blob: ac79242f6d5da5d9b1fbaf32c8e184ac1de32cdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module crosapi.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Events sent back from the TTS engine indicating the progress.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TtsEventType {
[Default] kStart = 0,
kEnd = 1,
kWord = 2,
kSentence = 3,
kMarker = 4,
kInterrupted = 5,
kCanceled = 6,
kError = 7,
kPause = 8,
kResume = 9,
// Represents a tts voice.
struct TtsVoice {
// Name of the voice.
string voice_name;
// ​​The language that this voice supports.
string lang;
// If true, the synthesis engine is a remote network resource.
bool remote;
// The ID of the extension providing this voice.
string engine_id;
// All of the callback events that this voice is capable of sending.
array<TtsEventType> events;
// If true, this is implemented by chromeOS platform's subclass of
// TtsPlatformImpl. Otherwise, this is implemented in a content embedder.
bool native;
// Id of the native voice.
string native_voice_identifier;
// Represents a Tts utterance.
struct TtsUtterance {
// Unique id of utterance that helps route a Tts event back to the client.
// This is needed when speaking an Ash utterance with a Lacros voice.
// |utterance_id| is created by TtsController (in Ash) and passed to TtsEngine
// extension API (in Lacros) onSpeak event, ttsEngine extension (in Lacros)
// will pass it back in sendTtsEvent, which will eventually pass it to
// TtsController::OnTtsEvent (in Ash), so that TtsController (in Ash) can
// track and process the async TtsEvent for the utterances.
int32 utterance_id;
// Text to speak.
string text;
// Language to use for synthesis.
string lang;
// Name of the voice to use for synthesis.
string voice_name;
// Speaking volume.
double volume;
// Speaking rate.
double rate;
// Speaking pitch.
double pitch;
// Extension id of the speech engine to use.
string engine_id;
// If false, enqueues this utterance if TTS is already in progress. Otherwise,
// interrupts any current speech and flushes the speech queue before speaking
// this new utterance.
bool should_clear_queue;
// TTS event types that the client is interested in listening to.
array<TtsEventType> desired_event_types;
// The TTS event types the voice must support.
array<TtsEventType> required_event_types;
// The source engine's ID of this utterance, so that it can route the events
// back to the correct tts.speak call.
uint32 src_id;
// The URL of the page from which the speech request is called.
url.mojom.Url src_url;
// Options passed from tts.speak argument, which will be passed to ttsEngine
// onSpeak event with sanitizing process.
mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue options;
// True if the utterance is associated with a WebContents.
bool was_created_with_web_contents;
// Unique id of the browser context of the utterance.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken browser_context_id;
// Interface for Tts, implemented in ash-chrome. Used by lacros-chrome to
// communicate with ash TtsController to send the voice data and
// speech requests to ash.
[Stable, Uuid="8550e8d0-a818-49a3-93c1-d8053a33b2e6"]
interface Tts {
// A TtsClient can register itself with Tts, so that Tts can communicate with
// the remote TtsClient associated with a particular |browser_context_id| in
// Lacros. |from_primary_profile| is true if |browser_context_id| is
// associated with the primary user profile in Lacros.
RegisterTtsClient@0(pending_remote<TtsClient> client,
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken browser_context_id,
bool from_primary_profile);
// Called when Lacros voices changed for BrowserContext associated with
// |browser_context_id|, |lacros_voices| contains new Lacros voices.
VoicesChanged@1(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken browser_context_id,
array<TtsVoice> lacros_voices);
// Speaks or enqueues |utterance|.
SpeakOrEnqueue@2(TtsUtterance utterance,
pending_remote<TtsUtteranceClient> utterance_client);
// Interface for tts client. Implemented in lacros-chrome.
// Each Tts client is associated with a browser context object in Lacros.
// Used by ash-chrome to send voices to Lacros.
[Stable, Uuid="60ce0365-451e-402d-9a1c-e57350f9a202"]
interface TtsClient {
// Called when voices changed in ash TtsController .
// |all_voices| contains the new voices (provided by both Ash and
// Lacros).
VoicesChanged@0(array<TtsVoice> all_voices);
// This interface serves as a remote client of a TtsUtterance in Ash which is
// originated from the Lacros. Implemented in lacros-chrome.
// When Tts extension API or SpeechSynthesis web API is called from Lacros
// browser to speak an utterance, We will call Tts::SpeakOrEnqueue to send the
// utterance data to Ash along with a pending_remote<TtsUtteranceClient>
// object, which allows to perform tasks associated with the utterance.
// The disconnect handler will be invoked in Ash when the original utterance
// becomes invalid in Lacros.
[Stable, Uuid="edf0536d-53ea-445c-9519-cb39af32364f"]
interface TtsUtteranceClient {
// Forwards a speech engine event received from an Ash speech engine
// to the callback function of the Tts client in Lacros. |error_message|
// may contain an error message from the speech engine only if |event_type|
// is TtsEventType::kError.
OnTtsEvent@0(TtsEventType event_type, uint32 char_index,
uint32 length, string error_message);