blob: 83d9493ffbbd967039030a0d3fbdf8aa91951a9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/frame_tree_node.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/common/frame_message_enums.h"
#include "content/public/browser/favicon_status.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_request_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h"
#include "content/public/browser/reload_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/replaced_navigation_entry_data.h"
#include "content/public/browser/restore_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/ssl_status.h"
#include "content/public/common/page_state.h"
#include "content/public/common/previews_state.h"
namespace content {
struct CommonNavigationParams;
struct CommitNavigationParams;
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationEntryImpl : public NavigationEntry {
// Represents a tree of FrameNavigationEntries that make up this joint session
// history item. The tree currently only tracks the main frame by default,
// and is populated with subframe nodes in --site-per-process mode.
struct TreeNode {
TreeNode(TreeNode* parent, FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry);
// Returns whether this TreeNode corresponds to |frame_tree_node|. If this
// is called on the root TreeNode, we only check if |frame_tree_node| is the
// main frame. Otherwise, we check if the unique name matches.
bool MatchesFrame(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const;
// Recursively makes a deep copy of TreeNode with copies of each of the
// FrameNavigationEntries in the subtree. Replaces the TreeNode
// corresponding to |target_frame_tree_node|, clearing all of its children
// unless |clone_children_of_target| is true. This function omits any
// subframe history items that do not correspond to frames actually in the
// current page, using |current_frame_tree_node| (if present).
// TODO(creis): For --site-per-process, share FrameNavigationEntries between
// NavigationEntries of the same tab.
std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> CloneAndReplace(
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_navigation_entry,
bool clone_children_of_target,
FrameTreeNode* target_frame_tree_node,
FrameTreeNode* current_frame_tree_node,
TreeNode* parent_node) const;
// The parent of this node.
TreeNode* parent;
// Ref counted pointer that keeps the FrameNavigationEntry alive as long as
// it is needed by this node's NavigationEntry.
scoped_refptr<FrameNavigationEntry> frame_entry;
// List of child TreeNodes, which will be deleted when this node is.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TreeNode>> children;
static NavigationEntryImpl* FromNavigationEntry(NavigationEntry* entry);
static const NavigationEntryImpl* FromNavigationEntry(
const NavigationEntry* entry);
static std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> FromNavigationEntry(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntry> entry);
// The value of bindings() before it is set during commit.
enum : int { kInvalidBindings = -1 };
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> instance,
const GURL& url,
const Referrer& referrer,
const base::string16& title,
ui::PageTransition transition_type,
bool is_renderer_initiated,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory);
~NavigationEntryImpl() override;
// NavigationEntry implementation:
int GetUniqueID() override;
PageType GetPageType() override;
void SetURL(const GURL& url) override;
const GURL& GetURL() override;
void SetBaseURLForDataURL(const GURL& url) override;
const GURL& GetBaseURLForDataURL() override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
void SetDataURLAsString(
scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedString> data_url) override;
const scoped_refptr<const base::RefCountedString>& GetDataURLAsString()
void SetReferrer(const Referrer& referrer) override;
const Referrer& GetReferrer() override;
void SetVirtualURL(const GURL& url) override;
const GURL& GetVirtualURL() override;
void SetTitle(const base::string16& title) override;
const base::string16& GetTitle() override;
void SetPageState(const PageState& state) override;
PageState GetPageState() override;
const base::string16& GetTitleForDisplay() override;
bool IsViewSourceMode() override;
void SetTransitionType(ui::PageTransition transition_type) override;
ui::PageTransition GetTransitionType() override;
const GURL& GetUserTypedURL() override;
void SetHasPostData(bool has_post_data) override;
bool GetHasPostData() override;
void SetPostID(int64_t post_id) override;
int64_t GetPostID() override;
void SetPostData(
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& data) override;
scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody> GetPostData() override;
FaviconStatus& GetFavicon() override;
SSLStatus& GetSSL() override;
void SetOriginalRequestURL(const GURL& original_url) override;
const GURL& GetOriginalRequestURL() override;
void SetIsOverridingUserAgent(bool override) override;
bool GetIsOverridingUserAgent() override;
void SetTimestamp(base::Time timestamp) override;
base::Time GetTimestamp() override;
void SetCanLoadLocalResources(bool allow) override;
bool GetCanLoadLocalResources() override;
void SetExtraData(const std::string& key,
const base::string16& data) override;
bool GetExtraData(const std::string& key, base::string16* data) override;
void ClearExtraData(const std::string& key) override;
void SetHttpStatusCode(int http_status_code) override;
int GetHttpStatusCode() override;
void SetRedirectChain(const std::vector<GURL>& redirects) override;
const std::vector<GURL>& GetRedirectChain() override;
const base::Optional<ReplacedNavigationEntryData>& GetReplacedEntryData()
bool IsRestored() override;
std::string GetExtraHeaders() override;
void AddExtraHeaders(const std::string& extra_headers) override;
// Creates a copy of this NavigationEntryImpl that can be modified
// independently from the original. Does not copy any value that would be
// cleared in ResetForCommit. Unlike |CloneAndReplace|, this does not check
// whether the subframe history items are for frames that are still in the
// current page.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> Clone() const;
// Like |Clone|, but replaces the FrameNavigationEntry corresponding to
// |target_frame_tree_node| with |frame_entry|, clearing all of its children
// unless |clone_children_of_target| is true. This function omits any
// subframe history items that do not correspond to frames actually in the
// current page, using |root_frame_tree_node| (if present).
