blob: 43a6f5042fd5e4ea218f3d91d39bca7cb91d374f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/history/core/browser/typed_url_syncable_service.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <utility>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_backend.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/typed_url_specifics.pb.h"
#include "net/base/url_util.h"
namespace history {
namespace {
// The server backend can't handle arbitrarily large node sizes, so to keep
// the size under control we limit the visit array.
static const int kMaxTypedUrlVisits = 100;
// There's no limit on how many visits the history DB could have for a given
// typed URL, so we limit how many we fetch from the DB to avoid crashes due to
// running out of memory ( This value is different
// from kMaxTypedUrlVisits, as some of the visits fetched from the DB may be
// RELOAD visits, which will be stripped.
static const int kMaxVisitsToFetch = 1000;
// This is the threshold at which we start throttling sync updates for typed
// URLs - any URLs with a typed_count >= this threshold will be throttled.
static const int kTypedUrlVisitThrottleThreshold = 10;
// This is the multiple we use when throttling sync updates. If the multiple is
// N, we sync up every Nth update (i.e. when typed_count % N == 0).
static const int kTypedUrlVisitThrottleMultiple = 10;
} // namespace
// Enforce oldest to newest visit order.
static bool CheckVisitOrdering(const VisitVector& visits) {
int64_t previous_visit_time = 0;
for (VisitVector::const_iterator visit = visits.begin();
visit != visits.end(); ++visit) {
if (visit != visits.begin()) {
// We allow duplicate visits here - they shouldn't really be allowed, but
// they still seem to show up sometimes and we haven't figured out the
// source, so we just log an error instead of failing an assertion.
// (
if (previous_visit_time == visit->visit_time.ToInternalValue())
DVLOG(1) << "Duplicate visit time encountered";
else if (previous_visit_time > visit->visit_time.ToInternalValue())
return false;
previous_visit_time = visit->visit_time.ToInternalValue();
return true;
HistoryBackend* history_backend)
: history_backend_(history_backend),
history_backend_observer_(this) {
TypedUrlSyncableService::~TypedUrlSyncableService() {
syncer::SyncMergeResult TypedUrlSyncableService::MergeDataAndStartSyncing(
syncer::ModelType type,
const syncer::SyncDataList& initial_sync_data,
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncChangeProcessor> sync_processor,
std::unique_ptr<syncer::SyncErrorFactory> error_handler) {
DCHECK_EQ(type, syncer::TYPED_URLS);
syncer::SyncMergeResult merge_result(type);
sync_processor_ = std::move(sync_processor);
sync_error_handler_ = std::move(error_handler);
DVLOG(1) << "Associating TypedUrl: MergeDataAndStartSyncing";
// Create a mapping of all local data by URLID. These will be narrowed down
// by CreateOrUpdateUrl() to include only the entries different from sync
// server data.
TypedUrlMap new_db_urls;
// Get all the visits and map the URLRows by URL.
UrlVisitVectorMap visit_vectors;
// Get all the typed urls from the history db.
history::URLRows typed_urls;
if (!history_backend_->GetAllTypedURLs(&typed_urls)) {
FROM_HERE, "Could not get the typed_url entries."));
return merge_result;
for (history::URLRows::iterator iter = typed_urls.begin();
iter != typed_urls.end();) {
DCHECK_EQ(0U, visit_vectors.count(iter->url()));
if (!FixupURLAndGetVisits(&(*iter), &(visit_vectors[iter->url()])) ||
ShouldIgnoreUrl(iter->url()) ||
ShouldIgnoreVisits(visit_vectors[iter->url()])) {
// Ignore this URL if we couldn't load the visits or if there's some
// other problem with it (it was empty, or imported and never visited).
iter = typed_urls.erase(iter);
} else {
// Add url to map.
new_db_urls[iter->url()] =
std::make_pair(syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD, *iter);
// New sync data organized for different write operations to history backend.
