blob: 97d23c52955a7386bc673f3a43a0da2cbcccb0c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
namespace gfx {
// BreakLists manage ordered, non-overlapping, and non-repeating ranged values.
// These may be used to apply ranged colors and styles to text, for an example.
// Each break stores the start position and value of its associated range.
// A solitary break at position 0 applies to the entire space [0, max_).
// |max_| is initially 0 and should be set to match the available ranged space.
// The first break always has position 0, to ensure all positions have a value.
// The value of the terminal break applies to the range [break.first, max_).
// The value of other breaks apply to the range [break.first, (break+1).first).
template <typename T>
class BreakList {
// The break type and const iterator, typedef'ed for convenience.
typedef std::pair<size_t, T> Break;
typedef typename std::vector<Break>::const_iterator const_iterator;
// Initialize a break at position 0 with the default or supplied |value|.
explicit BreakList(T value);
const std::vector<Break>& breaks() const { return breaks_; }
// Clear the breaks and set a break at position 0 with the supplied |value|.
void SetValue(T value);
// Adjust the breaks to apply |value| over the supplied |range|.
void ApplyValue(T value, const Range& range);
// Set the max position and trim any breaks at or beyond that position.
void SetMax(size_t max);
size_t max() const { return max_; }
// Get the break applicable to |position| (at or preceeding |position|).
typename std::vector<Break>::iterator GetBreak(size_t position);
typename std::vector<Break>::const_iterator GetBreak(size_t position) const;
// Get the range of the supplied break; returns the break's start position and
// the next break's start position (or |max_| for the terminal break).
Range GetRange(const typename BreakList<T>::const_iterator& i) const;
// Comparison functions for testing purposes.
bool EqualsValueForTesting(T value) const;
bool EqualsForTesting(const std::vector<Break>& breaks) const;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check for ordered breaks [0, |max_|) with no adjacent equivalent values.
void CheckBreaks();
std::vector<Break> breaks_;
size_t max_;
template<class T>
BreakList<T>::BreakList() : breaks_(1, Break(0, T())), max_(0) {
template<class T>
BreakList<T>::BreakList(T value) : breaks_(1, Break(0, value)), max_(0) {
template<class T>
void BreakList<T>::SetValue(T value) {
breaks_.push_back(Break(0, value));
template<class T>
void BreakList<T>::ApplyValue(T value, const Range& range) {
if (!range.IsValid() || range.is_empty())
DCHECK(Range(0, max_).Contains(range));
// Erase any breaks in |range|, then add start and end breaks as needed.
typename std::vector<Break>::iterator start = GetBreak(range.start());
start += start->first < range.start() ? 1 : 0;
typename std::vector<Break>::iterator end = GetBreak(range.end());
T trailing_value = end->second;
typename std::vector<Break>::iterator i =
start == breaks_.end() ? start : breaks_.erase(start, end + 1);
if (range.start() == 0 || (i - 1)->second != value)
i = breaks_.insert(i, Break(range.start(), value)) + 1;
if (trailing_value != value && range.end() != max_)
breaks_.insert(i, Break(range.end(), trailing_value));
#ifndef NDEBUG
template<class T>
void BreakList<T>::SetMax(size_t max) {
typename std::vector<Break>::iterator i = GetBreak(max);
i += (i == breaks_.begin() || i->first < max) ? 1 : 0;
breaks_.erase(i, breaks_.end());
max_ = max;
#ifndef NDEBUG
template<class T>
typename std::vector<std::pair<size_t, T> >::iterator BreakList<T>::GetBreak(
size_t position) {
typename std::vector<Break>::iterator i = breaks_.end() - 1;
for (; i != breaks_.begin() && i->first > position; --i);
return i;
template<class T>
typename std::vector<std::pair<size_t, T> >::const_iterator
BreakList<T>::GetBreak(size_t position) const {
typename std::vector<Break>::const_iterator i = breaks_.end() - 1;
for (; i != breaks_.begin() && i->first > position; --i);
return i;
template<class T>
Range BreakList<T>::GetRange(
const typename BreakList<T>::const_iterator& i) const {
const typename BreakList<T>::const_iterator next = i + 1;
return Range(i->first, next == breaks_.end() ? max_ : next->first);
template<class T>
bool BreakList<T>::EqualsValueForTesting(T value) const {
return breaks_.size() == 1 && breaks_[0] == Break(0, value);
template<class T>
bool BreakList<T>::EqualsForTesting(const std::vector<Break>& breaks) const {
if (breaks_.size() != breaks.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < breaks.size(); ++i)
if (breaks_[i] != breaks[i])
return false;
return true;
#ifndef NDEBUG
template <class T>
void BreakList<T>::CheckBreaks() {
DCHECK_EQ(breaks_[0].first, 0U) << "The first break must be at position 0.";
for (size_t i = 0; i < breaks_.size() - 1; ++i) {
DCHECK_LT(breaks_[i].first, breaks_[i + 1].first) << "Break out of order.";
DCHECK_NE(breaks_[i].second, breaks_[i + 1].second) << "Redundant break.";
if (max_ > 0)
DCHECK_LT(breaks_.back().first, max_) << "Break beyond max position.";
} // namespace gfx
#endif // UI_GFX_BREAK_LIST_H_