blob: 0127db9a3a59d6cdde4615473bdbc5d897f9d14d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "pdf/pdf_engine.h"
namespace chrome_pdf {
// The interface that's provided to the print preview rendering engine.
class PreviewModeClient : public PDFEngine::Client {
class Client {
virtual void PreviewDocumentLoadFailed() = 0;
virtual void PreviewDocumentLoadComplete() = 0;
explicit PreviewModeClient(Client* client);
~PreviewModeClient() override {}
// PDFEngine::Client implementation.
void DocumentSizeUpdated(const pp::Size& size) override;
void Invalidate(const pp::Rect& rect) override;
void Scroll(const pp::Point& point) override;
void ScrollToX(int position) override;
void ScrollToY(int position) override;
void ScrollToPage(int page) override;
void NavigateTo(const std::string& url, bool open_in_new_tab) override;
void UpdateCursor(PP_CursorType_Dev cursor) override;
void UpdateTickMarks(const std::vector<pp::Rect>& tickmarks) override;
void NotifyNumberOfFindResultsChanged(int total, bool final_result) override;
void NotifySelectedFindResultChanged(int current_find_index) override;
void GetDocumentPassword(
pp::CompletionCallbackWithOutput<pp::Var> callback) override;
void Alert(const std::string& message) override;
bool Confirm(const std::string& message) override;
std::string Prompt(const std::string& question,
const std::string& default_answer) override;
std::string GetURL() override;
void Email(const std::string& to,
const std::string& cc,
const std::string& bcc,
const std::string& subject,
const std::string& body) override;
void Print() override;
void SubmitForm(const std::string& url,
const void* data,
int length) override;
std::string ShowFileSelectionDialog() override;
pp::URLLoader CreateURLLoader() override;
void ScheduleCallback(int id, int delay_in_ms) override;
void SearchString(const base::char16* string,
const base::char16* term,
bool case_sensitive,
std::vector<SearchStringResult>* results) override;
void DocumentPaintOccurred() override;
void DocumentLoadComplete(int page_count) override;
void DocumentLoadFailed() override;
pp::Instance* GetPluginInstance() override;
void DocumentHasUnsupportedFeature(const std::string& feature) override;
void DocumentLoadProgress(uint32_t available, uint32_t doc_size) override;
void FormTextFieldFocusChange(bool in_focus) override;
bool IsPrintPreview() override;
uint32_t GetBackgroundColor() override;
Client* const client_;
} // namespace chrome_pdf