history::URLRows new_synced_urls;
history::URLRows updated_synced_urls;
TypedUrlVisitVector new_synced_visits;
// List of updates to push to sync.
syncer::SyncChangeList new_changes;
// Iterate through initial_sync_data and check for all the urls that
// sync already knows about. CreateOrUpdateUrl() will remove urls that
// are the same as the synced ones from |new_db_urls|.
for (syncer::SyncDataList::const_iterator sync_iter =
sync_iter != initial_sync_data.end(); ++sync_iter) {
// Extract specifics
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics = sync_iter->GetSpecifics();
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url(specifics.typed_url());
if (ShouldIgnoreUrl(GURL(typed_url.url())))
// Add url to cache of sync state. Note that this is done irrespective of
// whether the synced url is ignored locally, so that we know what to delete
// at a later point.
// Ignore old sync urls that don't have any transition data stored with
// them, or transition data that does not match the visit data (will be
// deleted below).
if (typed_url.visit_transitions_size() == 0 ||
typed_url.visit_transitions_size() != typed_url.visits_size()) {
// Generate a debug assertion to help track down,
// even though we gracefully handle this case by overwriting this node.
DCHECK_EQ(typed_url.visits_size(), typed_url.visit_transitions_size());
DVLOG(1) << "Ignoring obsolete sync url with no visit transition info.";
// Check if local db has typed visits for the url
TypedUrlMap::iterator it = new_db_urls.find(GURL(typed_url.url()));
if (it != new_db_urls.end()) {
// Overwrite server data with local data
it->second.first = syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE;
CreateOrUpdateUrl(typed_url, &new_db_urls, &visit_vectors, &new_synced_urls,
&new_synced_visits, &updated_synced_urls);
for (TypedUrlMap::iterator i = new_db_urls.begin(); i != new_db_urls.end();
++i) {
std::string tag = i->first.spec();
AddTypedUrlToChangeList(i->second.first, i->second.second,
visit_vectors[i->first], tag, &new_changes);
// Send history changes to the sync server
sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, new_changes));
if (!merge_result.error().IsSet()) {
WriteToHistoryBackend(&new_synced_urls, &updated_synced_urls, nullptr,
&new_synced_visits, nullptr);
return merge_result;
void TypedUrlSyncableService::StopSyncing(syncer::ModelType type) {
DCHECK_EQ(type, syncer::TYPED_URLS);
// Clear cache of server state.
syncer::SyncDataList TypedUrlSyncableService::GetAllSyncData(
syncer::ModelType type) const {
syncer::SyncDataList list;
// TODO(sync): Add implementation
return list;
syncer::SyncError TypedUrlSyncableService::ProcessSyncChanges(
const base::Location& from_here,
const syncer::SyncChangeList& change_list) {
std::vector<GURL> pending_deleted_urls;
history::URLRows new_synced_urls;
history::URLRows updated_synced_urls;
TypedUrlVisitVector new_synced_visits;
history::VisitVector deleted_visits;
for (syncer::SyncChangeList::const_iterator it = change_list.begin();
it != change_list.end(); ++it) {
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics = it->sync_data().GetSpecifics();
<< "Typed URL delete change does not have necessary specifics.";
GURL url(specifics.typed_url().url());
if (syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE == it->change_type()) {
if (synced_typed_urls_.find(url) != synced_typed_urls_.end()) {
// Delete typed url from cache.
// Ensure cache of server state is up to date.
if (ShouldIgnoreUrl(url))
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url(specifics.typed_url());
sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics filtered_url = FilterExpiredVisits(typed_url);
if (filtered_url.visits_size() == 0)
UpdateFromSyncDB(filtered_url, &new_synced_visits, &deleted_visits,
&updated_synced_urls, &new_synced_urls);
WriteToHistoryBackend(&new_synced_urls, &updated_synced_urls,
&pending_deleted_urls, &new_synced_visits,
return syncer::SyncError();
void TypedUrlSyncableService::OnURLsModified(
history::HistoryBackend* history_backend,
const history::URLRows& changed_urls) {
if (processing_syncer_changes_)
return; // These are changes originating from us, ignore.
if (!sync_processor_.get())
return; // Sync processor not yet initialized, don't sync.
