blob: e30f9f7b035ce637536ea9e0f1d2c38ddf59cf87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/multi_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/single_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace typed_urls_helper {
// Gets the typed URLs from a specific sync profile.
history::URLRows GetTypedUrlsFromClient(int index);
// Gets a specific url from a specific sync profile. Returns false if the URL
// was not found in the history DB.
bool GetUrlFromClient(int index, const GURL& url, history::URLRow* row);
// Gets the visits for a URL from a specific sync profile.
history::VisitVector GetVisitsFromClient(int index, history::URLID id);
// Gets the visits for a URL from a specific sync profile. Like above, but
// takes a GURL instead of URLID. Returns empty vector if |url| is not returned
// by GetUrlFromClient().
history::VisitVector GetVisitsForURLFromClient(int index, const GURL& url);
// Removes the passed |visits| from a specific sync profile.
void RemoveVisitsFromClient(int index, const history::VisitVector& visits);
// Adds a URL to the history DB for a specific sync profile (just registers a
// new visit if the URL already exists) using a TYPED PageTransition.
void AddUrlToHistory(int index, const GURL& url);
// Adds a URL to the history DB for a specific sync profile (just registers a
// new visit if the URL already exists), using the passed PageTransition.
void AddUrlToHistoryWithTransition(int index,
const GURL& url,
ui::PageTransition transition,
history::VisitSource source);
// Adds a URL to the history DB for a specific sync profile (just registers a
// new visit if the URL already exists), using the passed PageTransition and
// timestamp.
void AddUrlToHistoryWithTimestamp(int index,
const GURL& url,
ui::PageTransition transition,
history::VisitSource source,
const base::Time& timestamp);
// Expires all visits before |end_time| from the History DB for the sync profile
// at |index|. This mimicks the automatic expiration of old history.
void ExpireHistoryBefore(int index, base::Time end_time);
// Expires all visits between |begin_time| and |end_time|. This mimicks explicit
// removal of browsing data by the user.
void ExpireHistoryBetween(int index,
base::Time begin_time,
base::Time end_time);
// Deletes a URL from the history DB for a specific sync profile.
void DeleteUrlFromHistory(int index, const GURL& url);
// Deletes a list of URLs from the history DB for a specific sync
// profile.
void DeleteUrlsFromHistory(int index, const std::vector<GURL>& urls);
// Modifies an URL stored in history by setting a new title.
void SetPageTitle(int index, const GURL& url, const std::string& title);
// Returns true if all clients have the same typed URLs.
bool CheckAllProfilesHaveSameTypedURLs();
// Return true if there is sync metadata for the given typed |url| in the given
// sync profile.
bool CheckSyncHasURLMetadata(int index, const GURL& url);
// Return true if there is sync metadata for typed url with |url_id| in the
// given sync profile.
bool CheckSyncHasMetadataForURLID(int index, history::URLID url_id);
// Checks that the two vectors contain the same set of URLRows (possibly in
// a different order) w.r.t. typed URL sync.
bool CheckURLRowVectorsAreEqualForTypedURLs(const history::URLRows& left,
const history::URLRows& right);
// Checks that the passed URLRows are equivalent w.r.t. typed URL sync.
bool CheckURLRowsAreEqualForTypedURLs(const history::URLRow& left,
const history::URLRow& right);
// Returns true if two sets of visits are equivalent.
bool AreVisitsEqual(const history::VisitVector& visit1,
const history::VisitVector& visit2);
// Returns true if there are no duplicate visit times.
bool AreVisitsUnique(const history::VisitVector& visits);
// Returns a unique timestamp to use when generating page visits
// (HistoryService does not like having identical timestamps and will modify
// the timestamps behind the scenes if it encounters them, which leads to
// spurious test failures when the resulting timestamps aren't what we
// expect).
base::Time GetTimestamp();
} // namespace typed_urls_helper
// Checker that blocks until all clients have the same Typed URLs.
class ProfilesHaveSameTypedURLsChecker : public MultiClientStatusChangeChecker {
// Implementation of StatusChangeChecker.
bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() override;
std::string GetDebugMessage() const override;
class TypedURLChecker : public SingleClientStatusChangeChecker {
TypedURLChecker(int index, const std::string& url);
~TypedURLChecker() override;
// StatusChangeChecker implementation
bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() override;
std::string GetDebugMessage() const override;
int index_;
const std::string url_;