| // Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "cc/scheduler/scheduler.h" |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/auto_reset.h" |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/logging.h" |
| #include "base/memory/ptr_util.h" |
| #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/run_loop.h" |
| #include "base/test/test_mock_time_task_runner.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" |
| #include "cc/test/scheduler_test_common.h" |
| #include "components/viz/common/frame_sinks/begin_frame_args.h" |
| #include "components/viz/test/begin_frame_args_test.h" |
| #include "components/viz/test/fake_delay_based_time_source.h" |
| #include "components/viz/test/fake_external_begin_frame_source.h" |
| #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| |
| #define EXPECT_ACTIONS(...) \ |
| EXPECT_THAT(client_->Actions(), ::testing::ElementsAre(__VA_ARGS__)) |
| |
| #define EXPECT_NO_ACTION() EXPECT_THAT(client_->Actions(), ::testing::IsEmpty()) |
| |
| #define EXPECT_SCOPED(statements) \ |
| { \ |
| SCOPED_TRACE(""); \ |
| statements; \ |
| } |
| |
| namespace cc { |
| namespace { |
| |
| base::TimeDelta kSlowDuration = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1); |
| base::TimeDelta kFastDuration = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1); |
| |
| class FakeSchedulerClient : public SchedulerClient, |
| public viz::FakeExternalBeginFrameSource::Client { |
| public: |
| FakeSchedulerClient() { Reset(); } |
| |
| void Reset() { |
| actions_.clear(); |
| states_.clear(); |
| will_begin_impl_frame_causes_redraw_ = false; |
| will_begin_impl_frame_requests_one_begin_impl_frame_ = false; |
| invalidate_needs_redraw_ = true; |
| draw_will_happen_ = true; |
| swap_will_happen_if_draw_happens_ = true; |
| num_draws_ = 0; |
| last_begin_main_frame_args_ = viz::BeginFrameArgs(); |
| last_begin_frame_ack_ = viz::BeginFrameAck(); |
| } |
| |
| void set_scheduler(TestScheduler* scheduler) { scheduler_ = scheduler; } |
| |
| bool needs_begin_frames() { return scheduler_->begin_frames_expected(); } |
| int num_draws() const { return num_draws_; } |
| bool invalidate_needs_redraw() const { return invalidate_needs_redraw_; } |
| const std::vector<std::string> Actions() const { |
| return std::vector<std::string>(actions_.begin(), actions_.end()); |
| } |
| std::string StateForAction(int i) const { return states_[i]->ToString(); } |
| base::TimeTicks posted_begin_impl_frame_deadline() const { |
| return posted_begin_impl_frame_deadline_; |
| } |
| |
| base::TimeDelta frame_interval() const { return frame_interval_; } |
| |
| int ActionIndex(const char* action) const { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < actions_.size(); i++) |
| if (!strcmp(actions_[i], action)) |
| return base::checked_cast<int>(i); |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| bool HasAction(const char* action) const { return ActionIndex(action) >= 0; } |
| |
| void SetWillBeginImplFrameRequestsOneBeginImplFrame(bool request) { |
| will_begin_impl_frame_requests_one_begin_impl_frame_ = request; |
| } |
| void SetWillBeginImplFrameCausesRedraw(bool causes_redraw) { |
| will_begin_impl_frame_causes_redraw_ = causes_redraw; |
| } |
| void SetInvalidateNeedsRedraw(bool needs_redraw) { |
| invalidate_needs_redraw_ = needs_redraw; |
| } |
| void SetDrawWillHappen(bool draw_will_happen) { |
| draw_will_happen_ = draw_will_happen; |
| } |
| void SetSwapWillHappenIfDrawHappens(bool swap_will_happen_if_draw_happens) { |
| swap_will_happen_if_draw_happens_ = swap_will_happen_if_draw_happens; |
| } |
| void SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(bool automatic_ack) { |
| automatic_ack_ = automatic_ack; |
| } |
| void SetWillBeginImplFrameMightHaveDamage(bool might_have_damage) { |
| will_begin_impl_frame_might_have_damage_ = might_have_damage; |
| } |
| // SchedulerClient implementation. |
| bool WillBeginImplFrame(const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_begin_impl_frame_); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| inside_begin_impl_frame_ = true; |
| PushAction("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| if (will_begin_impl_frame_requests_one_begin_impl_frame_) |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsOneBeginImplFrame(); |
| if (will_begin_impl_frame_causes_redraw_) |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| return will_begin_impl_frame_might_have_damage_; |
| } |
| void DidFinishImplFrame() override { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(inside_begin_impl_frame_); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| inside_begin_impl_frame_ = false; |
| } |
| void DidNotProduceFrame(const viz::BeginFrameAck& ack) override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| last_begin_frame_ack_ = ack; |
| } |
| |
| void WillNotReceiveBeginFrame() override {} |
| |
| void ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame( |