// Create SyncChangeList.
syncer::SyncChangeList changes;
for (const auto& row : changed_urls) {
// Only care if the modified URL is typed.
if (row.typed_count() >= 0) {
// If there were any errors updating the sync node, just ignore them and
// continue on to process the next URL.
CreateOrUpdateSyncNode(row, &changes);
// Send SyncChangeList to server if there are any changes.
if (changes.size() > 0)
sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, changes);
void TypedUrlSyncableService::OnURLVisited(
history::HistoryBackend* history_backend,
ui::PageTransition transition,
const history::URLRow& row,
const history::RedirectList& redirects,
base::Time visit_time) {
if (processing_syncer_changes_)
return; // These are changes originating from us, ignore.
if (!sync_processor_.get())
return; // Sync processor not yet initialized, don't sync.
if (!ShouldSyncVisit(row.typed_count(), transition))
// Create SyncChangeList.
syncer::SyncChangeList changes;
CreateOrUpdateSyncNode(row, &changes);
// Send SyncChangeList to server if there are any changes.
if (changes.size() > 0)
sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, changes);
void TypedUrlSyncableService::OnURLsDeleted(
history::HistoryBackend* history_backend,
bool all_history,
bool expired,
const history::URLRows& deleted_rows,
const std::set<GURL>& favicon_urls) {
if (processing_syncer_changes_)
return; // These are changes originating from us, ignore.
if (!sync_processor_.get())
return; // Sync processor not yet initialized, don't sync.
// Ignore URLs expired due to old age (we don't want to sync them as deletions
// to avoid extra traffic up to the server, and also to make sure that a
// client with a bad clock setting won't go on an expiration rampage and
// delete all history from every client). The server will gracefully age out
// the sync DB entries when they've been idle for long enough.
if (expired)
// Create SyncChangeList.
syncer::SyncChangeList changes;
if (all_history) {
// Delete all synced typed urls.
for (const auto& url : synced_typed_urls_) {
VisitVector visits;
URLRow row(url);
AddTypedUrlToChangeList(syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE, row, visits,
url.spec(), &changes);
// Clear cache of server state.
} else {
// Delete rows.
for (const auto& row : deleted_rows) {
// Add specifics to change list for all synced urls that were deleted.
if (synced_typed_urls_.find(row.url()) != synced_typed_urls_.end()) {
VisitVector visits;
AddTypedUrlToChangeList(syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE, row, visits,
row.url().spec(), &changes);
// Delete typed url from cache.
// Send SyncChangeList to server if there are any changes.
if (changes.size() > 0)
sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, changes);
void TypedUrlSyncableService::CreateOrUpdateUrl(
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url,
TypedUrlMap* loaded_data,
UrlVisitVectorMap* visit_vectors,
history::URLRows* new_synced_urls,
TypedUrlVisitVector* new_synced_visits,
history::URLRows* updated_synced_urls) {
DCHECK(typed_url.visits_size() != 0);
DCHECK_EQ(typed_url.visits_size(), typed_url.visit_transitions_size());
// Ignore empty urls.
if (typed_url.url().empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Ignoring empty URL in sync DB";
// Now, get rid of the expired visits. If there are no un-expired visits
// left, ignore this url - any local data should just replace it.
sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics sync_url = FilterExpiredVisits(typed_url);
if (sync_url.visits_size() == 0) {
DVLOG(1) << "Ignoring expired URL in sync DB: " << sync_url.url();
// Check if local db already has the url from sync.
TypedUrlMap::iterator it = loaded_data->find(GURL(sync_url.url()));
if (it == loaded_data->end()) {
// There are no matching typed urls from the local db, check for untyped
history::URLRow untyped_url(GURL(sync_url.url()));
// The URL may still exist in the local db if it is an untyped url.
