blob: 52dd6d51a11b890dd41dd5183bea0b76c2a00a0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API and definitions exposed by the Telemetry Services. This API is normally
// consumed by the Telemetry Extension APIs implementation.
// Note: This is a subset of the cros_healthd diagnostics service interface
// which is located in
// //chromeos/ash/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd.mojom.
// This interface serves as PII filtering and data post-processing service
// between the source (cros_healthd) and the clients
// (third-party telemetry extensions).
module crosapi.mojom;
// Interface for exposing diagnostics service. Implemented in ash-chrome.
// Next ID: 22
[Stable, Uuid="14bc6194-c059-4048-9bea-ca6823eeda82",
interface DiagnosticsService {
// Returns an array of all diagnostic routines that the platform supports.
=> (array<DiagnosticsRoutineEnum> available_routines);
// Sends commands to an existing routine. Also returns status information for
// the routine.
// The request:
// * |id| - specifies which routine the command will be sent to. This must be
// the same id that was returned from the RunSomeRoutine function
// call used to create the routine.
// * |command| - command to send the routine.
// * |include_output| - whether or not the response should include any output
// accumulated from the routine.
// The response:
// * |routine_update| - status information for the specified routine. See
// cros_healthd_diagnostics.mojom for the structure.
GetRoutineUpdate@1(int32 id, DiagnosticsRoutineCommandEnum command,
bool include_output)
=> (DiagnosticsRoutineUpdate routine_update);
// Requests that the BatteryCapacity routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks the battery's design capacity against inputs
// configured in cros_config. If no configuration data is present in
// cros_config, the routine will fall back to fleet-wide default values of
// [1000, 10000]. The routine will pass if the design capacity of the battery
// read from the platform is inclusively within these bounds.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kBatteryCapacity is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunBatteryCapacityRoutine@2() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the BatteryHealth routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks the cycle count and percent wear of the
// battery against inputs configured in cros_config. If no configuration data
// is present in cros_config, the routine will fall back to fleet-wide default
// values of 1000 for the maximum allowable cycle count and 50% for maximum
// battery wear percentage allowed.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kBatteryHealth is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunBatteryHealthRoutine@3() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the SmartctlCheck routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks available spare NVMe capacity against the
// threshold.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kSmartctlCheck is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunSmartctlCheckRoutine@4() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the AcPower routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks the status of the power supply, and if
// |expected_power_type| is specified, checks to see that
// |expected_power_type| matches the type reported by the power supply.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kAcPower is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |expected_status| - whether or not the adapter is expected to be online.
// * |expected_power_type| - if specified, must match the type of the power
// supply for the routine to succeed.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunAcPowerRoutine@5(DiagnosticsAcPowerStatusEnum expected_status,
string? expected_power_type)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the CPU cache routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine runs the stressapptest to test the CPU caches.
// The routine will pass if the stressapptest returns zero.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kCpuCache is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |length_seconds| - length of time, in seconds, to run the CPU cache
// routine. This parameter needs to be strictly greater
// than zero.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunCpuCacheRoutine@6(uint32 length_seconds)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the CPU stress routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine runs the stressapptest to stress test the CPU.
// The routine will pass if the stressapptest returns zero.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kCpuStress is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |length_seconds| - length of time, in seconds, to run the CPU stress
// routine. This parameter needs to be strictly greater
// than zero.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunCpuStressRoutine@7(uint32 length_seconds)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the FloatingPointAccuracy routine is created and started
// on the platform. This routine executes millions of floating-point
// operations by SSE instructions for a specified amount of time. The routine
// will pass if the result values of the operations and known accurate result
// are the same.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kFloatingPointAccuracy is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |length_seconds| - length of time, in seconds, to run the floating-point
// routine for. Test will executes millions of
// floating-point operations in length seconds and get
// the result to compare with known accurate results.
// This parameter needs to be strictly greater than zero.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunFloatingPointAccuracyRoutine@8(uint32 length_seconds)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the NvmeWearLevel routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine examines wear level of NVMe against input
// threshold.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kNvmeWearLevel is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |wear_level_threshold| - threshold number in percentage which routine
// examines wear level status against.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunNvmeWearLevelRoutine@9(uint32 wear_level_threshold)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the NvmeSelfTest routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine launches the NVMe self-test, a tool to perform
// necessary tests to observe the performance and the parameters.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kNvmeSelfTest is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |nvme_self_test_type| - specifies the type of test for short period or
// extended version.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunNvmeSelfTestRoutine@10(DiagnosticsNvmeSelfTestTypeEnum nvme_self_test_type)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the DiskRead routine is created and started on the platform.
