blob: 62bb270e70f88e0326b9dd61415b226bf14e32d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Message definitions for browser navigation messages.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package blimp;
message LoadUrlMessage {
// The text to generate and create a URL from. This might be a URL or might
// not. It might be text that should be turned into a search URL.
// Some example inputs:
// 1.
// 2.
// 3. dogs
optional string url = 1;
message NavigationStateChangeMessage {
// If the URL changed, this will include the new URL string.
optional string url = 1;
// If the favicon of the page changed, this should include the serialized
// bitmap of the favicon.
optional bytes favicon = 2;
// If the title changed, this will contain the new title string.
optional string title = 3;
// If the loading state changed, this will contain whether or not the page is
// loading. See WebContents::IsLoading() for more details.
// TODO(dtrainor): Figure out exactly what we want to send here. Loading may
// mean different things for different contexts (
optional bool loading = 4;
// Denotes whether the page load has been finished. While |loading| above will
// be true when any resources are being loaded from the network,
// |page_load_completed| is set to true when the initial page load has
// completed.
optional bool page_load_completed = 5;
message NavigationMessage {
enum Type {
// Server => Client types.
// Client => Server types.
GO_BACK = 3;
optional Type type = 1;
optional NavigationStateChangeMessage navigation_state_changed = 1000;
optional LoadUrlMessage load_url = 1001;