blob: b5d08c19ad5447364bcd79fa80d85a6a03a06117 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This module implements WebView (<webview>) as a custom element that wraps a
// BrowserPlugin object element. The object element is hidden within
// the shadow DOM of the WebView element.
var DocumentNatives = requireNative('document_natives');
var GuestView = require('guestView').GuestView;
var GuestViewContainer = require('guestViewContainer').GuestViewContainer;
var GuestViewInternalNatives = requireNative('guest_view_internal');
var WebViewConstants = require('webViewConstants').WebViewConstants;
var WebViewEvents = require('webViewEvents').WebViewEvents;
var WebViewInternal = require('webViewInternal').WebViewInternal;
// Represents the internal state of <webview>.
function WebViewImpl(webviewElement) {, webviewElement, 'webview');
this.cachedZoom = 1;
new WebViewEvents(this, this.viewInstanceId);
WebViewImpl.prototype.__proto__ = GuestViewContainer.prototype;
WebViewImpl.VIEW_TYPE = 'WebView';
// Add extra functionality to |this.element|.
WebViewImpl.setupElement = function(proto) {
// Public-facing API methods.
var apiMethods = WebViewImpl.getApiMethods();
// Add the experimental API methods, if available.
var experimentalApiMethods = WebViewImpl.maybeGetExperimentalApiMethods();
apiMethods = $Array.concat(apiMethods, experimentalApiMethods);
// Create default implementations for undefined API methods.
var createDefaultApiMethod = function(m) {
return function(var_args) {
if (!this.guest.getId()) {
return false;
var args = $Array.concat([this.guest.getId()], $Array.slice(arguments));
$Function.apply(WebViewInternal[m], null, args);
return true;
for (var i = 0; i != apiMethods.length; ++i) {
if (WebViewImpl.prototype[apiMethods[i]] == undefined) {
WebViewImpl.prototype[apiMethods[i]] =
// Forward* method calls to*.
GuestViewContainer.forwardApiMethods(proto, apiMethods);
// Initiates navigation once the <webview> element is attached to the DOM.
WebViewImpl.prototype.onElementAttached = function() {
// Mark all attributes as dirty on attachment.
for (var i in this.attributes) {
this.attributes[i].dirty = true;
for (var i in this.attributes) {
// Resets some state upon detaching <webview> element from the DOM.
WebViewImpl.prototype.onElementDetached = function() {
for (var i in this.attributes) {
this.attributes[i].dirty = false;
for (var i in this.attributes) {
// Sets the <webview>.request property.
WebViewImpl.prototype.setRequestPropertyOnWebViewElement = function(request) {
value: request,
enumerable: true
WebViewImpl.prototype.setupElementProperties = function() {
// We cannot use {writable: true} property descriptor because we want a
// dynamic getter value.
Object.defineProperty(this.element, 'contentWindow', {
get: function() {
return this.guest.getContentWindow();
// No setter.
enumerable: true
WebViewImpl.prototype.onSizeChanged = function(webViewEvent) {
var newWidth = webViewEvent.newWidth;
var newHeight = webViewEvent.newHeight;
var element = this.element;
var width = element.offsetWidth;
var height = element.offsetHeight;
// Check the current bounds to make sure we do not resize <webview>
// outside of current constraints.
var maxWidth = this.attributes[
WebViewConstants.ATTRIBUTE_MAXWIDTH].getValue() || width;
var minWidth = this.attributes[
WebViewConstants.ATTRIBUTE_MINWIDTH].getValue() || width;
var maxHeight = this.attributes[
WebViewConstants.ATTRIBUTE_MAXHEIGHT].getValue() || height;
var minHeight = this.attributes[
WebViewConstants.ATTRIBUTE_MINHEIGHT].getValue() || height;
minWidth = Math.min(minWidth, maxWidth);
minHeight = Math.min(minHeight, maxHeight);
if (!this.attributes[WebViewConstants.ATTRIBUTE_AUTOSIZE].getValue() ||
(newWidth >= minWidth &&
newWidth <= maxWidth &&
newHeight >= minHeight &&
newHeight <= maxHeight)) { = newWidth + 'px'; = newHeight + 'px';
// Only fire the DOM event if the size of the <webview> has actually
// changed.
WebViewImpl.prototype.createGuest = function() {
this.guest.create(this.buildParams(), function() {
WebViewImpl.prototype.onFrameNameChanged = function(name) {
// Updates state upon loadcommit.
WebViewImpl.prototype.onLoadCommit = function(
baseUrlForDataUrl, currentEntryIndex, entryCount,
processId, url, isTopLevel) {
this.baseUrlForDataUrl = baseUrlForDataUrl;
this.currentEntryIndex = currentEntryIndex;
this.entryCount = entryCount;
this.processId = processId;
if (isTopLevel) {
// Touching the src attribute triggers a navigation. To avoid
// triggering a page reload on every guest-initiated navigation,
// we do not handle this mutation.
WebViewImpl.prototype.onAttach = function(storagePartitionId) {
WebViewImpl.prototype.buildContainerParams = function() {
var params = { 'initialZoomFactor': this.cachedZoomFactor,
'userAgentOverride': this.userAgentOverride };
for (var i in this.attributes) {
var value = this.attributes[i].getValueIfDirty();
if (value)
params[i] = value;
return params;
WebViewImpl.prototype.attachWindow$ = function(opt_guestInstanceId) {
// If |opt_guestInstanceId| was provided, then a different existing guest is
// being attached to this webview, and the current one will get destroyed.
if (opt_guestInstanceId) {
if (this.guest.getId() == opt_guestInstanceId) {
return true;
this.guest = new GuestView('webview', opt_guestInstanceId);
return GuestViewContainer.prototype.attachWindow$.call(this);
// Shared implementation of executeScript() and insertCSS().
WebViewImpl.prototype.executeCode = function(func, args) {
if (!this.guest.getId()) {
return false;
var webviewSrc = this.attributes[WebViewConstants.ATTRIBUTE_SRC].getValue();
if (this.baseUrlForDataUrl) {
webviewSrc = this.baseUrlForDataUrl;
args = $Array.concat([this.guest.getId(), webviewSrc],
$Function.apply(func, null, args);
return true;
// Requests the <webview> element wihtin the embedder to enter fullscreen.
WebViewImpl.prototype.makeElementFullscreen = function() {
GuestViewInternalNatives.RunWithGesture(function() {
// Implemented when the ChromeWebView API is available.
WebViewImpl.prototype.maybeSetupContextMenus = function() {};
// Implemented when the experimental WebView API is available.
WebViewImpl.maybeGetExperimentalApiMethods = function() {
return [];
// Exports.
exports.$set('WebViewImpl', WebViewImpl);