blob: 47dd1bb14f79305ccec9ffc9752aee81f23db860 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sessions/core/sessions_export.h"
#include "ui/base/page_transition_types.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace base {
class Pickle;
class PickleIterator;
namespace sessions {
class SerializedNavigationEntryTestHelper;
// SerializedNavigationEntry is a "freeze-dried" version of NavigationEntry. It
// contains the data needed to restore a NavigationEntry during session restore
// and tab restore, and it can also be pickled and unpickled.
// Default copy constructor and assignment operator welcome.
class SESSIONS_EXPORT SerializedNavigationEntry {
enum BlockedState {
// These must match the proto. They are in priority order such that if a
// higher value is seen, it should overwrite a lower value.
enum PasswordState {
// Creates an invalid (index < 0) SerializedNavigationEntry.
SerializedNavigationEntry(const SerializedNavigationEntry& other);
SerializedNavigationEntry(SerializedNavigationEntry&& other) noexcept;
SerializedNavigationEntry& operator=(const SerializedNavigationEntry& other);
SerializedNavigationEntry& operator=(SerializedNavigationEntry&& other);
// Note that not all SerializedNavigationEntry fields are preserved.
// |max_size| is the max number of bytes to write.
void WriteToPickle(int max_size, base::Pickle* pickle) const;
bool ReadFromPickle(base::PickleIterator* iterator);
// The index in the NavigationController. This SerializedNavigationEntry is
// valid only when the index is non-negative.
int index() const { return index_; }
void set_index(int index) { index_ = index; }
int unique_id() const { return unique_id_; }
void set_unique_id(int unique_id) { unique_id_ = unique_id; }
const base::string16& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const base::string16& title) { title_ = title; }
const GURL& favicon_url() const { return favicon_url_; }
void set_favicon_url(const GURL& favicon_url) { favicon_url_ = favicon_url; }
int http_status_code() const { return http_status_code_; }
void set_http_status_code(int http_status_code) {
http_status_code_ = http_status_code;
ui::PageTransition transition_type() const {
return transition_type_;
void set_transition_type(ui::PageTransition transition_type) {
transition_type_ = transition_type;
bool has_post_data() const { return has_post_data_; }
int64_t post_id() const { return post_id_; }
bool is_overriding_user_agent() const { return is_overriding_user_agent_; }
base::Time timestamp() const { return timestamp_; }
void set_timestamp(base::Time timestamp) { timestamp_ = timestamp; }
BlockedState blocked_state() const { return blocked_state_; }
void set_blocked_state(BlockedState blocked_state) {
blocked_state_ = blocked_state;
PasswordState password_state() const { return password_state_; }
void set_password_state(PasswordState password_state) {
password_state_ = password_state;
const GURL& virtual_url() const { return virtual_url_; }
void set_virtual_url(const GURL& virtual_url) { virtual_url_ = virtual_url; }
const std::string& encoded_page_state() const { return encoded_page_state_; }
void set_encoded_page_state(const std::string& encoded_page_state) {
encoded_page_state_ = encoded_page_state;
const GURL& original_request_url() const { return original_request_url_; }
void set_original_request_url(const GURL& original_request_url) {
original_request_url_ = original_request_url;
const GURL& referrer_url() const { return referrer_url_; }
void set_referrer_url(const GURL& referrer_url) {
referrer_url_ = referrer_url;
int referrer_policy() const { return referrer_policy_; }
void set_referrer_policy(int referrer_policy) {
referrer_policy_ = referrer_policy;
std::set<std::string> content_pack_categories() const {
return content_pack_categories_;
void set_content_pack_categories(
const std::set<std::string>& content_pack_categories) {
content_pack_categories_ = content_pack_categories;
const std::vector<GURL>& redirect_chain() const { return redirect_chain_; }
// This class is analogous to content::ReplacedNavigationEntryData.
// When a history entry is replaced (e.g. history.replaceState()), this
// contains some information about the entry prior to being replaced. Even if
// an entry is replaced multiple times, it represents data prior to the
// *first* replace.
struct ReplacedNavigationEntryData {
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
GURL first_committed_url;
base::Time first_timestamp;
ui::PageTransition first_transition_type;
const base::Optional<ReplacedNavigationEntryData>& replaced_entry_data()
const {
return replaced_entry_data_;
void set_replaced_entry_data(
const base::Optional<ReplacedNavigationEntryData>& replaced_entry_data) {
replaced_entry_data_ = replaced_entry_data;
bool is_restored() const { return is_restored_; }
void set_is_restored(bool is_restored) { is_restored_ = is_restored; }
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& extended_info_map() const {
return extended_info_map_;
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
friend class ContentSerializedNavigationBuilder;
friend class SerializedNavigationEntryTestHelper;
friend class IOSSerializedNavigationBuilder;
friend class IOSSerializedNavigationDriver;
// Index in the NavigationController.
int index_ = -1;
// Member variables corresponding to NavigationEntry fields.
// If you add a new field that can allocate memory, please also add
// it to the EstimatedMemoryUsage() implementation.
int unique_id_ = 0;
GURL referrer_url_;
int referrer_policy_;
GURL virtual_url_;
base::string16 title_;
std::string encoded_page_state_;
ui::PageTransition transition_type_ = ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED;
bool has_post_data_ = false;
int64_t post_id_ = -1;
GURL original_request_url_;
bool is_overriding_user_agent_ = false;
base::Time timestamp_;
GURL favicon_url_;
int http_status_code_ = 0;
bool is_restored_ = false; // Not persisted.
std::vector<GURL> redirect_chain_; // Not persisted.
replaced_entry_data_; // Not persisted.
// Additional information.
BlockedState blocked_state_ = STATE_INVALID;
PasswordState password_state_ = PASSWORD_STATE_UNKNOWN;
std::set<std::string> content_pack_categories_;
// Provides storage for arbitrary key/value pairs used by features. This
// data is not synced.
std::map<std::string, std::string> extended_info_map_;
} // namespace sessions