| const viz::BeginFrameArgs& args) override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| last_begin_main_frame_args_ = args; |
| } |
| void FrameIntervalUpdated(base::TimeDelta interval) override { |
| frame_interval_ = interval; |
| } |
| |
| const viz::BeginFrameArgs& last_begin_main_frame_args() { |
| return last_begin_main_frame_args_; |
| } |
| |
| const viz::BeginFrameAck& last_begin_frame_ack() { |
| return last_begin_frame_ack_; |
| } |
| |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| num_draws_++; |
| DrawResult result = |
| bool swap_will_happen = |
| draw_will_happen_ && swap_will_happen_if_draw_happens_; |
| if (swap_will_happen) { |
| last_begin_frame_ack_ = scheduler_->CurrentBeginFrameAckForActiveTree(); |
| scheduler_->DidSubmitCompositorFrame(); |
| |
| if (automatic_ack_) |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| } |
| return result; |
| } |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawForced() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionDrawForced"); |
| last_begin_frame_ack_ = scheduler_->CurrentBeginFrameAckForActiveTree(); |
| return DRAW_SUCCESS; |
| } |
| void ScheduledActionCommit() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| scheduler_->DidCommit(); |
| } |
| void ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| } |
| void ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| } |
| void ScheduledActionPrepareTiles() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles"); |
| scheduler_->WillPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->DidPrepareTiles(); |
| } |
| void ScheduledActionInvalidateLayerTreeFrameSink(bool needs_redraw) override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| invalidate_needs_redraw_ = needs_redraw; |
| actions_.push_back("ScheduledActionInvalidateLayerTreeFrameSink"); |
| states_.push_back(scheduler_->AsValue()); |
| } |
| void ScheduledActionPerformImplSideInvalidation() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionPerformImplSideInvalidation"); |
| } |
| |
| void SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon() override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon"); |
| } |
| |
| void ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil( |
| base::TimeTicks time) override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(inside_action_); |
| base::AutoReset<bool> mark_inside(&inside_action_, true); |
| PushAction("ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil"); |
| } |
| |
| bool IsInsideBeginImplFrame() const { return inside_begin_impl_frame_; } |
| |
| base::RepeatingCallback<bool(void)> InsideBeginImplFrame(bool state) { |
| return base::BindRepeating( |
| &FakeSchedulerClient::InsideBeginImplFrameCallback, |
| base::Unretained(this), state); |
| } |
| |
| bool IsCurrentFrame(int last_frame_number) const { |
| return scheduler_->current_frame_number() == last_frame_number; |
| } |
| |
| base::RepeatingCallback<bool(void)> FrameHasNotAdvancedCallback() { |
| return base::BindRepeating(&FakeSchedulerClient::IsCurrentFrame, |
| base::Unretained(this), |
| scheduler_->current_frame_number()); |
| } |
| |
| void PushAction(const char* description) { |
| actions_.push_back(description); |
| states_.push_back(scheduler_->AsValue()); |
| } |
| |
| // FakeExternalBeginFrameSource::Client implementation. |
| void OnAddObserver(viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) override { |
| PushAction("AddObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| void OnRemoveObserver(viz::BeginFrameObserver* obs) override { |
| PushAction("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| size_t CompositedAnimationsCount() const override { return 0; } |
| size_t MainThreadAnimationsCount() const override { return 0; } |
| bool CurrentFrameHadRAF() const override { return false; } |
| bool NextFrameHasPendingRAF() const override { return false; } |
| |
| protected: |
| bool InsideBeginImplFrameCallback(bool state) { |
| return inside_begin_impl_frame_ == state; |
| } |
| |
| bool inside_action_ = false; |
| bool inside_begin_impl_frame_ = false; |
| bool will_begin_impl_frame_causes_redraw_; |
| bool will_begin_impl_frame_requests_one_begin_impl_frame_; |
| bool invalidate_needs_redraw_ = true; |
| bool draw_will_happen_; |
| bool swap_will_happen_if_draw_happens_; |
| bool automatic_ack_ = true; |
| bool will_begin_impl_frame_might_have_damage_ = true; |
| int num_draws_; |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs last_begin_main_frame_args_; |
| viz::BeginFrameAck last_begin_frame_ack_; |
| base::TimeTicks posted_begin_impl_frame_deadline_; |
| std::vector<const char*> actions_; |
| std::vector<std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::ConvertableToTraceFormat>> |
| states_; |
| TestScheduler* scheduler_ = nullptr; |
| base::TimeDelta frame_interval_; |
| }; |
| |
| enum BeginFrameSourceType { |
| }; |
| |
| class SchedulerTestTaskRunner : public base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner { |
| public: |
| SchedulerTestTaskRunner() |
| : base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner( |
| base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner::Type::kStandalone) { |
| AdvanceMockTickClock(base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(110000)); |
| } |
| |
| void RunUntilTime(base::TimeTicks end_time) { |
| FastForwardBy(end_time - NowTicks()); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs all tasks posted before this call. |
| void RunPendingTasks() { |
| base::circular_deque<base::TestPendingTask> tasks = TakePendingTasks(); |
| while (!tasks.empty()) { |
| base::TestPendingTask task = std::move(tasks.front()); |
| tasks.pop_front(); |
| // Set clock to the beginning of task and run it. |
| AdvanceMockTickClock(task.GetTimeToRun() - NowTicks()); |
| std::move(task.task).Run(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Runs tasks while condition is met. |
| // Condition is being checked when task exists and before it gets selected. |
| void RunTasksWhile(base::RepeatingCallback<bool()> condition) { |
| run_condition_ = condition; |
| FastForwardUntilNoTasksRemain(); |
| run_condition_ = base::nullopt; |
| // We've moved all the pending tasks away to break the execution loop, |
| // now we should restore them. |
| while (!tasks_to_requeue_.empty()) { |
| base::TestPendingTask task = std::move(tasks_to_requeue_.front()); |
| tasks_to_requeue_.pop_front(); |
| PostDelayedTask(task.location, std::move(task.task), |
| task.GetTimeToRun() - NowTicks()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| void OnBeforeSelectingTask() override { |
| // Avoid potential infinite loops. |
| ASSERT_LT(++task_count_, 100u); |
| |
| if (run_condition_ && HasPendingTask() && !run_condition_->Run()) { |
| // Execution will not continue because we move all the pending tasks away. |
| tasks_to_requeue_ = TakePendingTasks(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| ~SchedulerTestTaskRunner() override = default; // Ref-counted. |
| |
| size_t task_count_ = 0u; |
| base::Optional<base::RepeatingCallback<bool()>> run_condition_; |
| base::circular_deque<base::TestPendingTask> tasks_to_requeue_; |
| }; |
| |
| class SchedulerTest : public testing::Test { |
| public: |
| SchedulerTest() |
| : task_runner_(base::MakeRefCounted<SchedulerTestTaskRunner>()), |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_(nullptr), |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_(nullptr) {} |
| |
| ~SchedulerTest() override = default; |
| |
| protected: |
| TestScheduler* CreateScheduler(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type) { |
| viz::BeginFrameSource* frame_source = nullptr; |
| unthrottled_frame_source_.reset(new viz::BackToBackBeginFrameSource( |
| std::make_unique<viz::FakeDelayBasedTimeSource>( |
| task_runner_->GetMockTickClock(), task_runner_.get()))); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_.reset( |
| new viz::FakeExternalBeginFrameSource(1.0, false)); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->SetClient(client_.get()); |
| synthetic_frame_source_ = std::make_unique<viz::DelayBasedBeginFrameSource>( |
| std::make_unique<viz::FakeDelayBasedTimeSource>( |
| task_runner_->GetMockTickClock(), task_runner_.get()), |
| viz::BeginFrameSource::kNotRestartableId); |
| switch (bfs_type) { |
| case EXTERNAL_BFS: |
| frame_source = fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get(); |
| break; |
| frame_source = unthrottled_frame_source_.get(); |
| break; |
| frame_source = synthetic_frame_source_.get(); |
| break; |
| } |
| DCHECK(frame_source); |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<FakeCompositorTimingHistory> |
| fake_compositor_timing_history = FakeCompositorTimingHistory::Create( |
| scheduler_settings_.using_synchronous_renderer_compositor); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ = fake_compositor_timing_history.get(); |
| |
| scheduler_.reset(new TestScheduler( |
| task_runner_->GetMockTickClock(), client_.get(), scheduler_settings_, 0, |
| task_runner_.get(), std::move(fake_compositor_timing_history))); |
| client_->set_scheduler(scheduler_.get()); |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(frame_source); |
| |
| // Use large estimates by default to avoid latency recovery in most tests. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| return scheduler_.get(); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpScheduler(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type, |
| std::unique_ptr<FakeSchedulerClient> client) { |
| client_ = std::move(client); |
| CreateScheduler(bfs_type); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(InitializeLayerTreeFrameSinkAndFirstCommit()); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpScheduler(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type) { |