// The routine will create a test file with md5 checksum, read the test file
// either randomly or linearly, repeatedly for a dedicated duration. If the
// md5 checksum of read back is validated, then the test will pass.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kDiskRead is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |type| - type of how disk reading is performed, either linear or random.
// * |length_seconds| - length of time, in seconds, to run the DiskRead
// routine for. This parameter needs to be strictly
// greater than zero.
// - TODO(b:167963397) - limit routine duration.
// * |file_size_mb| - test file size, in mega bytes, to test with DiskRead
// routine. Maximum file size is 10 GB.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunDiskReadRoutine@11(DiagnosticsDiskReadRoutineTypeEnum type,
uint32 length_seconds, uint32 file_size_mb)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the PrimeSearch routine is created and started on the
// platform. Calculate prime numbers and verifies the calculation repeatedly
// in a duration.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kPrimeSearch is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |length_seconds| - length of time, in seconds, to run the PrimeSearch
// routine for. This parameter needs to be strictly
// greater than zero.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunPrimeSearchRoutine@12(uint32 length_seconds)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the BatteryDischarge routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks the battery's discharge rate over a period of
// time.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kBatteryDischarge is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |length_seconds| - length of time to run the routine for.
// * |maximum_discharge_percent_allowed| - the routine will fail if the
// battery discharges by more than
// this percentage.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunBatteryDischargeRoutine@13(uint32 length_seconds,
uint32 maximum_discharge_percent_allowed)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the BatteryCharge routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks the battery's charge rate over a period of
// time.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kBatteryCharge is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The request:
// * |length_seconds| - length of time to run the routine for.
// * |minimum_charge_percent_required| - the routine will fail if the battery
// charges by less than this percentage.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunBatteryChargeRoutine@14(uint32 length_seconds,
uint32 minimum_charge_percent_required)
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the Memory routine is created and started on the platform.
// This routine checks that the device's memory is working correctly.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kMemory is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunMemoryRoutine@15() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the LanConnectivity routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks whether the device is connected to a LAN.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kLanConnectivity is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunLanConnectivityRoutine@16() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// TODO(b/245293243): Rephrase to express sufficiency instead of necessity.
// Requests that the DnsResolution routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks whether a DNS resolution can be completed
// successfully.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kDnsResolution is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunDnsResolutionRoutine@17() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the SignalStrength routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks whether there is an acceptable signal
// strength on wireless networks.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kSignalStrength is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunSignalStrengthRoutine@18() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// TODO(b/245293243): Rephrase to express sufficiency instead of necessity.
// Requests that the GatewayCanBePinged routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks whether the gateway of connected networks is
// pingable.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kGatewayCanBePinged is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunGatewayCanBePingedRoutine@19() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// TODO(b/245293243): Rephrase to express sufficiency instead of necessity.
// Requests that the DnsResolverPresent routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks whether a DNS resolver is available to the
// browser.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kDnsResolverPresent is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
RunDnsResolverPresentRoutine@20() => (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Requests that the SensitiveSensor routine is created and started on the
// platform. This routine checks that the device's sensors are working
// correctly by monitoring the sensor sample data without user interaction.
// This routine only support sensitive sensors including accelerometers,
// gyro sensors, gravity sensors and magnetometers.
// The availability of this routine can be determined by checking that
// kSensitiveSensor is returned by GetAvailableRoutines.
// The response:
// * |response| - contains a unique identifier and status for the created
// routine.
=> (DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse response);
// Enumeration of each of the diagnostics routines the platform may support.
// Next ID: 21
[Stable, Extensible, RenamedFrom=""]
enum DiagnosticsRoutineEnum {
[Default] kUnknown = 15,
kBatteryCapacity = 0,
kBatteryHealth = 1,
kSmartctlCheck = 2,
kAcPower = 3,
kCpuCache = 4,
kCpuStress = 5,
kFloatingPointAccuracy = 6,
kNvmeWearLevel = 7,
kNvmeSelfTest = 8,
kDiskRead = 9,
kPrimeSearch = 10,
kBatteryDischarge = 11,
kBatteryCharge = 12,
kMemory = 13,
kLanConnectivity = 14,
kDnsResolution = 16,
kSignalStrength = 17,
kGatewayCanBePinged = 18,
kDnsResolverPresent = 19,
kSensitiveSensor = 20,
// Enumeration of each of the possible statuses for a diagnostics routine.
