blob: 0213f1fae5102ec7da59ea6b006cd6d8eacff406 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "net/base/x509_certificate.h"
namespace net {
// A collection of SSL-related configuration settings.
struct SSLConfig {
// Default to revocation checking.
// Default to SSL 2.0 off, SSL 3.0 on, and TLS 1.0 on.
: rev_checking_enabled(true), ssl2_enabled(false), ssl3_enabled(true),
tls1_enabled(true), send_client_cert(false), verify_ev_cert(false) {
bool rev_checking_enabled; // True if server certificate revocation
// checking is enabled.
bool ssl2_enabled; // True if SSL 2.0 is enabled.
bool ssl3_enabled; // True if SSL 3.0 is enabled.
bool tls1_enabled; // True if TLS 1.0 is enabled.
// TODO(wtc): move the following members to a new SSLParams structure. They
// are not SSL configuration settings.
struct CertAndStatus {
scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> cert;
int cert_status;
// Returns true if |cert| is one of the certs in |allowed_bad_certs|.
// TODO(wtc): Move this to a .cc file. is Windows
// only right now, so I can't move it there.
bool IsAllowedBadCert(X509Certificate* cert) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < allowed_bad_certs.size(); ++i) {
if (cert == allowed_bad_certs[i].cert)
return true;
return false;
// Add any known-bad SSL certificate (with its cert status) to
// |allowed_bad_certs| that should not trigger an ERR_CERT_* error when
// calling SSLClientSocket::Connect. This would normally be done in
// response to the user explicitly accepting the bad certificate.
std::vector<CertAndStatus> allowed_bad_certs;
// True if we should send client_cert to the server.
bool send_client_cert;
bool verify_ev_cert; // True if we should verify the certificate for EV.
// The list of application level protocols supported. If set, this will
// enable Next Protocol Negotiation (if supported). This is a list of 8-bit
// length prefixed strings. The order of the protocols doesn't matter expect
// for one case: if the server supports Next Protocol Negotiation, but there
// is no overlap between the server's and client's protocol sets, then the
// first protocol in this list will be requested by the client.
std::string next_protos;
scoped_refptr<X509Certificate> client_cert;
// The interface for retrieving the SSL configuration. This interface
// does not cover setting the SSL configuration, as on some systems, the
// SSLConfigService objects may not have direct access to the configuration, or
// live longer than the configuration preferences.
class SSLConfigService : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SSLConfigService> {
// Create an instance of SSLConfigService which retrieves the configuration
// from the system SSL configuration, or an instance of
// SSLConfigServiceDefaults if the current system does not have a system SSL
// configuration. Note: this does not handle SSLConfigService implementations
// that are not native to their platform, such as preference-backed ones.
static SSLConfigService* CreateSystemSSLConfigService();
// May not be thread-safe, should only be called on the IO thread.
virtual void GetSSLConfig(SSLConfig* config) = 0;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SSLConfigService>;
virtual ~SSLConfigService() {}
} // namespace net