blob: ee4550284ba70036b81461365ec27c3160022adc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
namespace content {
struct HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer;
class ServiceWorkerResponseReader;
class ServiceWorkerResponseWriter;
// This class is responsible for possibly updating the ServiceWorker script
// cache for an installed ServiceWorker main script. If there is no existing
// cache entry, this class always writes supplied data back to the cache; if
// there is an existing cache entry, this class only writes supplied data back
// if there is a cache mismatch.
// Note that writes done by this class cannot be "short" - ie, if they succeed,
// they always write all the supplied data back. Therefore completions are
// signalled with net::Error without a count of bytes written.
// This class's behavior is modelled as a state machine; see the DoLoop function
// for comments about this.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerCacheWriter {
using OnWriteCompleteCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(net::Error)>;
// Create a cache writer instance that copies a script already in storage. The
// script is read by |copy_reader|.
static std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerCacheWriter> CreateForCopy(
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> copy_reader,
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter> writer);
// Create a cache writer instance that unconditionally write back data
// supplied to |MaybeWriteHeaders| and |MaybeWriteData| to storage.
static std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerCacheWriter> CreateForWriteBack(
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter> writer);
// Create a cache writer that compares between a script in storage and data
// from network (supplied with |MaybeWriteHeaders| and |MaybeWriteData|).
// Nothing would be written to storage if it compares to be identical.
// When |pause_when_not_identical| is true and the cache writer detects a
// difference between bodies from the network and from the storage, the
// comparison stops immediately and the cache writer is paused and returns
// net::ERR_IO_PENDING, with nothing written to the storage. It can be
// resumed later. If |pause_when_not_identical| is false, and the data is
// different, it would be written to storage directly. |copy_reader| is used
// for copying identical data blocks during writing.
static std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerCacheWriter> CreateForComparison(
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> compare_reader,
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> copy_reader,
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter> writer,
bool pause_when_not_identical);
// Writes the supplied |headers| back to the cache. Returns ERR_IO_PENDING if
// the write will complete asynchronously, in which case |callback| will be
// called when it completes. Otherwise, returns a code other than
// ERR_IO_PENDING and does not invoke |callback|. Note that this method will
// not necessarily write data back to the cache if the incoming data is
// equivalent to the existing cached data. See the source of this function for
// details about how this function drives the state machine.
net::Error MaybeWriteHeaders(HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* headers,
OnWriteCompleteCallback callback);
// Writes the supplied body data |data| back to the cache. Returns
// ERR_IO_PENDING if the write will complete asynchronously, in which case
// |callback| will be called when it completes. Otherwise, returns a code
// other than ERR_IO_PENDING and does not invoke |callback|. Note that this
// method will not necessarily write data back to the cache if the incoming
// data is equivalent to the existing cached data. See the source of this
// function for details about how this function drives the state machine.
net::Error MaybeWriteData(net::IOBuffer* buf,
size_t buf_size,
OnWriteCompleteCallback callback);
// Returns a count of bytes written back to the cache.
size_t bytes_written() const { return bytes_written_; }
bool did_replace() const { return did_replace_; }
bool is_pausing() const { return state_ == STATE_PAUSING; }
// Resumes a cache writer which were paused when a block of data from the
// network wasn't identical to the data in the storage. It is valid to call
// this method only when |pause_when_not_identical| is true in the constructor
// and |state_| is STATE_PAUSING.
net::Error Resume(OnWriteCompleteCallback callback);
// Start to copy a script in storage to a new position. |callback| is
// called when the work is done. This is used when an installed script
// is used by a new service worker with no content change, thus downloading
// could be avoided.
net::Error StartCopy(OnWriteCompleteCallback callback);
// Returns true when the cache writer is created by CreateForCopy().
bool IsCopying() const;
// States for the state machine.
// The state machine flows roughly like this: if there is no existing cache
// entry, incoming headers and data are written directly back to the cache
// ("passthrough mode", the PASSTHROUGH states). If there is an existing cache
// entry, incoming headers and data are compared to the existing cache entry
// ("compare mode", the COMPARE states); if at any point the incoming
// headers/data are not equal to the cached headers/data, this class copies
// the cached data up to the point where the incoming data and the cached data
// diverged ("copy mode", the COPY states), then switches to "passthrough
// mode" to write the remainder of the incoming data. The overall effect is to
// avoid rewriting the cache entry if the incoming data is identical to the
// cached data.
