blob: 284cb46bae0aa4090332c6c31032c78872549562 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/login/configuration_keys.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace configuration {
// Configuration keys that are used to automate OOBE screens go here.
// Please keep keys grouped by screens and ordered according to OOBE flow.
// All keys should be listed here, even if they are used in JS code only.
// These keys are used in chrome/browser/resources/chromeos/login/oobe_types.js
// == HID Detection screen:
// Boolean value indicating if we should skip HID detection screen altogether.
const char kSkipHIDDetection[] = "skipHIDDetection";
// == Welcome screen:
// Boolean value indicating if "Next" button on welcome screen is pressed
// automatically.
const char kWelcomeNext[] = "welcomeNext";
// String value that contains preferred input method.
const char kInputMethod[] = "inputMethod";
// String value that contains preferred input method.
const char kLanguage[] = "language";
// Boolean value indicating if device should automatically run the demo mode
// setup flow.
const char kEnableDemoMode[] = "enableDemoMode";
// == Demo mode preferences:
// Boolean value indicating if "Ok" button on Demo mode prefs screen is pressed
// automatically.
const char kDemoModePreferencesNext[] = "demoPreferencesNext";
// == Network screen:
// String value specifying GUID of the network that would be automatically
// selected.
const char kNetworkSelectGUID[] = "networkSelectGuid";
// Boolean value indicating if "Offline demo mode" should be automatically
// selected.
const char kNetworkOfflineDemo[] = "networkOfflineDemo";
// Boolean value specifying that the first connected network would be
// selected automatically.
const char kNetworkUseConnected[] = "networkUseConnected";
// == EULA screen:
// Boolean value indicating if device should send usage statistics.
const char kEULASendUsageStatistics[] = "eulaSendStatistics";
// Boolean value indicating if the EULA is automatically accepted.
const char kEULAAutoAccept[] = "eulaAutoAccept";
// ARC++ TOS screen:
// Boolean value indicating if ARC++ Terms of service should be accepted
// automatically.
const char kArcTosAutoAccept[] = "arcTosAutoAccept";
// == Update screen:
// Boolean value, indicating that all non-critical updates should be skipped.
const char kUpdateSkipUpdate[] = "updateSkipNonCritical";
// == Wizard controller:
// Boolean value, controls if WizardController should automatically start
// enrollment at appropriate moment.
const char kWizardAutoEnroll[] = "wizardAutoEnroll";
// String value, containing device requisition parameter.
const char kDeviceRequisition[] = "deviceRequisition";
// == Enrollment screen
// Boolean value, indicates that device is actually enrolled, so we only need
// to perform specific enrollment-time actions (e.g. create robot accounts).
const char kRestoreAfterRollback[] = "enrollmentRestoreAfterRollback";
// String value containing an enrollment token that would be used during
// enrollment to identify organization device is enrolled into.
const char kEnrollmentToken[] = "enrollmentToken";
// String value indicating which license type should automatically be used if
// license selection is done on a client side.
const char kEnrollmentLicenseType[] = "enrollmentLicenseType";
// String value indicating what value would be propagated to Asset ID field
// on Device Attributes step.
const char kEnrollmentAssetId[] = "enrollmentAssetId";
// String value indicating what value would be propagated to Location field
// on Device Attributes step.
const char kEnrollmentLocation[] = "enrollmentLocation";
// Boolean value, controls if device attributes step should proceed with preset
// values.
const char kEnrollmentAutoAttributes[] = "enrollmentAutoAttributes";
using ValueType = base::Value::Type;
constexpr struct {
const char* key;
ValueType type;
ConfigurationHandlerSide side;
} kAllConfigurationKeys[] = {
{kSkipHIDDetection, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kWelcomeNext, ValueType::BOOLEAN, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_JS},
{kLanguage, ValueType::STRING, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_JS},
{kInputMethod, ValueType::STRING, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_JS},
{kNetworkSelectGUID, ValueType::STRING,
{kNetworkUseConnected, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kEULASendUsageStatistics, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kEULAAutoAccept, ValueType::BOOLEAN, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_JS},
{kUpdateSkipUpdate, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kWizardAutoEnroll, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kRestoreAfterRollback, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kDeviceRequisition, ValueType::STRING,
{kEnrollmentToken, ValueType::STRING,
{kEnrollmentLicenseType, ValueType::STRING,
{kEnrollmentLocation, ValueType::STRING,
{kEnrollmentLocation, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kEnableDemoMode, ValueType::BOOLEAN, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_JS},
{kDemoModePreferencesNext, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kNetworkOfflineDemo, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{kArcTosAutoAccept, ValueType::BOOLEAN,
{"desc", ValueType::STRING, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_DOC},
{"testValue", ValueType::STRING, ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_BOTH},
bool ValidateConfiguration(const base::Value& configuration) {
if (configuration.type() != ValueType::DICTIONARY) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Configuration should be a dictionary";
return false;
base::Value clone = configuration.Clone();
bool valid = true;
for (const auto& key : kAllConfigurationKeys) {
auto* value = clone.FindKey(key.key);
if (value) {
if (value->type() != key.type) {
valid = false;
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid configuration: key " << key.key
<< " type is invalid";
for (const auto& item : clone.DictItems())
LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown configuration key " << item.first;
return valid;
void FilterConfiguration(const base::Value& configuration,
ConfigurationHandlerSide side,
base::Value& filtered_result) {
DCHECK(side == ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_CPP ||
side == ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_JS);
for (const auto& key : kAllConfigurationKeys) {
if (key.side == side ||
key.side == ConfigurationHandlerSide::HANDLER_BOTH) {
auto* value = configuration.FindKey(key.key);
if (value) {
filtered_result.SetKey(key.key, value->Clone());
} // namespace configuration
} // namespace chromeos