// TODO(creis): Once we start sharing FrameNavigationEntries between
// NavigationEntryImpls, we will need to support two versions of Clone: one
// that shares the existing FrameNavigationEntries (for use within the same
// tab) and one that draws them from a different pool (for use in a new tab).
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> CloneAndReplace(
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry,
bool clone_children_of_target,
FrameTreeNode* target_frame_tree_node,
FrameTreeNode* root_frame_tree_node) const;
// Helper functions to construct NavigationParameters for a navigation to this
// NavigationEntry.
CommonNavigationParams ConstructCommonNavigationParams(
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& post_body,
const GURL& dest_url,
const Referrer& dest_referrer,
FrameMsg_Navigate_Type::Value navigation_type,
PreviewsState previews_state,
base::TimeTicks navigation_start,
base::TimeTicks input_start);
CommitNavigationParams ConstructCommitNavigationParams(
const FrameNavigationEntry& frame_entry,
const GURL& original_url,
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& origin_to_commit,
const std::string& original_method,
bool is_history_navigation_in_new_child,
const std::map<std::string, bool>& subframe_unique_names,
bool intended_as_new_entry,
int pending_offset_to_send,
int current_offset_to_send,
int current_length_to_send);
// Once a navigation entry is committed, we should no longer track several
// pieces of non-persisted state, as documented on the members below.
// |frame_entry| is the FrameNavigationEntry for the frame that committed
// the navigation. It can be null.
void ResetForCommit(FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry);
// Exposes the tree of FrameNavigationEntries that make up this joint session
// history item.
// In default Chrome, this tree only has a root node with an unshared
// FrameNavigationEntry. Subframes are only added to the tree if the
// --site-per-process flag is passed.
TreeNode* root_node() const {
return frame_tree_.get();
// Finds the TreeNode associated with |frame_tree_node|, if any.
NavigationEntryImpl::TreeNode* GetTreeNode(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const;
// Finds the TreeNode associated with |frame_tree_node_id| to add or update
// its FrameNavigationEntry. A new FrameNavigationEntry is added if none
// exists, or else the existing one (which might be shared with other
// NavigationEntries) is updated with the given parameters.
// Does nothing if there is no entry already and |url| is about:blank, since
// that does not count as a real commit.
void AddOrUpdateFrameEntry(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
int64_t item_sequence_number,
int64_t document_sequence_number,
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance,
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> source_site_instance,
const GURL& url,
const base::Optional<url::Origin>& origin,
const Referrer& referrer,
const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain,
const PageState& page_state,
const std::string& method,
int64_t post_id,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory);
// Returns the FrameNavigationEntry corresponding to |frame_tree_node|, if
// there is one in this NavigationEntry.
FrameNavigationEntry* GetFrameEntry(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const;
// Returns a map of frame unique names to |is_about_blank| for immediate
// children of the TreeNode associated with |frame_tree_node|. The renderer
// process will use this list of names to know whether to ask the browser
// process for a history item when new subframes are created during a
// back/forward navigation. (|is_about_blank| can be used to skip the request
// if the frame's default URL is about:blank and the history item would be a
// no-op. See
// TODO(creis): Send a data structure that also contains all corresponding
// same-process PageStates for the whole subtree, so that the renderer process
// only needs to ask the browser process to handle the cross-process cases.
// See
std::map<std::string, bool> GetSubframeUniqueNames(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node) const;
// Removes any subframe FrameNavigationEntries that match the unique name of
// |frame_tree_node|, and all of their children. There should be at most one,
// since collisions are avoided but leave old FrameNavigationEntries in the
// tree after their frame has been detached.
