Automatic Reference Counting

What is ARC?

Objective-C memory management is based on reference counting. Historically, managing the reference count was a task given to the developer, but starting with Mac OS X 10.7/iOS 5, additional language support was added to Objective-C to allow the compiler to manage the reference counts given lifetime annotations by the developer. That feature is named “automatic reference counting” and is abbreviated to “ARC”.

ARC is enabled via a flag passed to the compiler and thus for Chromium is enabled at the build target level. ARC is currently enabled for most of Chrome on iOS, and is in the process of being enabled for Chrome on the Mac.

For the rest of this document, the term “Objective-C” will be used to mean both pure Objective-C as well as Objective-C++.

The basics of ARC

(This is necessarily a simplified explanation; reading ARC documentation outside of this document is highly recommended.)

Reference counting is a technique of managing the lifetime of objects by keeping a count of ownership references (in the conceptual sense of “references”, not in the C++ sense of &s). If some code wants an object to remain alive, it can “retain” the object by incrementing the reference count, and when it no longer needs the object to remain alive, it can “release” the object by decrementing the reference count. When the reference count hits zero, that indicates that no code needs the object to remain alive, so it is deallocated.

Objective-C objects are accessed via pointer. The most straightforward way of thinking about ARC is that, while in classic manual reference counting, those pointers are raw pointers and the programmer is in charge of writing the appropriate retain and release messages, with ARC, all pointers to Objective-C objects are smart pointers:

  • __strong (default): This pointer maintains a strong reference to the object. When an object pointer is assigned to it, that object is sent a retain message, and the object pointer that it used to contain is sent a release message (possibly causing it to be deallocated it if that caused the retain count to hit zero).
    • Chromium usage note: Even though this is the default, please always explicitly specify it for class members/ivars so that it is clear which pointers are Objective-C object pointers and which are C++ object pointers.
  • __weak: This pointer maintains a weak reference to the object which is kept alive by other __strong references. If the last of the strong references is released, and the object is deallocated, this pointer will be set to nil.
  • __unsafe_unretained: This is a raw pointer (as in C/C++) which maintains a reference to the object but has no other automatic capabilities.
    • Chromium usage note: Do not use this, as it is almost certainly the wrong choice. The PRESUBMIT will complain.

ARC knows about the standard Objective-C conventions for naming methods on objects that return unretained vs retained objects, and will automatically treat those functions as such. C++ functions that return retained Objective-C objects will need to be explicitly annotated as such with NS_RETURNS_RETAINED if in Objective-C code, or __attribute__((ns_returns_retained)) if in a shared C++ header. Note, though, that for header files that interface with both pure C++ and Objective-C, serious thought will need to be given to that boundary with regards to retain count expectations.

Because ARC handles all the reference counting, direct message sends of -retain, -release, and -autorelease are no longer allowed. The compiler automatically inserts them as needed, directed by the ownership annotations. Incorrect annotations will cause incorrect reference counting; annotate the code correctly to fix issues with the compiler-generated reference counting.

ARC in Chromium

When to use ARC

It is the plan to eventually enable ARC for all of Chromium’s Objective-C code. However, because ARC is a target-scoped build configuration for Chromium, it might be the case that, when adding a new file, you find that the .gn target containing that file does not have ARC enabled. In that case, you may implement that file without ARC support. However, if the target is already being built with ARC, your code must use ARC as well.

If you are lucky enough to be adding the first Objective-C file to the target, then you must write your code to build with ARC and add the config to the .gn target.

ARC compile guard

Because Chromium currently comprises mixed ARC and non-ARC Objective-C code, files that are written to build with ARC have a boilerplate compile guard after the include block:

#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."

Header files

Header files can be:

  1. Shared between C++ and Objective-C. For these headers, avoid having any Objective-C object pointers in them. Use the techniques in the Mixing C++ and Objective-C document to accomplish this.
  2. Only included in Objective-C implementation files compiled with ARC. For these headers, qualify the ownership of Objective-C object pointers with __strong and __weak, and add the ARC boilerplate at the top to ensure that they are only included by files compiled with ARC.
  3. Included in Objective-C implementation files compiled with a mix of ARC and non-ARC. For these headers, continue using base::scoped_nsobject<> for owned object pointers, but aim to eventually remove its use and switch to ARC.

Be aware that distinguishing between these cases can be tricky; if a header file is included in another header file, you must also consider which files that header file is included in. The most expedient way to distinguish case 2 is to add the ARC boilerplate to the header file and then attempt to compile. If that header file is included in either a C++ file or an Objective-C file not compiled with ARC, the compile will fail at that ARC boilerplate. As for case 1, if the header file has Objective-C constructs (e.g. #import or an @ keyword) unguarded by __OBJC__, it would not compile in C++ and therefore is not included by C++ code.

