blob: dd7064adad277852933bf88a94a11dd2a4e39781 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module crosapi.mojom;
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/keystore_error.mojom";
// This interface mirrors the enterprise.platformKeys extension API.
// TODO( Figure out the appropriate API surface for
// long-term stabilization.
// The system has a keystore and a certificate store. Keys are tuples
// of (private key, public key). These are generated by the system and the
// private key is never shared. Certificates provide proof of ownership of a
// private key. There are many uses for keys and certificates -- this interface
// currently focuses on the use cases for the enterprise_platform_keys extension
// API.
// Unless otherwise noted, all certificates are DER encoded X.509. In addition,
// the certificates allow UTF-8 encoding in fields where PrintableString is
// expected to support enterprises with non-compliant DER-encodings. See
// and
// Both keystores and certificate stores have two variants: device and user.
// Device keys/certificates are available to all affiliated users on the device.
// User keys/certificates are only available to the current user.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum KeystoreType {
kUser = 0,
kDevice = 1,
// Input parameters for RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5. Parameters other than modulus_length
// and sw_backed are currently not supported when used as inputs to
// GenerateKey().
struct KeystorePKCS115Params {
uint32 modulus_length@0;
array<uint8>? public_exponent@1;
// If true, generate a software-backed key.
bool sw_backed@2;
// Input parameters for ECDSA. |named_curve| uses WebCrypto nomenclature.
// Currently "P-256" is the only supported curve.
struct KeystoreECDSAParams {
string named_curve;
// A signing algorithm is fully described by choice of algorithm and parameters.
union KeystoreSigningAlgorithm {
KeystorePKCS115Params pkcs115;
KeystoreECDSAParams ecdsa;
// The name of a WebCrypto signing algorithm.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum KeystoreSigningAlgorithmName {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kRsassaPkcs115 = 1,
kEcdsa = 2,
// Recognized WebCrypto signing schemes.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum KeystoreSigningScheme {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
kRsassaPkcs1V15None = 1, // The data is PKCS#1 v1.5 padded but not hashed.
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha1 = 2,
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha256 = 3,
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha384 = 4,
kRsassaPkcs1V15Sha512 = 5,
kEcdsaSha1 = 6,
kEcdsaSha256 = 7,
kEcdsaSha384 = 8,
kEcdsaSha512 = 9,
// Returned by ChallengeAttestationOnlyKeystore().
union ChallengeAttestationOnlyKeystoreResult {
// Implies failure.
string error_message;
// Implies success.
array<uint8> challenge_response;
union KeystoreBinaryResult {
// Implies failure.
KeystoreError error;
// Implies success.
array<uint8> blob;
// Returned by GetCertificates().
union GetCertificatesResult {
// Implies failure.
KeystoreError error;
// Implies success.
array<array<uint8>> certificates;
// Returned by SelectClientCertificates().
union KeystoreSelectClientCertificatesResult {
// Implies failure.
KeystoreError error;
// A list of DER encoded X.509 certificates. Implies success.
array<array<uint8>> certificates;
// Returned by GetKeyStores().
union GetKeyStoresResult {
// Implies failure.
KeystoreError error;
// Implies success.
array<KeystoreType> key_stores;
// Returned by GetPublicKey() on success.
struct GetPublicKeySuccessResult {
// The public key of the matching certificate.
array<uint8> public_key;
// Provides details about the signing algorithm.
KeystoreSigningAlgorithm algorithm_properties;
// Returned by GetPublicKey().
union GetPublicKeyResult {
// Implies failure.
KeystoreError error;
// Implies success.
GetPublicKeySuccessResult success_result;
// The enum of possible tags that can be attached to a key pair. The tag values
// must be powers of 2.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum KeyTag {
kNoTags = 0,
kCorporate = 1,
union GetKeyTagsResult {
// Implies failure.
KeystoreError error;
// Implies success. A bitmask of `KeyTag` flags.
uint64 tags;
// DEPRECATED, use `KeystoreBinaryResult` instead.
union DEPRECATED_ExtensionKeystoreBinaryResult {
// Implies failure.
string error_message;
// Implies success.
array<uint8> blob;
// DEPRECATED, use `GetPublicKeyResult` instead.
// Returned by DEPRECATED_GetPublicKey().
union DEPRECATED_GetPublicKeyResult {
// Implies failure.
string error_message;
// Implies success.