// If |only_if_different_position| is specified, then the removal is only
// done if the found FNE is in a different tree position than the
// |frame_tree_node|.
void RemoveEntryForFrame(FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
bool only_if_different_position);
void set_unique_id(int unique_id) {
unique_id_ = unique_id;
void set_started_from_context_menu(bool started_from_context_menu) {
started_from_context_menu_ = started_from_context_menu;
bool has_started_from_context_menu() const {
return started_from_context_menu_;
// The SiteInstance represents which pages must share processes. This is a
// reference counted pointer to a shared SiteInstance.
// Note that the SiteInstance should usually not be changed after it is set,
// but this may happen if the NavigationEntry was cloned and needs to use a
// different SiteInstance.
void set_site_instance(scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> site_instance);
SiteInstanceImpl* site_instance() const {
return frame_tree_->frame_entry->site_instance();
// The |source_site_instance| is used to identify the SiteInstance of the
// frame that initiated the navigation. It is set on the
// FrameNavigationEntry for the main frame.
void set_source_site_instance(
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> source_site_instance) {
// Remember the set of bindings granted to this NavigationEntry at the time
// of commit, to ensure that we do not grant it additional bindings if we
// navigate back to it in the future. This can only be changed once.
void SetBindings(int bindings);
int bindings() const {
return bindings_;
void set_page_type(PageType page_type) {
page_type_ = page_type;
bool has_virtual_url() const {
return !virtual_url_.is_empty();
bool update_virtual_url_with_url() const {
return update_virtual_url_with_url_;
void set_update_virtual_url_with_url(bool update) {
update_virtual_url_with_url_ = update;
// Extra headers (separated by \r\n) to send during the request.
void set_extra_headers(const std::string& extra_headers) {
extra_headers_ = extra_headers;
const std::string& extra_headers() const {
return extra_headers_;
// Whether this (pending) navigation is renderer-initiated. Resets to false
// for all types of navigations after commit.
void set_is_renderer_initiated(bool is_renderer_initiated) {
is_renderer_initiated_ = is_renderer_initiated;
bool is_renderer_initiated() const {
return is_renderer_initiated_;
void set_user_typed_url(const GURL& user_typed_url) {
user_typed_url_ = user_typed_url;
// The RestoreType for this entry. This is set if the entry was retored. This
// is set to RestoreType::NONE once the entry is loaded.
void set_restore_type(RestoreType type) {
restore_type_ = type;
RestoreType restore_type() const {
return restore_type_;
// The ReloadType for this entry. This is set when a reload is requested.
// This is set to ReloadType::NONE if the entry isn't for a reload, or once
// the entry is loaded.
void set_reload_type(ReloadType type) { reload_type_ = type; }
ReloadType reload_type() const { return reload_type_; }
// Whether this (pending) navigation needs to replace current entry.
// Resets to false after commit.
bool should_replace_entry() const {
return should_replace_entry_;
void set_should_replace_entry(bool should_replace_entry) {
should_replace_entry_ = should_replace_entry;
// Whether this (pending) navigation should clear the session history. Resets
// to false after commit.
bool should_clear_history_list() const {
return should_clear_history_list_;
void set_should_clear_history_list(bool should_clear_history_list) {
should_clear_history_list_ = should_clear_history_list;
// Indicates which FrameTreeNode to navigate. Currently only used if the
// --site-per-process flag is passed.
int frame_tree_node_id() const {
return frame_tree_node_id_;
void set_frame_tree_node_id(int frame_tree_node_id) {
frame_tree_node_id_ = frame_tree_node_id;
// Returns the history URL for a data URL to use in Blink.
GURL GetHistoryURLForDataURL();
// These flags are set when the navigation controller gets notified of an SSL
// error while a navigation is pending.
void set_ssl_error(bool error) { ssl_error_ = error; }
bool ssl_error() const { return ssl_error_; }
bool has_user_gesture() const {
return has_user_gesture_;
void set_has_user_gesture(bool has_user_gesture) {
has_user_gesture_ = has_user_gesture;
// Stores a record of the what was committed in this NavigationEntry's main
// frame before it was replaced (e.g. by history.replaceState()).
void set_replaced_entry_data(const ReplacedNavigationEntryData& data) {
replaced_entry_data_ = data;
// See comment for should_skip_on_back_forward_ui_.
bool should_skip_on_back_forward_ui() const {
return should_skip_on_back_forward_ui_;
void set_should_skip_on_back_forward_ui(bool should_skip) {
should_skip_on_back_forward_ui_ = should_skip;
// Session/Tab restore save portions of this class so that it can be recreated
// later. If you add a new field that needs to be persisted you'll have to
// update SessionService/TabRestoreService and Android WebView
// appropriately.
// For all new fields, update |Clone| and possibly |ResetForCommit|.