Examples of conversion from non-ARC to ARC

Objective-C Classes


@interface KittyNoARC : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) id<KittyDelegate> delegate;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray* childCats;
@property(nonatomic, retain) NSURL* vetURL;
- (Meow*)meowForBellyRub:(BellyRub*)rub;

@implementation KittyNoARC {
  id<CatFactory> _catFactory;  // weak
  base::scoped_nsobject<NSURL> _lastVisitedCatURL;
  base::scoped_nsobject<NSArray> _childCats;
  base::scoped_nsobject<NSURL> _vetURL;

- (void)setChildCats:(NSArray*)childCats {
  _childCats.reset([childCats copy]);

- (NSArray*)childCats {
  return _childCats.get();

- (void)setVetURL:(NSURL*)vetURL {
  _vetURL.reset([vetURL retain]);

- (NSURL*)vetURL {
  return _vetURL.get();

- (Meow*)meowForBellyRub:(BellyRub*)rub {
  return [[[MeowImpl alloc] initWithBellyRub:rub] autorelease];


@interface KittyARC : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, weak) id<KittyDelegate> delegate;
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSArray* childCats;
@property(nonatomic, strong) NSURL* vetURL;
- (Meow*)meowForBellyRub:(BellyRub*)rub;

@implementation KittyARC {
  id<CatFactory> __weak _catFactory;
  NSURL* _lastVisitedCatURL;

@synthesize delegate = _delegate;
@synthesize childCats = _childCats;
@synthesize vetURL = _vetURL;

- (Meow*)meowForBellyRub:(BellyRub*)rub {
  return [[MeowImpl alloc] initWithBellyRub:rub];

C++ classes in Objective-C++ implementation files


class Banana : public Fruit {
  base::scoped_nsobject<Animal> pet_;
  base::WeakNSObject<Phone> nexus_;
  Vehicle* car_;


class Banana : public Fruit {
  Animal* __strong pet_;
  Phone* __weak nexus_;
  Vehicle* __weak car_;  // Do not use __unsafe_unretained.

C++ classes in header files


class Banana : public Fruit {
  base::scoped_nsobject<Animal> pet_;
  base::WeakNSObject<Phone> nexus_;
  Vehicle* car_;


class Banana : public Fruit {
  // If this class is only included in ARC-enabled code, then include an ARC
  // compile guard and do:
  Animal* __strong pet_;

  // Otherwise, do this and move to ARC once all including files have moved to
  // ARC:
  base::scoped_nsobject<Animal> pet_;

  Phone* __weak nexus_;
  Vehicle* __weak car_;  // Do not use __unsafe_unretained.


Note: Blocks retain all objects referenced in them. This example is of a block used in an Objective-C method that uses the “weak self” idiom to avoid a retain cycle. For blocks used in C++ functions, a retain cycle is not a concern, though the use of a base::WeakPtr<> might be needed to avoid stale pointers.


base::WeakNSObject<AuthenticationFlow> weakSelf(self);
[performer_ showAuthenticationError:error
                       base::scoped_nsobject<AuthenticationFlow> strongSelf(
                           [weakSelf retain]);
                       if (!strongSelf) {
                       [strongSelf setHandlingError:NO];
                       [strongSelf continueSignin];


typeof(self) __weak weakSelf = self;
[performer_ showAuthenticationError:error
                       typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
                       if (!strongSelf) {
                       [strongSelf setHandlingError:NO];
                       [strongSelf continueSignin];

GN file changes

A .gn target will compile as ARC with the config:

    configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ]

Small targets can be converted to ARC all at once. For larger targets, a more gradual transition may be needed, for example:

source_set("fruit_arc") {
  sources = [
  deps = [
  public_deps = [
  configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc" ]
  allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":fruit" ]

source_set("fruit") {
  sources = [
    // "pear.h" and "" were here before being converted to ARC.
  deps = [
  public_deps = [
  allow_circular_includes_from = [ ":fruit_arc" ]

Things that are going away

Chromium’s migration to ARC means not only the opportunity to re-think the code and do cleanup, but the removal of utilities whose functionality will no longer be needed and will eventually end up being removed. Here are some, in no particular order:

  • base::scoped_nsobject<>: Only continue its use in header files shared between ARC and non-ARC Objective-C code, and only temporarily while those files are included by non-ARC files. Remove all other use.
  • ScopedNSAutoreleasePool: Use @autoreleasepool instead, and remove any use of ScopedNSAutoreleasePool that you encounter, if possible.
  • base::mac::ScopedBlock: Not needed; block pointers get the same ARC ownership management as Objective-C object pointers.
  • CFToNSCast and NSToCFCast: These do not handle ARC ownership; switch to CFToNSPtrCast, CFToNSOwnershipCast, NSToCFPtrCast, and NSToCFOwnershipCast from base/mac/bridging.h.

Further reading

Documents from Chromium iOS’s ARC transition

Several years ago, Chromium for iOS transitioned to ARC. In the process of doing so, they produced the documents (Google-internal):

They described the ARC process as they intended to do it, not necessarily as it ended up being done. All relevant information from them has been moved to this document. However, they can be useful reading for historical context.