// Next ID: 13
[Stable, Extensible, RenamedFrom=""]
enum DiagnosticsRoutineStatusEnum {
[Default] kUnknown = 12,
kReady = 0, // Routine is ready to start.
kRunning = 1, // Routine is currently running.
kWaiting = 2, // Routine needs user input to continue.
kPassed = 3, // Routine completed and passed.
kFailed = 4, // Routine completed and failed.
kError = 5, // An error prevented the routine from completing.
kCancelled = 6, // Routine was cancelled before completion. A cancelled
// routine's information can still be accessed with a
// GetRoutineUpdateRequest.
kFailedToStart = 7, // Routine could not be created.
kRemoved = 8, // Routine has been removed and is no longer valid.
kCancelling = 9, // Routine is in the process of being cancelled.
kUnsupported = 10, // Routine is not supported by the device.
kNotRun = 11, // Routine was not run because it is currently not applicable.
// Enumeration of each of the messages a diagnostics routine can pass back.
// These messages prompt interaction from the user of the routine.
// Next ID: 3
[Stable, Extensible,
enum DiagnosticsRoutineUserMessageEnum {
[Default] kUnknown = 2,
kUnplugACPower = 0, // The user needs to unplug the AC power cord.
kPlugInACPower = 1, // The user needs to plug in the AC power cord.
// Enumeration of the possible commands to send a diagnostics routine.
// Next ID: 5
[Stable, Extensible,
enum DiagnosticsRoutineCommandEnum {
[Default] kUnknown = 4,
kContinue = 0, // Resume a routine that is waiting.
kCancel = 1, // Cancelled routines must still be removed before the routine
// is destroyed.
kGetStatus = 2, // Used to get status but not otherwise control a routine.
kRemove = 3, // All routines which started successfully must be removed,
// otherwise they will persist on the system. This makes sure
// the routine is terminated before removing it.
// Status fields specific to interactive routines.
// Next ID: 1
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct DiagnosticsInteractiveRoutineUpdate {
// Request for user action. This message should be localized and displayed to
// the user.
DiagnosticsRoutineUserMessageEnum user_message@0;
// Status fields specific to noninteractive routines.
// Next ID: 2
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct DiagnosticsNonInteractiveRoutineUpdate {
// Current status of the routine.
DiagnosticsRoutineStatusEnum status@0;
// More detailed status - for example, if |status| was kError,
// |status_message| would describe the error encountered, like "failed to
// read file."
string status_message@1;
// Responses will be either interactive or noninteractive.
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
union DiagnosticsRoutineUpdateUnion {
DiagnosticsInteractiveRoutineUpdate interactive_update;
DiagnosticsNonInteractiveRoutineUpdate noninteractive_update;
// Response type for GetRoutineUpdate.
// Next ID: 3
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct DiagnosticsRoutineUpdate {
// Percent complete, must be between 0 and 100, inclusive.
uint32 progress_percent@0;
// Any accumulated output, like logs, from the routine. This field is only
// valid when GetRoutineUpdate (see cros_healthd.mojom) is called with
// include_output = true.
string? output@1;
// Information specific to the type of response - interactive or
// noninteractive.
DiagnosticsRoutineUpdateUnion routine_update_union@2;
// Generic return value for a RunSomeRoutine call.
// Next ID: 2
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct DiagnosticsRunRoutineResponse {
// Unique identifier for the newly-created routine. An id of kFailedToStartId
// means that the routine was unable to be created. Can be used in a
// GetRoutineUpdate call to control or get the status of the created routine.
int32 id@0;
// Current status of the newly-created routine. A status of kFailedToStart
// means the routine was unable to be created.
DiagnosticsRoutineStatusEnum status@1;
// Enumeration of the possible statuses for a power supply in the AC power
// routine.
// Next ID: 3
[Stable, Extensible, RenamedFrom=""]
enum DiagnosticsAcPowerStatusEnum {
[Default] kUnknown = 2,
kConnected = 0, // Power supply is connected.
kDisconnected = 1, // Power supply is disconnected.
// Enumeration of the self-test type in nvme_self_test routine
// Next ID: 3
[Stable, Extensible, RenamedFrom=""]
enum DiagnosticsNvmeSelfTestTypeEnum {
[Default] kUnknown = 2,
kShortSelfTest = 0, // Short time self-test.
kLongSelfTest = 1, // Long time self-test.
// Enumeration of the possible DiskRead routine's command type
[Stable, Extensible, RenamedFrom=""]
enum DiagnosticsDiskReadRoutineTypeEnum {
kLinearRead = 0,
kRandomRead = 1,
// Sending this to the underlying cros_healthd will result in an error.
[Default] kUnknown = 2,