blob: fc38d8ad7f65f139ca4d52dcc1fadf1e32f720e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "chromecast_export.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
enum SampleFormat : int;
struct AudioOutputRedirectionConfig;
class AudioOutputRedirectorToken;
class DirectAudioSource;
class DirectAudioSourceToken;
class MediaPipelineBackend;
struct MediaPipelineDeviceParams;
class RedirectedAudioOutput;
class VideoPlane;
// Provides access to platform-specific media systems and hardware resources.
// In cast_shell, all usage is from the browser process. An implementation is
// assumed to be in an uninitialized state initially. When uninitialized, no
// API calls will be made except for Initialize, which brings the implementation
// into an initialized state. A call to Finalize returns the implementation to
// its uninitialized state. The implementation must support multiple
// transitions between these states, to support resource grant/revoke events and
// also to allow multiple unit tests to bring up the media systems in isolation
// from other tests.
class CHROMECAST_EXPORT CastMediaShlib {
using ResultCallback =
std::function<void(bool success, const std::string& message)>;
// Observer for audio loopback data.
class LoopbackAudioObserver {
// Called whenever audio data is about to be output. The |timestamp| is the
// estimated time in microseconds (relative to CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) that
// the audio will actually be output. |length| is the length of the audio
// |data| in bytes. The format of the data is given by |sample_format| and
// |num_channels|.
// This method may be called by any thread, and MUST not block or take very
// much time (to avoid audio underruns).
virtual void OnLoopbackAudio(int64_t timestamp,
SampleFormat sample_format,
int sample_rate,
int num_channels,
uint8_t* data,
int length) = 0;
// Called if the loopback data is not continuous (ie, does not accurately
// represent the actual output) for any reason. For example, if there is an
// output underflow, or if output is disabled due to no output streams.
// This method could be called from any thread.
virtual void OnLoopbackInterrupted() = 0;
// Called once this observer has been fully removed by a call to
// RemoveLoopbackAudioObserver(). After this is called, no more calls to
// OnLoopbackAudio() or OnLoopbackInterrupted() will be made for this
// observer unless it is added again. This method could be called from any
// thread.
virtual void OnRemoved() = 0;
virtual ~LoopbackAudioObserver() {}
// Initializes platform-specific media systems. Only called when in an
// uninitialized state.
static void Initialize(const std::vector<std::string>& argv);
// Tears down platform-specific media systems and returns to the uninitialized
// state. The implementation must release all media-related hardware
// resources.
static void Finalize();
// Gets the VideoPlane instance for managing the hardware video plane.
// While an implementation is in an initialized state, this function may be
// called at any time. The VideoPlane object must be destroyed in Finalize.
static VideoPlane* GetVideoPlane();
// Creates a media pipeline backend. Called in the browser process for each
// media pipeline and raw audio stream. The caller owns the returned
// MediaPipelineBackend instance.
static MediaPipelineBackend* CreateMediaPipelineBackend(
const MediaPipelineDeviceParams& params);
// Fetches the renderer clock rate (Hz).
static double GetMediaClockRate();
// Fetches the granularity of clock rate adjustments.
static double MediaClockRatePrecision();
// Fetches the possible range of clock rate adjustments.
static void MediaClockRateRange(double* minimum_rate, double* maximum_rate);
// Sets the renderer clock rate (Hz).
static bool SetMediaClockRate(double new_rate);
// Tests if the implementation supports renderer clock rate adjustments.
static bool SupportsMediaClockRateChange();
// Adds a loopback audio observer. An observer will not be added more than
// once without being removed first.
// This function is optional to implement.
static void AddLoopbackAudioObserver(LoopbackAudioObserver* observer)
// Removes a loopback audio observer. An observer will not be removed unless
// it was previously added, and will not be removed more than once without
// being added again first.
// Once the observer is fully removed (ie. once it is certain that
// OnLoopbackAudio() will not be called again for the observer), the
// observer's OnRemoved() method must be called. The OnRemoved() method must
// be called once for each time that RemoveLoopbackAudioObserver() is called
// for a given observer, even if the observer was not added. The
// implementation may call OnRemoved() from any thread.
// This function is optional to implement.
static void RemoveLoopbackAudioObserver(LoopbackAudioObserver* observer)
// Reset the post processing pipeline. |callback| will be called with
// |success| = |true| if the new config loads without error.
static void ResetPostProcessors(ResultCallback callback)
// Updates all postprocessors with the given |name| to have new configuration
// |config|.
static void SetPostProcessorConfig(const std::string& name,
const std::string& config)
// Only used on Chromecast: set and clear an image on the video plane.
// Image data is 8-bit ARGB format; |data| buffer byte length must be
// |width|*|height|*4. Returns whether the image could be successfully set.
static bool SetVideoPlaneImage(int width, int height, const uint8_t* data)
static void ClearVideoPlaneImage() __attribute__((__weak__));
// Sets up a direct audio source for output. The media backend will pull audio
// directly from |source| whenever more output data is needed; this provides
// low-latency output. The source must remain valid until
// OnAudioPlaybackComplete() has been called on it.
// Returns nullptr if a direct source cannot be added. Otherwise, returns a
// token that must be passed to RemoveDirectAudioSource() to remove the source
// when desired.
static DirectAudioSourceToken* AddDirectAudioSource(
DirectAudioSource* source,
const MediaPipelineDeviceParams& params,
int playout_channel) __attribute__((__weak__));
// Removes a direct audio source, given the |token| that was returned by
// AddDirectAudioSource().
static void RemoveDirectAudioSource(DirectAudioSourceToken* token)
// Sets the volume multiplier for a direct audio source, given the |token|
// that was returned by AddDirectAudioSource().
static void SetDirectAudioSourceVolume(DirectAudioSourceToken* token,
float multiplier)
// Adds an audio output redirector configured according to |config|, where the
// matching audio streams will be redirected to |output|. Returns a token that
// may be used to remove the redirection (via RemoveAudioOutputRedirection()),
// or nullptr if the redirection could not be added (ie, if the config is
// invalid).
static AudioOutputRedirectorToken* AddAudioOutputRedirection(
const AudioOutputRedirectionConfig& config,
std::unique_ptr<RedirectedAudioOutput> output) __attribute__((__weak__));
// Removes an audio output redirector, given the |token| that was returned by
// AddAudioOutputRedirection().
static void RemoveAudioOutputRedirection(AudioOutputRedirectorToken* token)
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast