blob: 4ef79349bef9083a98c2a3e2496efe12454c8717 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/multi_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/sync_test.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/session_types.h"
#include "components/sync/syncable/nigori_util.h"
#include "components/sync_sessions/synced_session.h"
class GURL;
namespace sessions_helper {
using SyncedSessionVector = std::vector<const sync_sessions::SyncedSession*>;
using SessionWindowMap =
std::map<SessionID, sync_sessions::SyncedSessionWindow*>;
using ScopedWindowMap =
std::map<SessionID, std::unique_ptr<sync_sessions::SyncedSessionWindow>>;
// Copies the local session windows of profile at |index| to |local_windows|.
// Returns true if successful.
bool GetLocalWindows(int browser_index, ScopedWindowMap* local_windows);
// Checks that window count and foreign session count are 0.
bool CheckInitialState(int browser_index);
// Returns number of open windows for a profile.
int GetNumWindows(int browser_index);
// Returns number of foreign sessions for a profile.
int GetNumForeignSessions(int browser_index);
// Fills the sessions vector with the SyncableService's foreign session data.
// Caller owns |sessions|, but not SyncedSessions objects within.
// Returns true if foreign sessions were found, false otherwise.
bool GetSessionData(int browser_index, SyncedSessionVector* sessions);
// Compares a foreign session based on the first session window.
// Returns true based on the comparison of the session windows.
bool CompareSyncedSessions(const sync_sessions::SyncedSession* lhs,
const sync_sessions::SyncedSession* rhs);
// Sort a SyncedSession vector using our custom SyncedSession comparator.
void SortSyncedSessions(SyncedSessionVector* sessions);
// Compares two tab navigations base on the parameters we sync.
// (Namely, we don't sync state or type mask)
bool NavigationEquals(const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry& expected,
const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry& actual);
// Verifies that two SessionWindows match.
// Returns:
// - true if all the following match:
// 1. number of SessionWindows,
// 2. number of tabs per SessionWindow,
// 3. number of tab navigations per tab,
// 4. actual tab navigations contents
// - false otherwise.
bool WindowsMatch(const ScopedWindowMap& win1, const ScopedWindowMap& win2);
bool WindowsMatch(const SessionWindowMap& win1, const ScopedWindowMap& win2);
// Retrieves the foreign sessions for a particular profile and compares them
// with a reference SessionWindow list.
// Returns true if the session windows of the foreign session matches the
// reference.
bool CheckForeignSessionsAgainst(int browser_index,
const std::vector<ScopedWindowMap>& windows);
// Opens (appends) a single tab in the browser at |index| and block until the
// sessions bridge is aware of it. Returns true upon success, false otherwise.
bool OpenTab(int browser_index, const GURL& url);
// See OpenTab, except that the tab is opened in position |tab_index|.
// If |tab_index| is -1 or greater than the number of tabs, the tab will be
// appended to the end of the strip. i.e. if tab_index is 3 for a tab strip of
// size 1, the new tab will be in position 1.
bool OpenTabAtIndex(int browser_index, int tab_index, const GURL& url);
// Like OpenTab, but opens |url| from the tab at |index_of_source_tab| using
// |disposition|.
bool OpenTabFromSourceIndex(int browser_index,
int index_of_source_tab,
const GURL& url,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition);
// Opens multiple tabs and blocks until the sessions bridge is aware of all of
// them. Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool OpenMultipleTabs(int browser_index, const std::vector<GURL>& urls);
// Closes the tab |tab_index| in the browser at |index|.
void CloseTab(int browser_index, int tab_index);
// Moves the tab in position |tab_index| in the TabStrip for browser at
// |from_browser_index| to the TabStrip for browser at |to_browser_index|.
void MoveTab(int from_browser_index, int to_browser_index, int tab_index);
// Navigate the active tab for browser in position |index| to the given
// URL.
void NavigateTab(int browser_index, const GURL& url);
// Navigate the active tab for browser in position |index| back by one;
// if this isn't possible, does nothing
void NavigateTabBack(int browser_index);
// Navigate the active tab for browser in position |index| forward by
// one; if this isn't possible, does nothing
void NavigateTabForward(int browser_index);
// Runs Javascript within a specified tab.
bool ExecJs(int browser_index, int tab_index, const std::string& script);
// Wait for a session change to |web_contents| to propagate to the model
// associator. Will return true once |url| has been found, or false if it times
// out while waiting.
bool WaitForTabToLoad(int browser_index,
const GURL& url,
content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Wait for each url in |urls| to load. The ordering of |urls| is assumed to
// match the ordering of the corresponding tabs.
bool WaitForTabsToLoad(int browser_index, const std::vector<GURL>& urls);
// Stores a pointer to the local session for a given profile in |session|.
// Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool GetLocalSession(int browser_index,
const sync_sessions::SyncedSession** session);
// Deletes the foreign session with tag |session_tag| from the profile specified
// by |index|. This will affect all synced clients.
// Note: We pass the session_tag in by value to ensure it's not a reference
// to the session tag within the SyncedSession we plan to delete.
void DeleteForeignSession(int browser_index, std::string session_tag);
} // namespace sessions_helper
// Checker to block until the foreign sessions for a particular profile matches
// the reference windows.
class ForeignSessionsMatchChecker : public MultiClientStatusChangeChecker {
int browser_index,
const std::vector<sessions_helper::ScopedWindowMap>& windows);
// StatusChangeChecker implementation.
bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() override;
std::string GetDebugMessage() const override;
int browser_index_;
const std::vector<sessions_helper::ScopedWindowMap>& windows_;