// An untyped url will transition to a typed url after receiving visits
// from sync, and sync should receive any visits already existing locally
// for the url, so the full list of visits is consistent.
bool is_existing_url =
history_backend_->GetURL(untyped_url.url(), &untyped_url);
if (is_existing_url) {
// Add a new entry to |loaded_data|, and set the iterator to it.
history::VisitVector untyped_visits;
if (!FixupURLAndGetVisits(&untyped_url, &untyped_visits)) {
(*visit_vectors)[untyped_url.url()] = untyped_visits;
// Store row info that will be used to update sync's visits.
(*loaded_data)[untyped_url.url()] =
std::pair<syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType, history::URLRow>(
syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE, untyped_url);
// Set iterator |it| to point to this entry.
it = loaded_data->find(untyped_url.url());
DCHECK(it != loaded_data->end());
// Continue with merge below.
} else {
// The url is new to the local history DB.
// Create new db entry for url.
history::URLRow new_url(GURL(sync_url.url()));
UpdateURLRowFromTypedUrlSpecifics(sync_url, &new_url);
// Add entries for url visits.
std::vector<history::VisitInfo> added_visits;
size_t visit_count = sync_url.visits_size();
for (size_t index = 0; index < visit_count; ++index) {
base::Time visit_time =
ui::PageTransition transition =
added_visits.push_back(history::VisitInfo(visit_time, transition));
std::pair<GURL, std::vector<history::VisitInfo>>(new_url.url(),
// Same URL exists in sync data and in history data - compare the
// entries to see if there's any difference.
history::VisitVector& visits = (*visit_vectors)[it->first];
std::vector<history::VisitInfo> added_visits;
// Empty URLs should be filtered out by ShouldIgnoreUrl() previously.
// Initialize fields in |new_url| to the same values as the fields in
// the existing URLRow in the history DB. This is needed because we
// overwrite the existing value in WriteToHistoryBackend(), but some of
// the values in that structure are not synced (like typed_count).
history::URLRow new_url(it->second.second);
MergeResult difference =
MergeUrls(sync_url, it->second.second, &visits, &new_url, &added_visits);
if (difference != DIFF_NONE) {
it->second.second = new_url;
if (difference & DIFF_UPDATE_NODE) {
// Edit map entry to reflect update to sync.
it->second.first = syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE;
// We don't want to resurrect old visits that have been aged out by
// other clients, so remove all visits that are older than the
// earliest existing visit in the sync node.
// TODO(sync): This logic should be unnecessary now that filtering of
// expired visits is performed separately. Non-expired visits older than
// the earliest existing sync visits should still be synced, so this
// logic should be removed.
if (sync_url.visits_size() > 0) {
base::Time earliest_visit =
for (history::VisitVector::iterator i = visits.begin();
i != visits.end() && i->visit_time < earliest_visit;) {
i = visits.erase(i);
// Should never be possible to delete all the items, since the
// visit vector contains newer local visits it will keep and/or the
// visits in typed_url.visits newer than older local visits.
DCHECK(visits.size() > 0);
if (difference & DIFF_LOCAL_ROW_CHANGED) {
// Add entry to updated_synced_urls to update the local db.
if (difference & DIFF_LOCAL_VISITS_ADDED) {
// Add entry with new visits to new_synced_visits to update the local db.
std::pair<GURL, std::vector<history::VisitInfo>>(it->first,
} else {
// No difference in urls, erase from map
sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics TypedUrlSyncableService::FilterExpiredVisits(
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& source) {
// Make a copy of the source, then regenerate the visits.
sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics specifics(source);
for (int i = 0; i < source.visits_size(); ++i) {
base::Time time = base::Time::FromInternalValue(source.visits(i));
if (!history_backend_->IsExpiredVisitTime(time)) {
DCHECK(specifics.visits_size() == specifics.visit_transitions_size());
return specifics;
// static
TypedUrlSyncableService::MergeResult TypedUrlSyncableService::MergeUrls(
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& sync_url,
const history::URLRow& url,
history::VisitVector* visits,
history::URLRow* new_url,
std::vector<history::VisitInfo>* new_visits) {
DCHECK_GT(sync_url.visits_size(), 0);
CHECK_EQ(sync_url.visits_size(), sync_url.visit_transitions_size());
// Convert these values only once.
base::string16 sync_url_title(base::UTF8ToUTF16(sync_url.title()));
base::Time sync_url_last_visit = base::Time::FromInternalValue(
sync_url.visits(sync_url.visits_size() - 1));
// This is a bitfield representing what we'll need to update with the output
// value.
MergeResult different = DIFF_NONE;
// Check if the non-incremented values changed.
if (( != 0) ||
(sync_url.hidden() != url.hidden())) {
// Use the values from the most recent visit.
if (sync_url_last_visit >= url.last_visit()) {
} else {
different |= DIFF_UPDATE_NODE;
} else {
// No difference.
size_t sync_url_num_visits = sync_url.visits_size();
size_t history_num_visits = visits->size();
size_t sync_url_visit_index = 0;
size_t history_visit_index = 0;
base::Time earliest_history_time = (*visits)[0].visit_time;
// Walk through the two sets of visits and figure out if any new visits were
// added on either side.
while (sync_url_visit_index < sync_url_num_visits ||
history_visit_index < history_num_visits) {
// Time objects are initialized to "earliest possible time".
base::Time sync_url_time, history_time;
if (sync_url_visit_index < sync_url_num_visits)
sync_url_time =
if (history_visit_index < history_num_visits)
history_time = (*visits)[history_visit_index].visit_time;
if (sync_url_visit_index >= sync_url_num_visits ||
(history_visit_index < history_num_visits &&
sync_url_time > history_time)) {
// We found a visit in the history DB that doesn't exist in the sync DB,
// so mark the sync_url as modified so the caller will update the sync
// node.
different |= DIFF_UPDATE_NODE;
} else if (history_visit_index >= history_num_visits ||
sync_url_time < history_time) {
// Found a visit in the sync node that doesn't exist in the history DB, so
// add it to our list of new visits and set the appropriate flag so the
// caller will update the history DB.
// If the sync_url visit is older than any existing visit in the history
// DB, don't re-add it - this keeps us from resurrecting visits that were
// aged out locally.
// TODO(sync): This extra check should be unnecessary now that filtering
// expired visits is performed separately. Non-expired visits older than
// the earliest existing history visits should still be synced, so this
// check should be removed.
if (sync_url_time > earliest_history_time) {
sync_url_time, ui::PageTransitionFromInt(sync_url.visit_transitions(
// This visit is added to visits below.
} else {
// Same (already synced) entry found in both DBs - no need to do anything.
if (different & DIFF_LOCAL_VISITS_ADDED) {
// If the server does not have the same visits as the local db, then the
// new visits from the server need to be added to the vector containing
// local visits. These visits will be passed to the server.
// Insert new visits into the appropriate place in the visits vector.
history::VisitVector::iterator visit_ix = visits->begin();
for (std::vector<history::VisitInfo>::iterator new_visit =
new_visit != new_visits->end(); ++new_visit) {
while (visit_ix != visits->end() &&
new_visit->first > visit_ix->visit_time) {
visit_ix =
visits->insert(visit_ix, history::VisitRow(, new_visit->first,
0, new_visit->second, 0));
return different;
void TypedUrlSyncableService::WriteToHistoryBackend(
const history::URLRows* new_urls,
const history::URLRows* updated_urls,
const std::vector<GURL>* deleted_urls,
const TypedUrlVisitVector* new_visits,
const history::VisitVector* deleted_visits) {
// Set flag to stop accepting history change notifications from backend
base::AutoReset<bool> processing_changes(&processing_syncer_changes_, true);
if (deleted_urls && !deleted_urls->empty())
if (new_urls) {
history_backend_->AddPagesWithDetails(*new_urls, history::SOURCE_SYNCED);
if (updated_urls) {
// This is an existing entry in the URL database. We don't verify the
// visit_count or typed_count values here, because either one (or both)
// could be zero in the case of bookmarks, or in the case of a URL
// transitioning from non-typed to typed as a result of this sync.
