blob: 57fa2622994b120ac8efe4046047b483a897d1e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module crosapi.mojom;
// Primitive numeric types cannot be optional in Mojom.
// We therefore wrap them in structs here which can be used for optional values.
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct DoubleValue {
// The value of the double.
double value@0;
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct Int64Value {
// The value of the int64.
int64 value@0;
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct UInt32Value {
// The value of the uint32.
uint32 value@0;
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct UInt64Value {
// The value of the uint64.
uint64 value@0;
[Stable, RenamedFrom=""]
struct BoolValue {
// The value of the bool.
bool value@0;