| include_rules = [ |
| "+cc/base/switches.h", |
| "+chromecast/common", |
| "+chromecast/graphics", |
| "+chromecast/app/grit/chromecast_settings.h", |
| "+chromecast/app/resources/grit/shell_resources.h", |
| "+chromecast/media", |
| "+chromecast/net", |
| "+chromecast/service", |
| "+components/cdm/browser", |
| "+components/crash", |
| "+components/download/public/common", |
| "+components/keyed_service", |
| "+components/network_hints/browser", |
| "+components/network_session_configurator/common", |
| "+components/prefs", |
| "+components/pref_registry", |
| "+components/proxy_config", |
| "+components/storage_monitor", |
| "+components/user_prefs", |
| "+components/version_info", |
| "+components/viz/common/switches.h", |
| "+components/zoom", |
| "+content/common/net", |
| "+content/public/android", |
| "+content/public/browser", |
| "+content/public/common", |
| "+content/public/test", |
| "+device/bluetooth", |
| "+extensions/browser", |
| "+extensions/common", |
| "+extensions/shell/browser/api", |
| "+gin/v8_initializer.h", |
| "+gpu/command_buffer/service/gpu_switches.h", |
| "+media/audio", |
| "+media/base", |
| "+media/mojo", |
| "+mojo/public", |
| "+net", |
| "+services/media_session/public", |
| "+services/network/public/cpp", |
| "+services/service_manager/public", |
| "+services/service_manager/embedder", |
| "+ui/accessibility", |
| "+ui/aura", |
| "+ui/base", |
| "+ui/compositor", |
| "+ui/events", |
| "+ui/gfx", |
| "+ui/gl", |
| "+ui/display", |
| "+ui/ozone", |
| "+ui/views", |
| "+ui/wm", |
| |
| # TODO(sanfin): Remove this by fixing the crash handler on android. |
| "!chromecast/app", |
| |
| # TODO(slan): Remove this when the network service is shipped on Cast. |
| "+services/network", |
| |
| # Needed to insert video plane callback. |
| # TODO(halliwell): Need to re-work this dependency otherwise Cast can't run |
| # with Viz out of process. |
| "+components/viz/service/display/overlay_strategy_underlay_cast.h", |
| |
| # No inclusion of WebKit from the browser, other than the ones in |
| # WebKit/public/{mojom,common}, or the ones that are strictly enum/POD, |
| # header-only types, and some selected common code. |
| # Needed for constants for TTS. |
| "+third_party/blink/public/platform/web_speech_synthesis_constants.h", |
| ] |