// In the field we sometimes run into errors on specific URLs. It's OK
// to just continue on (we can try writing again on the next model
// association).
size_t num_successful_updates = history_backend_->UpdateURLs(*updated_urls);
num_db_errors_ += updated_urls->size() - num_successful_updates;
if (new_visits) {
for (TypedUrlVisitVector::const_iterator visits = new_visits->begin();
visits != new_visits->end(); ++visits) {
// If there are no visits to add, just skip this.
if (visits->second.empty())
if (!history_backend_->AddVisits(visits->first, visits->second,
history::SOURCE_SYNCED)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not add visits.";
if (deleted_visits) {
if (!history_backend_->RemoveVisits(*deleted_visits)) {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not remove visits.";
// This is bad news, since it means we may end up resurrecting history
// entries on the next reload. It's unavoidable so we'll just keep on
// syncing.
void TypedUrlSyncableService::GetSyncedUrls(std::set<GURL>* urls) const {
urls->insert(synced_typed_urls_.begin(), synced_typed_urls_.end());
void TypedUrlSyncableService::ClearErrorStats() {
num_db_accesses_ = 0;
num_db_errors_ = 0;
int TypedUrlSyncableService::GetErrorPercentage() const {
return num_db_accesses_ ? (100 * num_db_errors_ / num_db_accesses_) : 0;
bool TypedUrlSyncableService::ShouldIgnoreUrl(const GURL& url) {
// Ignore empty URLs. Not sure how this can happen (maybe import from other
// busted browsers, or misuse of the history API, or just plain bugs) but we
// can't deal with them.
if (url.spec().empty())
return true;
// Ignore local file URLs.
if (url.SchemeIsFile())
return true;
// Ignore localhost URLs.
if (net::IsLocalhost(url))
return true;
// Ignore username and password, sonce history backend will remove user name
// and password in URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL and send username/password
// removed url to sync later.
if (url.has_username() || url.has_password())
return true;
return false;
bool TypedUrlSyncableService::ShouldIgnoreVisits(
const history::VisitVector& visits) {
// We ignore URLs that were imported, but have never been visited by
// chromium.
static const int kFirstImportedSource = history::SOURCE_FIREFOX_IMPORTED;
history::VisitSourceMap map;
if (!history_backend_->GetVisitsSource(visits, &map))
return false; // If we can't read the visit, assume it's not imported.
// Walk the list of visits and look for a non-imported item.
for (history::VisitVector::const_iterator it = visits.begin();
it != visits.end(); ++it) {
if (map.count(it->visit_id) == 0 ||
map[it->visit_id] < kFirstImportedSource) {
return false;
// We only saw imported visits, so tell the caller to ignore them.
return true;
bool TypedUrlSyncableService::ShouldSyncVisit(int typed_count,
ui::PageTransition transition) {
// Just use an ad-hoc criteria to determine whether to ignore this
// notification. For most users, the distribution of visits is roughly a bell
// curve with a long tail - there are lots of URLs with < 5 visits so we want
// to make sure we sync up every visit to ensure the proper ordering of
// suggestions. But there are relatively few URLs with > 10 visits, and those
// tend to be more broadly distributed such that there's no need to sync up
// every visit to preserve their relative ordering.
return (ui::PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED) &&
typed_count >= 0 &&
(typed_count < kTypedUrlVisitThrottleThreshold ||
(typed_count % kTypedUrlVisitThrottleMultiple) == 0));
bool TypedUrlSyncableService::CreateOrUpdateSyncNode(
URLRow url,
syncer::SyncChangeList* changes) {
DCHECK_GE(url.typed_count(), 0);
if (ShouldIgnoreUrl(url.url()))
return true;
// Get the visits for this node.
