blob: 0e2fb8f1244ad883b8bae0b0026a29359576c6cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/common/wayland_object.h"
struct wl_data_source;
struct gtk_primary_selection_source;
struct zwp_primary_selection_source_v1;
namespace wl {
template <typename T>
class DataSource;
} // namespace wl
namespace ui {
class WaylandConnection;
// DataSource represents the source side of a DataOffer. It is created by the
// source client in a data transfer and provides a way to describe the offered
// data and a way to respond to requests to transfer the data. There are a few
// variants of Wayland protocol objects and extensions supporting different
// features. E.g: regular copy/paste and drag operations are implemented by
// wl_data_source (along with its _device and _offer counterparts), etc.
// Implementation wise, these variants are share a single class template, with
// specializations defined for each underlying supported extensions. Below are
// the type aliases for the variants currently supported.
using WaylandDataSource = wl::DataSource<wl_data_source>;
using GtkPrimarySelectionSource = wl::DataSource<gtk_primary_selection_source>;
using ZwpPrimarySelectionSource = wl::DataSource<zwp_primary_selection_source_v1>;
} // namespace ui
namespace wl {
// Template class implementing DataSource, whereas T is the underlying source
// type, e.g: wl_data_source, gtk_primary_selection_source, etc. This class
// is not supposed to be used directly, instead use the aliases defined above.
template <typename T>
class DataSource {
class Delegate {
virtual void OnDataSourceFinish(bool completed) = 0;
virtual void OnDataSourceSend(const std::string& mime_type,
std::string* contents) = 0;
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// Takes ownership of |data_source|.
DataSource(T* data_source,
ui::WaylandConnection* connection,
Delegate* delegate);
DataSource(const DataSource<T>&) = delete;
DataSource& operator=(const DataSource<T>&) = delete;
~DataSource() = default;
void Initialize();
void Offer(const std::vector<std::string>& mime_types);
void SetDndActions(uint32_t dnd_actions);
uint32_t dnd_action() const { return dnd_action_; }
T* data_source() const { return data_source_.get(); }
void HandleFinishEvent(bool completed);
void HandleSendEvent(const std::string& mime_type, int32_t fd);
static void OnSend(void* data, T* source, const char* mime_type, int32_t fd);
static void OnCancel(void* data, T* source);
static void OnDnDFinished(void* data, T* source);
static void OnAction(void* data, T* source, uint32_t dnd_action);
static void OnTarget(void* data, T* source, const char* mime_type);
static void OnDnDDropPerformed(void* data, T* source);
wl::Object<T> data_source_;
ui::WaylandConnection* const connection_;
Delegate* const delegate_;
// Action selected by the compositor
uint32_t dnd_action_ = 0;
} // namespace wl