| SetUpScheduler(bfs_type, std::make_unique<FakeSchedulerClient>()); |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpSchedulerWithNoLayerTreeFrameSink(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type) { |
| client_ = std::make_unique<FakeSchedulerClient>(); |
| CreateScheduler(bfs_type); |
| } |
| |
| // As this function contains EXPECT macros, to allow debugging it should be |
| // called inside EXPECT_SCOPED like so; |
| // client.InitializeLayerTreeFrameSinkAndFirstCommit(scheduler)); |
| void InitializeLayerTreeFrameSinkAndFirstCommit() { |
| "cc", "SchedulerUnitTest::InitializeLayerTreeFrameSinkAndFirstCommit"); |
| DCHECK(scheduler_); |
| |
| // Check the client doesn't have any actions queued when calling this |
| // function. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| // Start the initial LayerTreeFrameSink creation. |
| scheduler_->SetVisible(true); |
| scheduler_->SetCanDraw(true); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // We don't see anything happening until the first impl frame. |
| scheduler_->DidCreateAndInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Do first frame to commit after initialize."); |
| AdvanceFrame(); |
| |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1)); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToDraw(); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| |
| if (scheduler_settings_.using_synchronous_renderer_compositor) { |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| bool resourceless_software_draw = false; |
| bool skip_draw = false; |
| scheduler_->OnDrawForLayerTreeFrameSink(resourceless_software_draw, |
| skip_draw); |
| } else { |
| // Run the posted deadline task. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| } |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| { |
| "Run second frame so Scheduler calls SetNeedsBeginFrame(false)."); |
| AdvanceFrame(); |
| |
| if (!scheduler_settings_.using_synchronous_renderer_compositor) { |
| // Run the posted deadline task. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| if (scheduler_->begin_frame_source() == |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get()) { |
| // Expect the last viz::BeginFrameAck to be for last BeginFrame, which |
| // didn't cause damage. |
| uint64_t last_begin_frame_number = |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->next_begin_frame_number() - 1; |
| bool has_damage = false; |
| viz::BeginFrameAck(fake_external_begin_frame_source_->source_id(), |
| last_begin_frame_number, has_damage), |
| client_->last_begin_frame_ack()); |
| } |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| // As this function contains EXPECT macros, to allow debugging it should be |
| // called inside EXPECT_SCOPED like so; |
| // EXPECT_SCOPED(client.AdvanceFrame()); |
| void AdvanceFrame(bool animate_only = false) { |
| TRACE_EVENT0(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("cc.debug.scheduler.frames"), |
| "FakeSchedulerClient::AdvanceFrame"); |
| |
| // Send the next BeginFrame message if using an external source, otherwise |
| // it will be already in the task queue. |
| if (scheduler_->begin_frame_source() == |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get()) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| // Run the deadline first if we're inside the previous frame. |
| if (client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()) |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(animate_only); |
| } else { |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->FrameHasNotAdvancedCallback()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs SendNextBeginFrame(bool animate_only = false) { |
| DCHECK_EQ(scheduler_->begin_frame_source(), |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get()); |
| // Creep the time forward so that any viz::BeginFrameArgs is not equal to |
| // the last one otherwise we violate the viz::BeginFrameSource contract. |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args = |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->CreateBeginFrameArgs( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, task_runner_->GetMockTickClock()); |
| args.animate_only = animate_only; |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args); |
| return args; |
| } |
| |
| viz::FakeExternalBeginFrameSource* fake_external_begin_frame_source() const { |
| return fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get(); |
| } |
| |
| void SetShouldDeferInvalidationForMainFrame(bool defer) { |
| // Set the CompositorTimingHistory so that main thread is identified to be |
| // fast or slow. |
| base::TimeDelta delta; |
| if (!defer) |
| delta = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameStartToReadyToCommitDurationEstimate(delta); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationCriticalEstimate(delta); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationNotCriticalEstimate(delta); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetDrawDurationEstimate(base::TimeDelta()); |