VisitVector visit_vector;
if (!FixupURLAndGetVisits(&url, &visit_vector)) {
return false;
std::string title = url.url().spec();
syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType change_type;
// If server already has URL, then send a sync update, else add it.
change_type = (synced_typed_urls_.find(url.url()) != synced_typed_urls_.end())
? syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE
: syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_ADD;
AddTypedUrlToChangeList(change_type, url, visit_vector, title, changes);
return true;
void TypedUrlSyncableService::AddTypedUrlToChangeList(
syncer::SyncChange::SyncChangeType change_type,
const URLRow& row,
const VisitVector& visits,
std::string title,
syncer::SyncChangeList* change_list) {
sync_pb::EntitySpecifics entity_specifics;
sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics* typed_url = entity_specifics.mutable_typed_url();
std::string tag = row.url().spec();
if (change_type == syncer::SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE) {
} else {
if (!WriteToTypedUrlSpecifics(row, visits, typed_url)) {
// Cannot write to specifics, ex. no TYPED visits.
// Ensure cache of server state is up to date.
FROM_HERE, change_type,
syncer::SyncData::CreateLocalData(tag, title, entity_specifics)));
bool TypedUrlSyncableService::WriteToTypedUrlSpecifics(
const URLRow& url,
const VisitVector& visits,
sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics* typed_url) {
bool only_typed = false;
int skip_count = 0;
if (std::find_if(visits.begin(), visits.end(),
[](const history::VisitRow& visit) {
return ui::PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(
visit.transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED);
}) == visits.end()) {
// This URL has no TYPED visits, don't sync it
return false;
if (visits.size() > static_cast<size_t>(kMaxTypedUrlVisits)) {
int typed_count = 0;
int total = 0;
// Walk the passed-in visit vector and count the # of typed visits.
for (VisitVector::const_iterator visit = visits.begin();
visit != visits.end(); ++visit) {
// We ignore reload visits.
if (PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(visit->transition,
if (PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(visit->transition,
// We should have at least one typed visit. This can sometimes happen if
// the history DB has an inaccurate count for some reason (there's been
// bugs in the history code in the past which has left users in the wild
// with incorrect counts -
DCHECK(typed_count > 0);
if (typed_count > kMaxTypedUrlVisits) {
only_typed = true;
skip_count = typed_count - kMaxTypedUrlVisits;
} else if (total > kMaxTypedUrlVisits) {
skip_count = total - kMaxTypedUrlVisits;
for (VisitVector::const_iterator visit = visits.begin();
visit != visits.end(); ++visit) {
// Skip reload visits.
if (PageTransitionCoreTypeIs(visit->transition, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_RELOAD))
// If we only have room for typed visits, then only add typed visits.
if (only_typed &&
if (skip_count > 0) {
// We have too many entries to fit, so we need to skip the oldest ones.
// Only skip typed URLs if there are too many typed URLs to fit.
if (only_typed ||
DCHECK_EQ(skip_count, 0);
CHECK_GT(typed_url->visits_size(), 0);
CHECK_LE(typed_url->visits_size(), kMaxTypedUrlVisits);
CHECK_EQ(typed_url->visits_size(), typed_url->visit_transitions_size());
return true;
// static
void TypedUrlSyncableService::UpdateURLRowFromTypedUrlSpecifics(
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url,
history::URLRow* new_url) {
DCHECK_GT(typed_url.visits_size(), 0);
CHECK_EQ(typed_url.visit_transitions_size(), typed_url.visits_size());
// Only provide the initial value for the last_visit field - after that, let
// the history code update the last_visit field on its own.
if (new_url->last_visit().is_null()) {
typed_url.visits(typed_url.visits_size() - 1)));
bool TypedUrlSyncableService::FixupURLAndGetVisits(URLRow* url,
VisitVector* visits) {
if (!history_backend_->GetMostRecentVisitsForURL(url->id(), kMaxVisitsToFetch,
visits)) {
// Couldn't load the visits for this URL due to some kind of DB error.
