blob: 1d4f0dd7dc61a850a07d28a2c0557852f3a8a67e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_common.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
namespace blink {
// WebDataConsumerHandle represents the "consumer" side of a data pipe. A user
// can read data from it.
// A WebDataConsumerHandle is a thread-safe object. A user can call
// |ObtainReader| or destruct the object on any thread.
// A WebDataConsumerHandle having a reader is called "locked". A
// WebDataConsumerHandle or its reader are called "waiting" when reading from
// the handle or reader returns kShouldWait.
// WebDataConsumerHandle can be created / used / destructed only on
// Oilpan-enabled threads.
// TODO(yhirano): Remove this restriction.
class BLINK_PLATFORM_EXPORT WebDataConsumerHandle {
using Flags = unsigned;
static const Flags kFlagNone = 0;
enum Result {
// Client gets notification from the pipe.
virtual ~Client() = default;
// The associated handle gets readable. This function will be called
// when the associated reader was waiting but is not waiting any more.
// This means this function can be called when handle gets errored or
// closed. This also means that this function will not be called even
// when some data arrives if the handle already has non-empty readable
// data.
// It is not guaranteed that the handle is not waiting when this
// function is called, i.e. it can be called more than needed.
// One can use / destruct the associated reader in this function.
virtual void DidGetReadable() = 0;
// This class provides a means to read data from the associated handle. A
// Reader object is bound to the thread on which |ObtainReader| is called.
// Any functions including the destructor should be called on the thread.
// A reader can outlive the associated handle. In such a case, the handle
// destruction will not affect the reader functionality.
// Reading functions may success (i.e. return kOk) or fail (otherwise), and
// the behavior which is not specified is unspecified.
// Destructing a reader means it is released and a user can get another
// Reader by calling |ObtainReader| on any thread again.
virtual ~Reader() = default;
// Reads data into |data| up to |size| bytes. The actual read size will
// be stored in |*read_size|. This function cannot be called when a
// two-phase read is in progress.
// Returns kDone when it reaches to the end of the data.
// Returns kShouldWait when the handle does not have data to read but
// it is not closed or errored.
// The default implementation uses BeginRead and EndRead.
virtual Result Read(void* data,
size_t /* size */,
size_t* read_size);
// Begins a two-phase read. On success, the function stores a buffer
// that contains the read data of length |*available| into |*buffer|.
// Returns kDone when it reaches to the end of the data.
// Returns kShouldWait when the handle does not have data to read but
// it is not closed or errored.
// On fail, you don't have to (and should not) call EndRead, because the
// read session implicitly ends in that case.
virtual Result BeginRead(const void** buffer, Flags, size_t* available) = 0;
// Ends a two-phase read.
// |read_size| indicates the actual read size.
virtual Result EndRead(size_t read_size) = 0;
virtual ~WebDataConsumerHandle();
// Returns a non-null reader. This function can be called only when this
// handle is not locked. |client| can be null. Otherwise, |*client| must be
// valid as long as the reader is valid. The returned reader is bound to
// the calling thread and client notification will be called on the thread
// if |client| is not null.
// If |client| is not null and the handle is not waiting, client
// notification is called asynchronously.
// |task_runner| cannot be null.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Reader> ObtainReader(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>) = 0;
// Returns a string literal (e.g. class name) for debugging only.
virtual const char* DebugName() const = 0;
} // namespace blink