| } |
| |
| void AdvanceAndMissOneFrame(); |
| void CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(bool expect_send_begin_main_frame); |
| void ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck(bool receive_ack_before_deadline); |
| void ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck(); |
| void BeginFramesNotFromClient(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type); |
| void BeginFramesNotFromClient_IsDrawThrottled(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type); |
| bool BeginMainFrameOnCriticalPath(TreePriority tree_priority, |
| ScrollHandlerState scroll_handler_state, |
| base::TimeDelta durations); |
| |
| scoped_refptr<SchedulerTestTaskRunner> task_runner_; |
| std::unique_ptr<viz::FakeExternalBeginFrameSource> |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_; |
| std::unique_ptr<viz::SyntheticBeginFrameSource> synthetic_frame_source_; |
| std::unique_ptr<viz::SyntheticBeginFrameSource> unthrottled_frame_source_; |
| SchedulerSettings scheduler_settings_; |
| std::unique_ptr<FakeSchedulerClient> client_; |
| std::unique_ptr<TestScheduler> scheduler_; |
| FakeCompositorTimingHistory* fake_compositor_timing_history_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, InitializeLayerTreeFrameSinkDoesNotBeginImplFrame) { |
| SetUpSchedulerWithNoLayerTreeFrameSink(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| scheduler_->SetVisible(true); |
| scheduler_->SetCanDraw(true); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidCreateAndInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, Stop) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // No scheduled actions are performed after Stop. WillBeginImplFrame is only |
| // a notification and not an action performed by the scheduler. |
| scheduler_->Stop(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, VideoNeedsBeginFrames) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetVideoNeedsBeginFrames(true); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| // WillBeginImplFrame is responsible for sending BeginFrames to video. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetVideoNeedsBeginFrames(false); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| } |
| |
| // As a short term fix for https://crbug.com/882907, we should skip MISSED |
| // frames from the browser compositor. |
| // TODO(bokan): In the long term, the display compositor should decide |
| // whether to issue a missed frame; it is tracked in |
| // https://crbug.com/930890. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, BrowserCompositorSkipsMissedBeginFrames) { |
| scheduler_settings_.commit_to_active_tree = true; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args = |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->CreateBeginFrameArgs( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, task_runner_->GetMockTickClock()); |
| args.type = viz::BeginFrameArgs::MISSED; |
| |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestCommit) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // If we don't swap on the deadline, we wait for the next BeginFrame. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToCommit should trigger the commit. |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToActivate should trigger the activation. |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // BeginImplFrame should prepare the draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // BeginImplFrame deadline should draw. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // The following BeginImplFrame deadline should SetNeedsBeginFrame(false) |
| // to avoid excessive toggles. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestCommitAfterSetDeferCommit) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetDeferBeginMainFrame(true); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| // There are no pending tasks or actions. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetDeferBeginMainFrame(false); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| // Start new BeginMainFrame after defer commit is off. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DeferCommitWithRedraw) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetDeferBeginMainFrame(true); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| |
| // The SetNeedsRedraw will override the SetDeferBeginMainFrame(true), to |
| // allow a begin frame to be needed. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| AdvanceFrame(); |
| // BeginMainFrame is not sent during the defer commit is on. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| AdvanceFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestCommitAfterBeginMainFrameSent) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Now SetNeedsBeginMainFrame again. Calling here means we need a second |
