blob: dd90d1d19fd212acc893a918bf8b9c01afb8e1c5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
class GURL;
namespace web {
class BrowserState;
// Some special browser-level URLs (like "about:version") are handled before
// actually being loaded by the web view, allowing the embedder to optionally
// convert them to app-specific URLs that to be handled using
// CRWNativeContentProviders.
class BrowserURLRewriter {
// The type of functions that can process a URL. URLRewriters return true if
// |url| is ready to be loaded and added to the NavigationManager. They can
// optionally modify |url| regardless of whether they return true or false.
typedef bool (*URLRewriter)(GURL* url, BrowserState* browser_state);
// Returns the singleton instance.
static BrowserURLRewriter* GetInstance();
// Gives every URLRewriter in |rewriters| a chance to process |url|, modifying
// it in place. Returns whether or not a URLRewriter returned |true|.
static bool RewriteURLWithWriters(
GURL* url,
BrowserState* browser_state,
const std::vector<BrowserURLRewriter::URLRewriter>& rewriters);
// Gives every URLRewriter added via |AddURLRewriter()| a chance to process
// |url|, modifying it in place. Returns whether or not a URLRewriter
// returned |true|.
virtual bool RewriteURLIfNecessary(GURL* url,
BrowserState* browser_state) = 0;
// Adds |rewriter| to the list of URL rewriters. |rewriter| must not be null.
virtual void AddURLRewriter(URLRewriter rewriter) = 0;
virtual ~BrowserURLRewriter() {}
} // namespace web