// Don't bother writing this URL to the history DB (if we ignore the
// error and continue, we might end up duplicating existing visits).
DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not load visits for url: " << url->url();
return false;
// Sometimes (due to a bug elsewhere in the history or sync code, or due to
// a crash between adding a URL to the history database and updating the
// visit DB) the visit vector for a URL can be empty. If this happens, just
// create a new visit whose timestamp is the same as the last_visit time.
// This is a workaround for
if (visits->empty()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Found empty visits for URL: " << url->url();
if (url->last_visit().is_null()) {
// If modified URL is bookmarked, history backend treats it as modified
// even if all its visits are deleted. Return false to stop further
// processing because sync expects valid visit time for modified entry.
return false;
VisitRow visit(url->id(), url->last_visit(), 0, ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED,
// GetMostRecentVisitsForURL() returns the data in the opposite order that
// we need it, so reverse it.
std::reverse(visits->begin(), visits->end());
// Sometimes, the last_visit field in the URL doesn't match the timestamp of
// the last visit in our visit array (they come from different tables, so
// crashes/bugs can cause them to mismatch), so just set it here.
// Removes all visits that are older than the current expiration time. Visits
// are in ascending order now, so we can check from beginning to check how
// many expired visits.
size_t num_expired_visits = 0;
for (auto& visit : *visits) {
base::Time time = visit.visit_time;
if (!history_backend_->IsExpiredVisitTime(time))
if (num_expired_visits != 0) {
if (num_expired_visits == visits->size()) {
DVLOG(1) << "All visits are expired for url: " << url->url();
return false;
visits->erase(visits->begin(), visits->begin() + num_expired_visits);
return true;
void TypedUrlSyncableService::UpdateFromSyncDB(
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& typed_url,
TypedUrlVisitVector* visits_to_add,
history::VisitVector* visits_to_remove,
history::URLRows* updated_urls,
history::URLRows* new_urls) {
history::URLRow new_url(GURL(typed_url.url()));
history::VisitVector existing_visits;
bool existing_url = history_backend_->GetURL(new_url.url(), &new_url);
if (existing_url) {
// This URL already exists locally - fetch the visits so we can
// merge them below.
if (!FixupURLAndGetVisits(&new_url, &existing_visits)) {
visits_to_add->push_back(std::pair<GURL, std::vector<history::VisitInfo>>(
new_url.url(), std::vector<history::VisitInfo>()));
// Update the URL with information from the typed URL.
UpdateURLRowFromTypedUrlSpecifics(typed_url, &new_url);
// Figure out which visits we need to add.
DiffVisits(existing_visits, typed_url, &visits_to_add->back().second,
if (existing_url) {
} else {
// static
void TypedUrlSyncableService::DiffVisits(
const history::VisitVector& history_visits,
const sync_pb::TypedUrlSpecifics& sync_specifics,
std::vector<history::VisitInfo>* new_visits,
history::VisitVector* removed_visits) {
size_t old_visit_count = history_visits.size();
size_t new_visit_count = sync_specifics.visits_size();
size_t old_index = 0;
size_t new_index = 0;
while (old_index < old_visit_count && new_index < new_visit_count) {
base::Time new_visit_time =
if (history_visits[old_index].visit_time < new_visit_time) {
if (new_index > 0 && removed_visits) {
// If there are visits missing from the start of the node, that
// means that they were probably clipped off due to our code that
// limits the size of the sync nodes - don't delete them from our
// local history.
} else if (history_visits[old_index].visit_time > new_visit_time) {
new_visit_time, ui::PageTransitionFromInt(
} else {
if (removed_visits) {
for (; old_index < old_visit_count; ++old_index) {
for (; new_index < new_visit_count; ++new_index) {
} // namespace history