blob: 9f470c7079bf2d22560144abfadf51d6be77cb04 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="assert_selection.js"></script>
function checked_assert_selection(input, command, output) {
try {
assert_selection(input, command, output);
} catch (exception) {
return exception.message;
return 'no exception';
test(() => {
assert_selection('foo', 'noop', 'foo');
assert_selection('|foo', 'noop', '|foo');
assert_selection('f|oo', 'noop', 'f|oo');
assert_selection('foo|', 'noop', 'foo|');
assert_selection('^foo|', 'noop', '^foo|');
assert_selection('f^oo|', 'noop', 'f^oo|');
assert_selection('f^o|o', 'noop', 'f^o|o');
assert_selection('|foo^', 'noop', '|foo^');
selection => selection.modify('extend', 'forward', 'character'),
'f|oo^', 'selection.modify');
'<div contenteditable>^foo|</div>',
'<div contenteditable><b>^foo|</b></div>',
}, 'markers in text');
test(() => {
assert_selection('|<img>', 'noop', '|<img>');
assert_selection('^<img>|', 'noop', '^<img>|');
assert_selection('|<img>^', 'noop', '|<img>^');
assert_selection('<a>|<br></a>', 'noop', '<a>|<br></a>');
assert_selection('<a><img>|</a>', 'noop', '<a><img>|</a>');
assert_selection('<a>^<img>|</a>', 'noop', '<a>^<img>|</a>');
assert_selection('<a>|<img>^</a>', 'noop', '<a>|<img>^</a>');
assert_selection('<a><img>|<img></a>', 'noop', '<a><img>|<img></a>');
assert_selection('<a><img>|<img>^</a>', 'noop', '<a><img>|<img>^</a>');
assert_selection('<a><img>^<img>|</a>', 'noop', '<a><img>^<img>|</a>');
}, 'markers at element');
test(() => {
'|<table><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>', 'noop',
'<table><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>|', 'noop',
'^<table><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>|', 'noop',
'|<table><tr><td>foo</td></tr></table>^', 'noop',
}, 'markers around table');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('fo|o', 'noop', 'fo|o'),
'no exception');
}, 'no marker in output');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('fo|o|', 'noop', 'foo'),
'You should have at least one focus marker "|" in "fo|o|".');
}, 'multiple focus markers in input');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('fo|o', 'noop', '|fo|o'),
'You should have at most one focus marker "|" in "|fo|o".');
}, 'multiple focus markers in output');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('^fo|o^', 'noop', 'foo'),
'You should have at most one anchor marker "^" in "^fo|o^".');
}, 'multiple anchor markers in input');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('fo|o', 'noop', '^fo|o^'),
'You should have at most one anchor marker "^" in "^fo|o^".');
}, 'multiple anchor markers in output');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('^foo', 'noop', 'baz'),
'You should specify caret position in "^foo".');
}, 'anchor marker only in input');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('|foo', 'noop', 'b^az'),
'You should have a focus marker "|" in "b^az".');
}, 'anchor marker only in output');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('^|foo', 'noop', 'baz'),
'You should have focus marker and should not have anchor marker if and only if selection is a caret in "^|foo".');
}, 'anchor == foucs in input');
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('|foo', 'noop', 'b^|az'),
'You should have focus marker and should not have anchor marker if and only if selection is a caret in "b^|az".');
}, 'anchor == foucs in output');
// TODO: It's better to have more powerful diff like
// |CreateUnifiedDiff()| in gtest or "Longest common substring"
test(() => {
assert_equals(checked_assert_selection('foo', 'noop', 'foz'),
`LayoutTests/editing/assert_selection.html:8:9)\n` +
`\t expected foz,\n` +
`\t but got foo,\n` +
`\t sameupto fo`);
}, 'Compare result');