GetPublicKeySuccessResult success_result;
// DEPRECATED, use `GetKeyStoresResult` instead.
// Returned by DEPRECATED_GetKeyStores().
union DEPRECATED_GetKeyStoresResult {
// Implies failure.
string error_message;
// Implies success.
array<KeystoreType> key_stores;
// DEPRECATED, use `GetCertificatesResult` instead.
// Returned by DEPRECATED_GetCertificates().
union DEPRECATED_GetCertificatesResult {
// Implies failure.
string error_message;
// Implies success.
array<array<uint8>> certificates;
// DEPRECATED, use `KeystoreBinaryResult` instead.
// Returned by methods that either return a string, or an error.
[Stable, RenamedFrom="crosapi.mojom.KeystoreStringResult"]
union DEPRECATED_KeystoreStringResult {
// Implies failure.
string error_message;
// Implies success.
string challenge_response;
// This interface is implemented by ash-chrome. It provides lacros-chrome a
// mechanism to modify and query the attestation-only and generate purpose
// keystores.
[Stable, Uuid="308635fd-110b-4f24-bfa8-9f43be31c61e"]
interface KeystoreService {
// This API serves a challenge to a special "attestation-only" keystore. This
// keystore only contains 2 private keys (1 for the user, 1 for the device).
// The challenge must be generated via the Verified Access Web API. If
// |migrate| is true, then after the attestation, the key is migrated
// from the attestation-only keystore to the regular keystore. A new
// "attestation-only" key is generated on demand if a key does not exist
// because it was recently migrated. If a key is migrated, the expectation is
// that the caller will later call ImportCertificate() to associate a
// certificate with the migrated key.
KeystoreType type, array<uint8> challenge, bool migrate,
[MinVersion=17] KeystoreSigningAlgorithmName algorithm) =>
(ChallengeAttestationOnlyKeystoreResult result);
// Returns the keystores available to the client. These are used as inputs to
// the other methods on this interface.
GetKeyStores@16() => (GetKeyStoresResult result);
// Returns the list of all certificates that were issued by one of the
// |certificate_authorities|. |certificate_authorities| is a list of
// DER-encoded X.509 DistinguishedName of certificate authorities. If
// |certificate_authorities| is empty, all certificates will be returned.
SelectClientCertificates@11(array<array<uint8>> certificate_authorities)
=> (KeystoreSelectClientCertificatesResult result);
// Returns the certificates in the indicated keystore. The result is an array
// of DER encoded X.509 certificates.
GetCertificates@17(KeystoreType keystore) =>
(GetCertificatesResult result);
// Adds a DER encoded X.509 certificate to the indicated keystore. Returns
// empty string on success. It is only valid to call this with a certificate
// whose corresponding private key is already present in the key store. This
// must have been previously generated via GenerateKey().
// TODO( combine |is_error| and |error| into an optional
// |error| when mojo supports optional enums.
AddCertificate@18(KeystoreType keystore, array<uint8> certificate) =>
(bool is_error, KeystoreError error);
// Removes a DER encoded X.509 certificate from the indicated keystore.
// Returns empty string on success.
// TODO( combine |is_error| and |error| into an optional
// |error| when mojo supports optional enums.
RemoveCertificate@19(KeystoreType keystore, array<uint8> certificate) =>
(bool is_error, KeystoreError error);
// Checks whether |certificate| certifies a key that allows usage of the
// WebCrypto algorithm |algorithm_name|. If so, returns the key info and
// details about the signing algorithm. |certificate| must be a DER encoded
// X.509 certificate.
GetPublicKey@15(array<uint8> certificate,
KeystoreSigningAlgorithmName algorithm_name) =>
(GetPublicKeyResult result);
// Generates a private/public key-pair with |algorithm| and stores the results
// in |keystore|. Returns the public key as a binary blob.
GenerateKey@8(KeystoreType keystore,
KeystoreSigningAlgorithm algorithm) =>
(KeystoreBinaryResult result);
// Removes the key pair if no matching certificates exist. Only keys in the
// given |keystore| are considered. |is_error| indicates if the operation
// succeeded. If |is_error| is true, then |error| contains the error code.
// TODO( combine |is_error| and |error| into an optional
// |error| when mojo supports optional enums.
