blob: 11e78a7b055762c6c329bbe172fc2c90c080bbba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/appcache_interfaces.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/base/completion_once_callback.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_info.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
class IOBuffer;
namespace content {
class AppCacheDiskCache;
class AppCacheDiskCacheEntry;
class AppCacheStorage;
class MockAppCacheStorage;
static const int kUnknownResponseDataSize = -1;
using OnceCompletionCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(int)>;
// Response info for a particular response id. Instances are tracked in
// the working set.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AppCacheResponseInfo
: public base::RefCounted<AppCacheResponseInfo> {
AppCacheResponseInfo(base::WeakPtr<AppCacheStorage> storage,
const GURL& manifest_url,
int64_t response_id,
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> http_info,
int64_t response_data_size);
const GURL& manifest_url() const { return manifest_url_; }
int64_t response_id() const { return response_id_; }
const net::HttpResponseInfo& http_response_info() const {
return *http_response_info_;
int64_t response_data_size() const { return response_data_size_; }
friend class base::RefCounted<AppCacheResponseInfo>;
const GURL manifest_url_;
const int64_t response_id_;
const std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> http_response_info_;
const int64_t response_data_size_;
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheStorage> storage_;
// A refcounted wrapper for HttpResponseInfo so we can apply the
// refcounting semantics used with IOBuffer with these structures too.
struct CONTENT_EXPORT HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> {
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> http_info;
int response_data_size;
explicit HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer(
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> info);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer>;
// Common base class for response reader and writer.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AppCacheResponseIO {
virtual ~AppCacheResponseIO();
int64_t response_id() const { return response_id_; }
AppCacheResponseIO(int64_t response_id,
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheDiskCache> disk_cache);
virtual void OnIOComplete(int result) = 0;
virtual void OnOpenEntryComplete() {}
bool IsIOPending() const { return !callback_.is_null(); }
void ScheduleIOCompletionCallback(int result);
void InvokeUserCompletionCallback(int result);
void ReadRaw(int index, int offset, net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
void WriteRaw(int index, int offset, net::IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len);
void OpenEntryIfNeeded();
// Methods in this class use weak pointers. The weak pointer factories must be
// defined in the subclasses, to avoid use-after-free situations.
virtual base::WeakPtr<AppCacheResponseIO> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
const int64_t response_id_;
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheDiskCache> disk_cache_;
AppCacheDiskCacheEntry* entry_;
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> info_buffer_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer_;
int buffer_len_;
OnceCompletionCallback callback_;
net::CompletionOnceCallback open_callback_;
void OnRawIOComplete(int result);
static void OpenEntryCallback(base::WeakPtr<AppCacheResponseIO> response,
AppCacheDiskCacheEntry** entry,
int rv);
// Reads existing response data from storage. If the object is deleted
// and there is a read in progress, the implementation will return
// immediately but will take care of any side effect of cancelling the
// operation. In other words, instances are safe to delete at will.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AppCacheResponseReader : public AppCacheResponseIO {
~AppCacheResponseReader() override;
// Reads http info from storage. Always returns the result of the read
// asynchronously through the 'callback'. Returns the number of bytes read
// or a net:: error code. Guaranteed to not perform partial reads of
// the info data. The reader acquires a reference to the 'info_buf' until
// completion at which time the callback is invoked with either a negative
// error code or the number of bytes read. The 'info_buf' argument should
// contain a NULL http_info when ReadInfo is called. The 'callback' is a
// required parameter.
// Should only be called where there is no Read operation in progress.
// (virtual for testing)
virtual void ReadInfo(HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* info_buf,
OnceCompletionCallback callback);
// Reads data from storage. Always returns the result of the read
// asynchronously through the 'callback'. Returns the number of bytes read
// or a net:: error code. EOF is indicated with a return value of zero.
// The reader acquires a reference to the provided 'buf' until completion
// at which time the callback is invoked with either a negative error code
// or the number of bytes read. The 'callback' is a required parameter.
// Should only be called where there is no Read operation in progress.
// (virtual for testing)
virtual void ReadData(net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
OnceCompletionCallback callback);
// Returns true if there is a read operation, for data or info, pending.
bool IsReadPending() { return IsIOPending(); }
// Used to support range requests. If not called, the reader will
// read the entire response body. If called, this must be called prior
// to the first call to the ReadData method.
void SetReadRange(int offset, int length);
friend class AppCacheStorageImpl;
friend class content::MockAppCacheStorage;
// Use AppCacheStorage::CreateResponse() instead of calling directly.
