blob: f614b2b3cc54be7276b5286ab1a78e8edd8f7b5b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
namespace device {
// CTAP protocol device response code, as specified in
enum class CTAPResponseCode : uint8_t {
kSuccess = 0x00,
kCtap1ErrInvalidCommand = 0x01,
kCtap1ErrInvalidParameter = 0x02,
kCtap1ErrInvalidLength = 0x03,
kCtap1ErrInvalidSeq = 0x04,
kCtap1ErrTimeout = 0x05,
kCtap1ErrChannelBusy = 0x06,
kCtap1ErrLockRequired = 0x0A,
kCtap1ErrInvalidChannel = 0x0B,
kCtap2ErrCBORParsing = 0x10,
kCtap2ErrUnexpectedType = 0x11,
kCtap2ErrInvalidCBOR = 0x12,
kCtap2ErrInvalidCBORType = 0x13,
kCtap2ErrMissingParameter = 0x14,
kCtap2ErrLimitExceeded = 0x15,
kCtap2ErrUnsupportedExtension = 0x16,
kCtap2ErrTooManyElements = 0x17,
kCtap2ErrExtensionNotSupported = 0x18,
kCtap2ErrCredentialExcluded = 0x19,
kCtap2ErrCredentialNotValid = 0x20,
kCtap2ErrProcesssing = 0x21,
kCtap2ErrInvalidCredential = 0x22,
kCtap2ErrUserActionPending = 0x23,
kCtap2ErrOperationPending = 0x24,
kCtap2ErrNoOperations = 0x25,
kCtap2ErrUnsupportedAlgorithms = 0x26,
kCtap2ErrOperationDenied = 0x27,
kCtap2ErrKeyStoreFull = 0x28,
kCtap2ErrNotBusy = 0x29,
kCtap2ErrNoOperationPending = 0x2A,
kCtap2ErrUnsupportedOption = 0x2B,
kCtap2ErrInvalidOption = 0x2C,
kCtap2ErrKeepAliveCancel = 0x2D,
kCtap2ErrNoCredentials = 0x2E,
kCtap2ErrUserActionTimeout = 0x2F,
kCtap2ErrNotAllowed = 0x30,
kCtap2ErrPinInvalid = 0x31,
kCtap2ErrPinBlocked = 0x32,
kCtap2ErrPinAuthInvalid = 0x33,
kCtap2ErrPinAuthBlocked = 0x34,
kCtap2ErrPinNotSet = 0x35,
kCtap2ErrPinRequired = 0x36,
kCtap2ErrPinPolicyViolation = 0x37,
kCtap2ErrPinTokenExpired = 0x38,
kCtap2ErrRequestTooLarge = 0x39,
kCtap2ErrOther = 0x7F,
kCtap2ErrSpecLast = 0xDF,
kCtap2ErrExtensionFirst = 0xE0,
kCtap2ErrExtensionLast = 0xEF,
kCtap2ErrVendorFirst = 0xF0,
kCtap2ErrVendorLast = 0xFF
} // namespace device