass(
const RenderPassId& id,
const gfx::Size& size,
ResourceFormat format,
bool mipmap) = 0;
// Remove cached resources generated by BeginPaintRenderPass and
// FinishPaintRenderPass.
virtual void RemoveRenderPassResource(std::vector<RenderPassId> ids) = 0;
// Copy the output of the current frame if the |id| is zero, otherwise copy
// the output of a cached SkSurface for the given |id|.
virtual void CopyOutput(RenderPassId id,
const gfx::Rect& copy_rect,
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space,
const gfx::Rect& result_rect,
std::unique_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> request) = 0;
// Add context lost observer.
virtual void AddContextLostObserver(ContextLostObserver* observer) = 0;
// Remove context lost observer.
virtual void RemoveContextLostObserver(ContextLostObserver* observer) = 0;
} // namespace viz