blob: 346d264f553e813512f69fbe805e4a1919bce850 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/vr/elements/repositioner.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/pose_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/vr/ui_scene_constants.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/angle_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/quaternion.h"
namespace vr {
namespace {
constexpr float kDragThresholdDegrees = 3.0f;
constexpr float kHeadUpTransitionStartDegrees = 60.0f;
constexpr float kHeadUpTransitionEndDegrees = 30.0f;
constexpr gfx::Vector3dF kUp = {0, 1, 0};
gfx::Vector3dF GetEffectiveUpVector(const gfx::Vector3dF& forward,
const gfx::Vector3dF& head_forward,
const gfx::Vector3dF& right,
const gfx::Vector3dF& head_up) {
float degrees_from_up =
std::min(gfx::AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(forward, kUp),
gfx::AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(head_forward, kUp));
if (degrees_from_up < kHeadUpTransitionEndDegrees)
return head_up;
if (degrees_from_up > kHeadUpTransitionStartDegrees)
return kUp;
gfx::Quaternion q(kUp, head_up);
q = gfx::Quaternion().Slerp(
q, (kHeadUpTransitionStartDegrees - degrees_from_up) /
(kHeadUpTransitionStartDegrees - kHeadUpTransitionEndDegrees));
gfx::Vector3dF interpolated_up = kUp;
return interpolated_up;
} // namespace
Repositioner::Repositioner() = default;
Repositioner::~Repositioner() = default;
bool Repositioner::ShouldUpdateWorldSpaceTransform(
bool parent_transform_changed) const {
return true;
gfx::Transform Repositioner::LocalTransform() const {
return transform_;
gfx::Transform Repositioner::GetTargetLocalTransform() const {
return transform_;
void Repositioner::SetEnabled(bool enabled) {
enabled_ = enabled;
if (enabled) {
initial_transform_ = transform_;
initial_laser_direction_ = laser_direction_;
has_moved_beyond_threshold_ = false;
void Repositioner::Reset() {
reset_yaw_ = true;
void Repositioner::UpdateTransform(const gfx::Transform& head_pose) {
gfx::Vector3dF head_up = vr::GetUpVector(head_pose);
gfx::Vector3dF head_forward = vr::GetForwardVector(head_pose);
if (reset_yaw_) {
gfx::Vector3dF current_right = {1, 0, 0};
gfx::Transform(gfx::Quaternion(current_right, {1, 0, 0})));
} else {
transform_ = initial_transform_;
gfx::Quaternion(initial_laser_direction_, laser_direction_)));
gfx::Vector3dF new_right = {1, 0, 0};
gfx::Vector3dF forward = {0, 0, -1};
gfx::Vector3dF new_forward = forward;
new_forward = forward;
// Finally we have to correct the roll. I.e., we want to rotate the content
// window so that it's oriented "up" and we want to favor world up when we're
// near the horizon. GetEffectiveUpVector handles producing the up vector we'd
// like to respect.
gfx::Vector3dF up =
GetEffectiveUpVector(new_forward, head_forward, new_right, head_up);
gfx::Vector3dF expected_right = gfx::CrossProduct(new_forward, up);
gfx::Quaternion rotate_to_expected_right(new_right, expected_right);
if (gfx::AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(
initial_laser_direction_, laser_direction_) > kDragThresholdDegrees) {
has_moved_beyond_threshold_ = true;
// Potentially bake our current transform, to avoid situations where
// |laser_direction_| and |initial_laser_direction_| are nearly 180 degrees
// apart causing numeric ambiguity and strange artifacts.
// The reason we do this periodically and not every frame is because of the
// pitch and yaw clamping. Effectively, these "throw away" deltas and this can
// lead to a situation where the controller moves far past one of the clamp
// boundaries (and has no effect), but as soon as it changes direction
// (producing deltas in the other direction), the moves do have an effect.
// This results in the user's controller being pointed in a very odd direction
// to manipulate the window.
if (gfx::AngleBetweenVectorsInDegrees(initial_laser_direction_,
laser_direction_) > 90.0f) {
initial_laser_direction_ = laser_direction_;
initial_transform_ = transform_;
bool Repositioner::OnBeginFrame(const gfx::Transform& head_pose) {
if (enabled_ || reset_yaw_) {
reset_yaw_ = false;
return true;
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void Repositioner::DumpGeometry(std::ostringstream* os) const {
gfx::Transform t = world_space_transform();
gfx::Vector3dF forward = {0, 0, -1};
// Decompose the rotation to world x axis followed by world y axis
float x_rotation = std::asin(forward.y() / forward.Length());
gfx::Vector3dF projected_forward = {forward.x(), 0, forward.z()};
float y_rotation = std::acos(gfx::DotProduct(projected_forward, {0, 0, -1}) /
if (projected_forward.x() > 0.f)
y_rotation *= -1;
*os << "rx(" << gfx::RadToDeg(x_rotation) << ") "
<< "ry(" << gfx::RadToDeg(y_rotation) << ") ";
} // namespace vr