blob: 786b8182aaa5bea674c187d1b13aa93baf68e054 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module crosapi.mojom;
// This interface is created to implement extension API in Lacros.
// Audio api in Lacros is ultimately connected to ash::CrasAudioHandler.
// The structs in this file are mirroring types from
[Stable, Extensible]
enum StreamType {
[Default] kNone = 0,
kInput = 1,
kOutput = 2,
[Stable, Extensible]
enum DeviceType {
[Default] kNone = 0,
kHeadphone = 1,
kMic = 2,
kUsb = 3,
kBluetooth = 4,
kHdmi = 5,
kInternalSpeaker = 6,
kInternalMic = 7,
kFrontMic = 8,
kRearMic = 9,
kKeyboardMic = 10,
kHotword = 11,
kLineout = 12,
kPostMixLoopback = 13,
kPostDspLoopback = 14,
kAlsaLoopback = 15,
kOther = 16,
struct AudioDeviceInfo {
// Device name.
string deviceName@0;
// Type of the device.
DeviceType deviceType@1;
// The user-friendly name (e.g. "USB Microphone").
string displayName@2;
// The unique identifier of the audio device.
string id@3;
// True if this device is currently active.
bool isActive@4;
// The sound level of the device, volume for output, gain for input.
int32 level@5;
// The stable/persisted device id string when available.
string? stableDeviceId@6;
// Stream type associated with this device.
StreamType streamType@7;
struct DeviceFilter {
[Stable, Extensible]
enum ActiveState {
[Default] kUnset = 0,
kInactive = 1,
kActive = 2,
// If set, only audio devices whose active state matches this value will
// satisfy the filter.
ActiveState includedActiveState@0;
// If set, only audio devices whose stream type is included in this list will
// satisfy the filter.
array<StreamType>? includedStreamTypes@1;
struct DeviceIdLists {
// List of input devices specified by their ID.
array<string> inputs@0;
// List of output devices specified by their ID.
array<string> outputs@1;
struct AudioDeviceProperties {
// The audio device's desired sound level.
// If used with audio input device, represents audio device gain.
// If used with audio output device, represents audio device volume.
int32 level@0;
// Interface for audio change observer. Implemented by lacros-chrome. Used by
// ash-chrome to send audio change events.
[Stable, Uuid="aa4fcb30-c406-4133-be23-db3fcc6ca113"]
interface AudioChangeObserver {
// Fired when audio devices change, either new devices being added,
// or existing devices being removed.
// |devices| contains the full list of the devices after update
OnDeviceListChanged@0(array<AudioDeviceInfo> devices);
// Fired when sound level changes for an active audio device.
OnLevelChanged@1(string id, int32 level);
// Fired when the mute state of the audio input or output changes.
OnMuteChanged@2(bool is_input, bool is_muted);
// This API provides Lacros with access to audio devices.
// This is used to support extension API in lacros-chrome.
// Implemented in ash-chrome.
// Next MinVersion: 1
// Next ID: 6
[Stable, Uuid="495da3b2-8c95-43d3-a508-79474c80e738"]
interface AudioService {
// Gets a list of audio devices filtered based on filter.
// Returns empty optional if ash call failed
// (e.g. CrasAudioHandler not available).
GetDevices@0(DeviceFilter filter) => (array<AudioDeviceInfo>? devices);
// Gets the system-wide mute state for the specified stream type.
// success - method call result.
// True if ash call was successful.
// False if ash call failed (e.g. CrasAudioHandler not available).
// is_muted - mute state for the specified stream type.
GetMute@1(StreamType stream_type) => (bool success, bool is_muted);
// Sets lists of active input and/or output devices.
SetActiveDeviceLists@2(DeviceIdLists ids) => (bool success);
// Sets mute state for a stream type.The mute state will apply to all audio
// devices with the specified audio stream type.
SetMute@3(StreamType stream_type, bool is_muted) => (bool success);
// Sets the properties for the input or output device, specified by id.
SetProperties@4(string id, AudioDeviceProperties properties)
=> (bool success);
// Adds an observer for audio change. Multiple observers may be registered.
AddAudioChangeObserver@5(pending_remote<AudioChangeObserver> observer);