blob: 1d7f07d7943c70bab1eccc2770c8d12a86b0768b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabbed_browser_window.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_window_layout.h"
// Implementer's note: Moving the window controls is tricky. When altering the
// code, ensure that:
// - accessibility hit testing works
// - the accessibility hierarchy is correct
// - close/min in the background don't bring the window forward
// - rollover effects work correctly
namespace {
// Size of the gradient. Empirically determined so that the gradient looks
// like what the heuristic does when there are just a few tabs.
constexpr CGFloat kWindowGradientHeight = 24.0;
// Offsets from the bottom/left of the titlebar to the bottom/left of the
// window buttons (zoom, close, miniaturize).
constexpr NSInteger kWindowButtonsOffsetFromBottom = 9;
constexpr NSInteger kWindowButtonsOffsetFromLeft = 11;
} // namespace
@interface TabbedBrowserWindow ()
- (CGFloat)fullScreenButtonOriginAdjustment;
// Weak so that Chrome will launch if a future macOS doesn't have NSThemeFrame.
@interface NSThemeFrame : NSView
- (NSView*)fullScreenButton
__attribute__((availability(macos, obsoleted = 10.10)));
@interface NSWindow (PrivateTabbedBrowserWindowAPI)
+ (Class)frameViewClassForStyleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle;
@interface NSWindow (TenTwelveSDK)
NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirection windowTitlebarLayoutDirection;
@interface TabbedBrowserWindowFrame : NSThemeFrame
@implementation TabbedBrowserWindowFrame
// NSThemeFrame overrides.
- (CGFloat)_minXTitlebarWidgetInset {
return kWindowButtonsOffsetFromLeft;
- (CGFloat)_minYTitlebarButtonsOffset {
return -kWindowButtonsOffsetFromBottom;
- (CGFloat)_titlebarHeight {
return chrome::kTabStripHeight;
// AppKit's implementation only returns YES if [self class] == [NSThemeFrame
// class]. TabbedBrowserWindowFrame could override -class to return that, but
// then -[NSWindow setStyleMask:] would recreate the frame view each time the
// style mask is touched because it wouldn't match the return value of
// +[TabbedBrowserWindow frameViewClassForStyleMask:].
- (BOOL)_shouldFlipTrafficLightsForRTL API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12)) {
return [[self window] windowTitlebarLayoutDirection] ==
// By default, contentView does not occupy the full size of a titled window,
// and Chrome wants to draw in the title bar. Historically, Chrome did this by
// adding subviews directly to the root view. This causes several problems. The
// most egregious is related to layer ordering when the root view does not have
// a layer. By giving the contentView the same size as the window, there is no
// need to add subviews to the root view.
// TODO(sdy): This can be deleted once ShouldUseFullSizeContentView is
// perma-on. See
@interface FullSizeTabbedBrowserWindowFrame : TabbedBrowserWindowFrame
@implementation FullSizeTabbedBrowserWindowFrame
+ (CGRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(CGRect)frameRect
styleMask:(NSUInteger)style {
return frameRect;
+ (CGRect)frameRectForContentRect:(CGRect)contentRect
styleMask:(NSUInteger)style {
return contentRect;
- (CGRect)contentRectForFrameRect:(CGRect)frameRect
styleMask:(NSUInteger)style {
return frameRect;
- (CGRect)frameRectForContentRect:(CGRect)contentRect
styleMask:(NSUInteger)style {
return contentRect;
@implementation TabbedBrowserWindow
// FramedBrowserWindow overrides.
+ (NSUInteger)defaultStyleMask {
NSUInteger styleMask = [super defaultStyleMask];
if (chrome::ShouldUseFullSizeContentView()) {
if (@available(macOS 10.10, *))
styleMask |= NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask;
return styleMask;
// NSWindow (PrivateTabbedBrowserWindowAPI) overrides.
+ (Class)frameViewClassForStyleMask:(NSUInteger)windowStyle {
// Because NSThemeFrame is imported weakly, if it's not present at runtime
// then it and its subclasses will be nil.
if ([TabbedBrowserWindowFrame class]) {
return chrome::ShouldUseFullSizeContentView()
? [TabbedBrowserWindowFrame class]
: [FullSizeTabbedBrowserWindowFrame class];
return [super frameViewClassForStyleMask:windowStyle];
// NSWindow's implementation of _usesCustomDrawing returns YES when the window
// has a custom frame view class, which causes several undesirable changes in
// AppKit's behavior. NSWindow subclasses in AppKit override it and return NO.
- (BOOL)_usesCustomDrawing {
return NO;
// FramedBrowserWindow overrides.
- (id)initWithContentRect:(NSRect)contentRect {
if ((self = [super initWithContentRect:contentRect])) {
// The following two calls fix by preventing the
// window from recalculating the border thickness as the window is
// resized.
// This was causing the window tint to change for the default system theme
// when the window was being resized.
[self setAutorecalculatesContentBorderThickness:NO forEdge:NSMaxYEdge];
[self setContentBorderThickness:kWindowGradientHeight forEdge:NSMaxYEdge];
return self;
// TabbedBrowserWindow () implementation.
- (CGFloat)fullScreenButtonOriginAdjustment {
// If there is a profile avatar icon present, shift the button over by its
// width and some padding. The new avatar button is displayed to the right
// of the fullscreen icon, so it doesn't need to be shifted.
BrowserWindowController* bwc =
[BrowserWindowController browserWindowControllerForWindow:self];
if ([bwc shouldShowAvatar] && ![bwc shouldUseNewAvatarButton]) {
NSView* avatarButton = [[bwc avatarButtonController] view];
return NSWidth([avatarButton frame]) - 3;
return 0;