blob: 0132d02cf4f3485058dca6a96c890bfba8799204 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
cros_board = ""
cros_sdk_version = ""
declare_args() {
# Determines if we're running tests on VMs or on devices.
# TODO( Is there a better way to do this?
cros_is_vm = cros_board == "amd64-generic"
# Ensure that if one is set, the other is as well.
assert(cros_board == "" == (cros_sdk_version == ""))
# The build is using the Simple Chrome "cros chrome-sdk" to target real hardware
# or a VM, not linux-chromeos.
# NOTE: Most test targets in Chrome expect to run under linux-chromeos, so some
# have compile-time asserts that intentionally fail when this build flag is set.
# Build and run the tests for linux-chromeos instead.
is_cros_chrome_sdk = cros_board != ""
# Creates a script at $generated_script that can be used to launch a cros VM
# and optionally run a test within it.
# Args:
# test_exe: Name of test binary located in the out dir. This will get copied
# to the VM and executed there.
# tast_attr_expr: Tast expression to pass to local_test_runner on the VM.
# tast_tests: List of Tast tests to run on the VM. Note that when this is
# specified, the target name used to invoke this template will be
# designated as the "name" of this test and will primarly used for test
# results tracking and displaying (eg: flakiness dashboard).
# generated_script: Path to place the generated script.
# deploy_chrome: If true, deploys a locally built chrome located in the root
# build dir to the VM after launching it.
# runtime_deps_file: Path to file listing runtime deps for the test. If set,
# all files listed will be copied to the VM before testing.
template("generate_runner_script") {
if (!defined(deploy_chrome)) {
deploy_chrome = false
# These are the only 2 conditions when ${_cache_path_prefix} is used, so
# initialize it in a conditional.
if (deploy_chrome || cros_is_vm) {
_cache_path_prefix = "//build/cros_cache/chrome-sdk/tarballs/${cros_board}+${cros_sdk_version}"
"Must specify where to place generated test launcher script via " +
is_tast = defined(tast_attr_expr) || defined(tast_tests)
assert(!(is_tast && defined(test_exe)),
"Tast tests are invoked from binaries shipped with the VM image. " +
"There should be no locally built binary needed.")
action(target_name) {
if (defined(runtime_deps_file)) {
write_runtime_deps = runtime_deps_file
script = "//build/chromeos/"
outputs = [
deps = [
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps += invoker.deps
data = [
# We use android test-runner's results libs to construct gtest output
# json.
# We use luci-py's subprocess42 to launch test processes.
# The LKGM file controls what version of the VM image to download. Add it
# as data here so that changes to it will trigger analyze.
# Add the VM/QEMU-launching bits if needed.
if (cros_is_vm) {
_vm_image_path = "${_cache_path_prefix}+chromiumos_qemu_image.tar.xz/"
_qemu_dir = "${_cache_path_prefix}+app-emulation/"
_firmware_dir = "${_cache_path_prefix}+sys-firmware/"
data += [
if (is_tast) {
data += [
if (defined( {
deps +=
if (defined(invoker.data_deps)) {
data_deps = invoker.data_deps
# Required arguments used at build time by the runner script generator.
args = [
rebase_path(generated_script, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("//build/cros_cache/", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(root_out_dir, root_build_dir),
if (cros_is_vm) {
args += [ "--use-vm" ]
if (deploy_chrome) {
args += [ "--deploy-chrome" ]
# To deploy chrome to the VM, it needs to be stripped down to fit into
# the VM. This is done by using binutils in the toolchain. So add the
# toolchain to the data.
data += [
# When --test-exe is specified, will push the exe to the VM
# and execute it. Otherwise it wraps a host-side command and just takes care
# launching & tearing-down the VM.
if (defined(test_exe)) {
args += [
if (defined(runtime_deps_file)) {
args += [
rebase_path(runtime_deps_file, root_build_dir),
} else if (is_tast) {
# When --tast-tests is specified, will call
# local_test_runner on the VM to run the set of tests.
args += [
if (defined(tast_attr_expr)) {
args += [
} else {
foreach(test, tast_tests) {
args += [
template("tast_test") {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
# Default the expression to match any chrome-related test.
if (!defined(tast_attr_expr) && !defined(tast_tests)) {
tast_attr_expr = "!disabled && !\"group:*\" && !informational" +
" && (\"dep:chrome\" || \"dep:chrome_login\")"
} else {
assert(defined(tast_attr_expr) != defined(tast_tests),
"Specify one of tast_tests or tast_attr_expr.")
# Append any disabled tests to the expression.
if (defined(tast_disabled_tests)) {
"tast_attr_expr must be used when specifying tast_disabled_tests.")
foreach(test, tast_disabled_tests) {
tast_attr_expr += " && !\"name:${test}\""
if (defined(tast_attr_expr)) {
tast_attr_expr = "( " + tast_attr_expr + " )"
generate_runner_script(target_name) {
testonly = true
generated_script = "$root_build_dir/bin/run_${target_name}"
runtime_deps_file = "$root_out_dir/${target_name}.runtime_deps"
deploy_chrome = true
data_deps = [
"//:chromiumos_preflight", # Builds the browser.
"//chromeos:cros_chrome_deploy", # Adds additional browser run-time deps.