blob: c2ac2bf0446bba5d983bfe2853e593b7af48a8d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
namespace dbus {
class Bus;
namespace chromeos {
// PermissionBrokerClient is used to communicate with the permission broker, a
// process that allows requesting permission to access specific device nodes.
// For example, one place that this client is used is within the USB extension
// API code, where it is used to request explicit access to USB peripherals
// which the user the browser runs under normally wouldn't have access to. For
// more details on the permission broker see:
// The ResultCallback's boolean parameter represents the result of the
// operation that it was submitted alongside.
using ResultCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
// An OpenPathCallback callback is run when an OpenPath request is completed.
using OpenPathCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(base::ScopedFD)>;
// An OpenPathAndRegisterClientCallback callback is run when an
// OpenPathAndRegisterClient request is completed.
using OpenPathAndRegisterClientCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& client_id, base::ScopedFD)>;
// An ErrorCallback callback is run when an error is returned by the
// permission broker.
using ErrorCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string& error_name,
const std::string& message)>;
// Creates and initializes the global instance. |bus| must not be null.
static void Initialize(dbus::Bus* bus);
// Creates and initializes a fake global instance if not already created.
static void InitializeFake();
// Destroys the global instance which must have been initialized.
static void Shutdown();
// Returns the global instance if initialized. May return null.
static PermissionBrokerClient* Get();
PermissionBrokerClient(const PermissionBrokerClient&) = delete;
PermissionBrokerClient& operator=(const PermissionBrokerClient&) = delete;
// CheckPathAccess requests a hint from the permission broker about whether
// a later call to RequestPathAccess will be successful. It presumes that
// the |interface_id| value passed to RequestPathAccess will be
// UsbDevicePermissionsData::ANY_INTERFACE).
virtual void CheckPathAccess(const std::string& path,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// OpenPath requests that the permission broker open the device node
// identified by |path| and return the resulting file descriptor. One of
// |callback| or |error_callback| is called.
virtual void OpenPath(const std::string& path,
OpenPathCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// ClaimDevicePath requests that the permission broker open
// the device node identified by |path| and set of USB interfaces that can be
// claimed |allowed_interfaces_mask|, returning the resulting file descriptor.
// The interface number 0 corresponds to the LSB of |allowed_interfaces_mask|.
// For example, a device which has an ADB interface and other interfaces for
// Camera or Storage may be opened purely as an ADB device using a mask that
// zeros out the Camera and Storage interface number bit positions.
// One of |callback| or |error_callback| is called. |lifeline_fd| is the
// read side of a pipe that is is watched by permission broker. When this
// pipe closes, any kernel drivers removed from the device are reattached.
virtual void ClaimDevicePath(const std::string& path,
uint32_t allowed_interfaces_mask,
int lifeline_fd,
OpenPathCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// This API is for a client to register with the Permission Broker to
// make requests to detach/reattach USB device interfaces in the future.
// The |drop_privileges_mask| is a bit mask indicating which interface
// numbers of a USB device are allowed. The interface number 0 corresponds
// to the LSB of the mask. A device which has an ADB interface and other
// interfaces for Camera or Storage may be opened purely as an ADB device
// using a mask that zeros out the Camera and Storage interface number
// bit positions.
// The |path| is the USB device path the client wants to access.
// The |lifeline_fd| is a file descriptor for monitoring the client's
// lifetime and reattaching detached interfaces when the client terminates.
// The method returns |fd| which is a file descriptor opened at |path|,
// and |client_id| which is an unique id for a registered client.
virtual void OpenPathAndRegisterClient(
const std::string& path,
uint32_t allowed_interfaces_mask,
int lifeline_fd,
OpenPathAndRegisterClientCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback) = 0;
// This API is for the client with |client_id| to detach the interface
// |iface_num| at the USB device associated with it.
virtual void DetachInterface(const std::string& client_id,
uint8_t iface_num,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// This API is for the client with |client_id| to reattach the interface
// |iface_num| at the USB device associated with it.
virtual void ReattachInterface(const std::string& client_id,
uint8_t iface_num,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Requests the |port| be opened on the firewall for incoming TCP/IP
// connections received on |interface| (an empty string indicates all
// interfaces). One end of an open pipe must be passed as |lifeline_fd| so
// that the permission broker can monitor the lifetime of the calling process
// by being notified when the other end is closed. This method duplicates
// |lifeline_fd| so it's OK to close it without waiting for the result.
virtual void RequestTcpPortAccess(uint16_t port,
const std::string& interface,
int lifeline_fd,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Requests the |port| be opened on the firewall for incoming UDP packets
// received on |interface| (an empty string indicates all interfaces). One end
// of an open pipe must be passed as |lifeline_fd| so that the permission
// broker can monitor the lifetime of the calling process by being notified
// when the other end is closed. This method duplicates |lifeline_fd| so it's
// OK to close it without waiting for the result.
virtual void RequestUdpPortAccess(uint16_t port,
const std::string& interface,
int lifeline_fd,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Releases a request for an open firewall port for TCP/IP connections. The
// |port| and |interface| parameters must be the same as a previous call to
// RequestTcpPortAccess.
virtual void ReleaseTcpPort(uint16_t port,
const std::string& interface,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Releases a request for an open firewall port for UDP packets. The |port|
// and |interface| parameters must be the same as a previous call to
// RequestUdpPortAccess.
virtual void ReleaseUdpPort(uint16_t port,
const std::string& interface,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Requests that |in_port| on |in_interface| be opened for and forward TCP
// traffic to |dst_ip| on |dst_port|. One end of an open pipe must be passed
// as |lifeline_fd| so that the permission broker can monitor the lifetime of
// the calling process by being notified when the other end is closed. This
// method duplicates |lifeline_fd| so it's OK to close it without waiting for
// the result.
// See PortTracker::ValidatePortRule in permission_broker for the restrictions
// on port forwarding requests.
virtual void RequestTcpPortForward(uint16_t in_port,
const std::string& in_interface,
const std::string& dst_ip,
uint16_t dst_port,
int lifeline_fd,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Requests that |in_port| on |in_interface| be opened for and forward UDP
// traffic to |dst_ip| on |dst_port|. One end of an open pipe must be passed
// as |lifeline_fd| so that the permission broker can monitor the lifetime of
// the calling process by being notified when the other end is closed. This
// method duplicates |lifeline_fd| so it's OK to close it without waiting for
// the result.
// See PortTracker::ValidatePortRule in permission_broker for the restrictions
// on port forwarding requests.
virtual void RequestUdpPortForward(uint16_t in_port,
const std::string& in_interface,
const std::string& dst_ip,
uint16_t dst_port,
int lifeline_fd,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Releases a request for an open forwarding rule for TCP packets. The
// |in_port| and |in_interface| parameters must be the same as a previous call
// to RequestUdpPortForward.
virtual void ReleaseTcpPortForward(uint16_t in_port,
const std::string& in_interface,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Releases a request for an open forwarding rule for UDP packets. The
// |in_port| and |in_interface| parameters must be the same as a previous call
// to RequestUdpPortForward.
virtual void ReleaseUdpPortForward(uint16_t in_port,
const std::string& in_interface,
ResultCallback callback) = 0;
// Initialize/Shutdown should be used instead.
virtual ~PermissionBrokerClient();
} // namespace chromeos