// Note that after a call to MaybeWriteHeaders or MaybeWriteData completes,
// the machine is always in STATE_DONE, indicating that the call is finished;
// those methods are responsible for setting a new initial state.
enum State {
// Control flows linearly through these four states, then loops from
// The cache writer is paused because the network data wasn't identical with
// the stored data, and |pause_when_not_identical| is true.
// Control flows linearly through these states, with each pass from
// READ_DATA_FOR_COPY to WRITE_DATA_FOR_COPY_DONE copying one block of data
// at a time. Control loops from WRITE_DATA_FOR_COPY_DONE back to
// READ_DATA_FOR_COPY if there is more data to copy. If there is no more
// data, it exits to WRITE_DATA_FOR_PASSTHROUGH in case IsCopying()
// returns false or exits to DONE in case IsCopying() returns true.
// Control flows linearly through these states, with a loop between
// This state means "done with the current call; ready for another one."
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> compare_reader,
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> copy_reader,
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter> writer,
bool pause_when_not_identical);
// Drives this class's state machine. This function steps the state machine
// until one of:
// a) One of the state functions returns an error
// b) The state machine reaches STATE_DONE
// A successful value (net::OK or greater) indicates that the requested
// operation completed synchronously. A return value of ERR_IO_PENDING
// indicates that some step had to submit asynchronous IO for later
// completion, and the state machine will resume running (via AsyncDoLoop)
// when that asynchronous IO completes. Any other return value indicates that
// the requested operation failed synchronously.
int DoLoop(int result);
// State handlers. See function comments in the corresponding source file for
// details on these.
int DoStart(int result);
int DoReadHeadersForCompare(int result);
int DoReadHeadersForCompareDone(int result);
int DoReadDataForCompare(int result);
int DoReadDataForCompareDone(int result);
int DoReadHeadersForCopy(int result);
int DoReadHeadersForCopyDone(int result);
int DoWriteHeadersForCopy(int result);
int DoWriteHeadersForCopyDone(int result);
int DoReadDataForCopy(int result);
int DoReadDataForCopyDone(int result);
int DoWriteDataForCopy(int result);
int DoWriteDataForCopyDone(int result);
int DoWriteHeadersForPassthrough(int result);
int DoWriteHeadersForPassthroughDone(int result);
int DoWriteDataForPassthrough(int result);
int DoWriteDataForPassthroughDone(int result);
int DoDone(int result);
// Wrappers for asynchronous calls. These are responsible for scheduling a
// callback to drive the state machine if needed. These either:
// a) Return ERR_IO_PENDING, and schedule a callback to run the state
// machine's Run() later, or
// b) Return some other value and do not schedule a callback.
int ReadInfoHelper(const std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader>& reader,
HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* buf);
int ReadDataHelper(const std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader>& reader,
net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len);
int WriteInfoHelper(
const std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter>& writer,
HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer* buf);
int WriteDataHelper(
const std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter>& writer,
net::IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_len);
// Callback used by the above helpers for their IO operations. This is only
// run when those IO operations complete asynchronously, in which case it
// invokes the synchronous DoLoop function and runs the client callback (the
// one passed into MaybeWriteData/MaybeWriteHeaders) if that invocation
// of DoLoop completes synchronously.
void AsyncDoLoop(int result);
State state_;
// Note that this variable is only used for assertions; it reflects "state !=
// DONE && not in synchronous DoLoop".
bool io_pending_;
bool comparing_;
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> headers_to_read_;
scoped_refptr<HttpResponseInfoIOBuffer> headers_to_write_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> data_to_read_;
int len_to_read_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> data_to_copy_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> data_to_write_;
int len_to_write_;
OnWriteCompleteCallback pending_callback_;
size_t cached_length_;
// The amount of data from the network (|data_to_write_|) which has already
// been compared with data from storage (|data_to_read_|). This is
// initialized to 0 for every new arrival of network data.
size_t compare_offset_;
// Count of bytes which has been read from the network for comparison, and
// known as identical with the stored scripts. It is incremented only when a
// full block of network data is compared, to avoid having to use only
// fragments of the buffered network data.
size_t bytes_compared_;
// Count of bytes copied from |copy_reader_| to |writer_|.
size_t bytes_copied_;
// Count of bytes written back to |writer_|.
size_t bytes_written_;
bool did_replace_ = false;
// When the cache writer finds any differences between bodies from the network
// and from the storage, and the |pause_when_not_identical_| is true, the
// cache writer pauses immediately.
const bool pause_when_not_identical_;
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> compare_reader_;
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseReader> copy_reader_;
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerResponseWriter> writer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ServiceWorkerCacheWriter> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content