// Tree of FrameNavigationEntries, one for each frame on the page.
// TODO(creis): Once FrameNavigationEntries can be shared across multiple
// NavigationEntries, we will need to update Session/Tab restore. For now,
// each NavigationEntry's tree has its own unshared FrameNavigationEntries.
std::unique_ptr<TreeNode> frame_tree_;
// See the accessors above for descriptions.
int unique_id_;
// TODO(creis): Persist bindings_.
int bindings_;
PageType page_type_;
GURL virtual_url_;
bool update_virtual_url_with_url_;
base::string16 title_;
FaviconStatus favicon_;
SSLStatus ssl_;
ui::PageTransition transition_type_;
GURL user_typed_url_;
RestoreType restore_type_;
GURL original_request_url_;
bool is_overriding_user_agent_;
base::Time timestamp_;
int http_status_code_;
// This member is not persisted with session restore because it is transient.
// If the post request succeeds, this field is cleared since the same
// information is stored in PageState. It is also only shallow copied with
// compiler provided copy constructor. Cleared in |ResetForCommit|.
scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody> post_data_;
// This member is not persisted with session restore.
std::string extra_headers_;
// Used for specifying base URL for pages loaded via data URLs. Only used and
// persisted by Android WebView.
GURL base_url_for_data_url_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Used for passing really big data URLs from browser to renderers. Only used
// and persisted by Android WebView.
scoped_refptr<const base::RefCountedString> data_url_as_string_;
// Whether the entry, while loading, was created for a renderer-initiated
// navigation. This dictates whether the URL should be displayed before the
// navigation commits. It is cleared in |ResetForCommit| and not persisted.
bool is_renderer_initiated_;
// This is a cached version of the result of GetTitleForDisplay. It prevents
// us from having to do URL formatting on the URL every time the title is
// displayed. When the URL, virtual URL, or title is set, this should be
// cleared to force a refresh.
mutable base::string16 cached_display_title_;
// This is set to true when this entry is being reloaded and due to changes in
// the state of the URL, it has to be reloaded in a different site instance.
// In such case, we must treat it as an existing navigation in the new site
// instance, instead of a new navigation. This value should not be persisted
// and is cleared in |ResetForCommit|.
// We also use this flag for cross-process redirect navigations, so that the
// browser will replace the current navigation entry (which is the page
// doing the redirect).
bool should_replace_entry_;
// This is set to true when this entry's navigation should clear the session
// history both on the renderer and browser side. The browser side history
// won't be cleared until the renderer has committed this navigation. This
// entry is not persisted by the session restore system, as it is always
// cleared in |ResetForCommit|.
bool should_clear_history_list_;
// Set when this entry should be able to access local file:// resources. This
// value is not needed after the entry commits and is not persisted.
bool can_load_local_resources_;
// If not -1, this indicates which FrameTreeNode to navigate. This field is
// not persisted because it is experimental and only used when the
// --site-per-process flag is passed. It is cleared in |ResetForCommit|
// because we only use it while the navigation is pending.
// TODO(creis): Move this to FrameNavigationEntry.
int frame_tree_node_id_;
// Whether the URL load carries a user gesture.
bool has_user_gesture_;
// Used to store ReloadType for the entry. This is ReloadType::NONE for
// non-reload navigations. Reset at commit and not persisted.
ReloadType reload_type_;
// Determine if the navigation was started within a context menu.
bool started_from_context_menu_;
// Used to store extra data to support browser features. This member is not
// persisted, unless specific data is taken out/put back in at save/restore
// time (see TabNavigation for an example of this).
std::map<std::string, base::string16> extra_data_;
// Set to true if the navigation controller gets notified about a SSL error
// for a pending navigation. Defaults to false.
bool ssl_error_;
// Stores information about the entry prior to being replaced (e.g.
// history.replaceState()). It is preserved after commit (session sync for
// offline analysis) but should not be persisted. The concept is valid for
// subframe navigations but we only need to track it for main frames, that's
// why the field is listed here.
base::Optional<ReplacedNavigationEntryData> replaced_entry_data_;
// Set to true if this page does a navigation without ever receiving a user
// gesture. If true, it will be skipped on subsequent back/forward button
// clicks. This is to intervene against pages that manipulate the history such
// that the user is not able to go back to the last site they interacted with.
// Navigation here implies both client side redirects and history.pushState
// calls.
// It is always false the first time an entry's navigation is committed and
// is also reset to false if an entry is reused for any subsequent
// navigations.
// TODO(shivanisha): Persist this field once the intervention is stable.
bool should_skip_on_back_forward_ui_;
} // namespace content