RemoveKey@10(KeystoreType keystore,
array<uint8> public_key) =>
(bool is_error, KeystoreError error);
// Signs some data using a previously generated key, indicated with
// |public_key|. |scheme| is the WebCrypto signing scheme. If
// |is_keystore_provided| is true, |keystore| holds a valid value. Otherwise
// the key will be searched in all available key stores.
// TODO( combine |is_keystore_provided| and |keystore| into
// an optional |keystore| when mojo supports optional enums.
Sign@9(bool is_keystore_provided, KeystoreType keystore,
array<uint8> public_key, KeystoreSigningScheme scheme,
array<uint8> data) =>
(KeystoreBinaryResult result);
// Returns key tags assigned to the key pair of the |public_key|.
GetKeyTags@12(array<uint8> public_key) => (GetKeyTagsResult result);
// Adds new tags to the key pair of the |public_key|.
AddKeyTags@13(array<uint8> public_key, uint64 tags) =>
(bool is_error, KeystoreError error);
// Returns true if the current ChromeOS user can grant unlimited sign
// permission for |public_key| to extensions.
CanUserGrantPermissionForKey@14(array<uint8> public_key) =>
(bool is_allowed);
// DEPRECATED, use `GenerateKey` instead.
// Generates a private/public key-pair with |algorithm| and stores the results
// in |keystore|. Returns the public key as a binary blob. Also generates
// additional metadata to make the key available for future ExtensionSign
// calls.
DEPRECATED_ExtensionGenerateKey@3(KeystoreType keystore,
KeystoreSigningAlgorithm algorithm,
string? extension_id) =>
(DEPRECATED_ExtensionKeystoreBinaryResult result);
// DEPRECATED, use `Sign` instead.
// Signs some data using a previously generated key, indicated with
// |public_key|. |scheme| is the WebCrypto signing scheme. |extension_id| is
// needed to determine if the extension is allowed to use the key.
DEPRECATED_ExtensionSign@7(KeystoreType keystore, array<uint8> public_key,
KeystoreSigningScheme scheme,
array<uint8> data, string extension_id) =>
(DEPRECATED_ExtensionKeystoreBinaryResult result);
// DEPRECATED, use `GetPublicKey` instead.
// Checks whether |certificate| certifies a key that allows usage of the
// WebCrypto algorithm |algorithm_name|. If so, returns the key info and
// details about the signing algorithm. |certificate| must be a DER encoded
// X.509 certificate.
DEPRECATED_GetPublicKey@6(array<uint8> certificate,
KeystoreSigningAlgorithmName algorithm_name) =>
(DEPRECATED_GetPublicKeyResult result);
// DEPRECATED, use `GetKeyStores` instead.
// Returns the keystores available to the client. These are used as inputs to
// the other methods on this interface.
DEPRECATED_GetKeyStores@1() => (DEPRECATED_GetKeyStoresResult result);
// DEPRECATED, use `GetCertificates` instead.
// Returns the certificates in the indicated keystore. The result is an array
// of DER encoded X.509 certificates.
DEPRECATED_GetCertificates@2(KeystoreType keystore) =>
(DEPRECATED_GetCertificatesResult result);
// DEPRECATED, use `AddCertificate` instead.
// Adds a DER encoded X.509 certificate to the indicated keystore. Returns
// empty string on success. It is only valid to call this with a certificate
// whose corresponding private key is already present in the key store. This
// must have been previously generated via GenerateKey().
DEPRECATED_AddCertificate@4(KeystoreType keystore,
array<uint8> certificate) =>
(string error);
// DEPRECATED, use `RemoveCertificate` instead.
// Removes a DER encoded X.509 certificate from the indicated keystore.
// Returns empty string on success.
DEPRECATED_RemoveCertificate@5(KeystoreType keystore,
array<uint8> certificate) =>
(string error);
// DEPRECATED, use `ChallengeAttestationOnlyKeystore` instead.
// This API serves a challenge to a special "attestation-only" keystore. This
// keystore only contains 2 private keys (1 for the user, 1 for the device).
// The challenge must be generated via the Verified Access Web API. If
// |migrate| is true, then after the attestation, the key is migrated
// from the attestation-only keystore to the regular keystore. A new
// "attestation-only" key is generated on demand if a key does not exist
// because it was recently migrated. If a key is migrated, the expectation is
// that the caller will later call ImportCertificate() to associate a
// certificate with the migrated key.
string challenge, KeystoreType type, bool migrate) =>
(DEPRECATED_KeystoreStringResult result);