AppCacheResponseReader(int64_t response_id,
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheDiskCache> disk_cache);
void OnIOComplete(int result) override;
void OnOpenEntryComplete() override;
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheResponseIO> GetWeakPtr() override;
void ContinueReadInfo();
void ContinueReadData();
int range_offset_;
int range_length_;
int read_position_;
int reading_metadata_size_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppCacheResponseReader> weak_factory_;
// Writes new response data to storage. If the object is deleted
// and there is a write in progress, the implementation will return
// immediately but will take care of any side effect of cancelling the
// operation. In other words, instances are safe to delete at will.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AppCacheResponseWriter : public AppCacheResponseIO {
~AppCacheResponseWriter() override;
// Writes the http info to storage. Always returns the result of the write
// asynchronously through the 'callback'. Returns the number of bytes written
// or a net:: error code. The writer acquires a reference to the 'info_buf'
// until completion at which time the callback is invoked with either a
// negative error code or the number of bytes written. The 'callback' is a
// required parameter. The contents of 'info_buf' are not modified.
// Should only be called where there is no Write operation in progress.
// (virtual for testing)
virtual void WriteInfo(HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* info_buf,
OnceCompletionCallback callback);
// Writes data to storage. Always returns the result of the write
// asynchronously through the 'callback'. Returns the number of bytes written
// or a net:: error code. Guaranteed to not perform partial writes.
// The writer acquires a reference to the provided 'buf' until completion at
// which time the callback is invoked with either a negative error code or
// the number of bytes written. The 'callback' is a required parameter.
// The contents of 'buf' are not modified.
// Should only be called where there is no Write operation in progress.
// (virtual for testing)
virtual void WriteData(net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
OnceCompletionCallback callback);
// Returns true if there is a write pending.
bool IsWritePending() { return IsIOPending(); }
// Returns the amount written, info and data.
int64_t amount_written() { return info_size_ + write_position_; }
// Should only be constructed by the storage class and derivatives.
AppCacheResponseWriter(int64_t response_id,
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheDiskCache> disk_cache);
friend class AppCacheStorageImpl;
friend class content::MockAppCacheStorage;
enum CreationPhase {
void OnIOComplete(int result) override;
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheResponseIO> GetWeakPtr() override;
void ContinueWriteInfo();
void ContinueWriteData();
void CreateEntryIfNeededAndContinue();
static void OnCreateEntryComplete(
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheResponseWriter> writer,
AppCacheDiskCacheEntry** entry,
int rv);
int info_size_;
int write_position_;
int write_amount_;
CreationPhase creation_phase_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppCacheResponseWriter> weak_factory_;
// Writes metadata of the existing response to storage. If the object is deleted
// and there is a write in progress, the implementation will return
// immediately but will take care of any side effect of cancelling the
// operation. In other words, instances are safe to delete at will.
class CONTENT_EXPORT AppCacheResponseMetadataWriter
: public AppCacheResponseIO {
~AppCacheResponseMetadataWriter() override;
// Writes metadata to storage. Always returns the result of the write
// asynchronously through the 'callback'. Returns the number of bytes written
// or a net:: error code. Guaranteed to not perform partial writes.
// The writer acquires a reference to the provided 'buf' until completion at
// which time the callback is invoked with either a negative error code or
// the number of bytes written. The 'callback' is a required parameter.
// The contents of 'buf' are not modified.
// Should only be called where there is no WriteMetadata operation in
// progress.
void WriteMetadata(net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len,
net::CompletionOnceCallback callback);
// Returns true if there is a write pending.
bool IsWritePending() { return IsIOPending(); }
friend class AppCacheStorageImpl;
friend class content::MockAppCacheStorage;
// Should only be constructed by the storage class and derivatives.
AppCacheResponseMetadataWriter(int64_t response_id,
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheDiskCache> disk_cache);
void OnIOComplete(int result) override;
void OnOpenEntryComplete() override;
base::WeakPtr<AppCacheResponseIO> GetWeakPtr() override;
int write_amount_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AppCacheResponseMetadataWriter> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content