| // commit. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Finish the first commit. |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Activate it. |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // Because we just swapped, the Scheduler should also request the next |
| // BeginImplFrame from the LayerTreeFrameSink. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| // Since another commit is needed, the next BeginImplFrame should initiate |
| // the second commit. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Finishing the commit before the deadline should post a new deadline task |
| // to trigger the deadline early. |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // On the next BeginImplFrame, verify we go back to a quiescent state and |
| // no longer request BeginImplFrames. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| class SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw : public FakeSchedulerClient { |
| public: |
| SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw() |
| : FakeSchedulerClient(), request_redraws_(false) {} |
| |
| void SetRequestRedrawsInsideDraw(bool enable) { request_redraws_ = enable; } |
| |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible() override { |
| // Only SetNeedsRedraw the first time this is called |
| if (request_redraws_) { |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| } |
| return FakeSchedulerClient::ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible(); |
| } |
| |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawForced() override { |
| return DRAW_SUCCESS; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool request_redraws_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Tests for two different situations: |
| // 1. the scheduler dropping SetNeedsRedraw requests that happen inside |
| // a ScheduledActionDraw |
| // 2. the scheduler drawing twice inside a single tick |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestRedrawInsideDraw) { |
| SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| client->SetRequestRedrawsInsideDraw(true); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| client->SetRequestRedrawsInsideDraw(false); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| // We stop requesting BeginImplFrames after a BeginImplFrame where we don't |
| // swap. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that requesting redraw inside a failed draw doesn't lose the request. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestRedrawInsideFailedDraw) { |
| SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| client->SetRequestRedrawsInsideDraw(true); |
| client->SetDrawWillHappen(false); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // Fail the draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // We have a commit pending and the draw failed, and we didn't lose the redraw |
| // request. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| client->SetRequestRedrawsInsideDraw(false); |
| |
| // Fail the draw again. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| // Draw successfully. |
| client->SetDrawWillHappen(true); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(3, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| } |
| |
| class SchedulerClientThatSetNeedsBeginMainFrameInsideDraw |
| : public FakeSchedulerClient { |
| public: |
| SchedulerClientThatSetNeedsBeginMainFrameInsideDraw() |
| : set_needs_commit_on_next_draw_(false) {} |
| |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible() override { |
| // Only SetNeedsBeginMainFrame the first time this is called |
| if (set_needs_commit_on_next_draw_) { |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| set_needs_commit_on_next_draw_ = false; |
| } |
| return FakeSchedulerClient::ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible(); |
| } |
| |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawForced() override { |
| return DRAW_SUCCESS; |
| } |
| |
| void SetNeedsBeginMainFrameOnNextDraw() { |
| set_needs_commit_on_next_draw_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool set_needs_commit_on_next_draw_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Tests for the scheduler infinite-looping on SetNeedsBeginMainFrame requests |
| // that happen inside a ScheduledActionDraw |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestCommitInsideDraw) { |
| SchedulerClientThatSetNeedsBeginMainFrameInsideDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientThatSetNeedsBeginMainFrameInsideDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| client->SetNeedsBeginMainFrameOnNextDraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| client->SetNeedsBeginMainFrameOnNextDraw(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| // We stop requesting BeginImplFrames after a BeginImplFrame where we don't |
| // swap. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that when a draw fails then the pending commit should not be dropped. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, RequestCommitInsideFailedDraw) { |
| SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientThatsetNeedsDrawInsideDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| client->SetDrawWillHappen(false); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // Fail the draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // We have a commit pending and the draw failed, and we didn't lose the commit |
| // request. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| // Fail the draw again. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| // Draw successfully. |
| client->SetDrawWillHappen(true); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(3, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, NoSwapWhenDrawFails) { |
| SchedulerClientThatSetNeedsBeginMainFrameInsideDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientThatSetNeedsBeginMainFrameInsideDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // Draw successfully, this starts a new frame. |
| client->SetNeedsBeginMainFrameOnNextDraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| |
| // Fail to draw, this should not start a frame. |
| client->SetDrawWillHappen(false); |
| client->SetNeedsBeginMainFrameOnNextDraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2, client->num_draws()); |
| } |
| |
| class SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw : public FakeSchedulerClient { |
| public: |
| DrawResult ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible() override { |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| return FakeSchedulerClient::ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible(); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Test prepare tiles is independant of draws. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, PrepareTiles) { |
| SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| // Request both draw and prepare tiles. PrepareTiles shouldn't |
| // be trigged until BeginImplFrame. |
| client->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| |
| // We have no immediate actions to perform, so the BeginImplFrame should post |
| // the deadline task. |
| client->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // On the deadline, the actions should have occured in the right order. |
| client->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_LT(client->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"), |
| client->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // Request a draw. We don't need a PrepareTiles yet. |
| client->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // We have no immediate actions to perform, so the BeginImplFrame should post |
| // the deadline task. |
| client->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // Draw. The draw will trigger SetNeedsPrepareTiles, and |
| // then the PrepareTiles action will be triggered after the Draw. |
| // Afterwards, neither a draw nor PrepareTiles are pending. |
| client->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_LT(client->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"), |
| client->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // We need a BeginImplFrame where we don't swap to go idle. |
| client->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| |
| // Now trigger a PrepareTiles outside of a draw. We will then need |
| // a begin-frame for the PrepareTiles, but we don't need a draw. |
| client->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->needs_begin_frames()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| |
| // BeginImplFrame. There will be no draw, only PrepareTiles. |
| client->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(0, client->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| } |
| |
| // Test that PrepareTiles only happens once per frame. If an external caller |
| // initiates it, then the state machine should not PrepareTiles on that frame. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, PrepareTilesOncePerFrame) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // If DidPrepareTiles during a frame, then PrepareTiles should not occur |
| // again. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| scheduler_->WillPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->DidPrepareTiles(); // An explicit PrepareTiles. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // Next frame without DidPrepareTiles should PrepareTiles with draw. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_LT(client_->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"), |
| client_->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // If we get another DidPrepareTiles within the same frame, we should |
| // not PrepareTiles on the next frame. |
| scheduler_->WillPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->DidPrepareTiles(); // An explicit PrepareTiles. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // If we get another DidPrepareTiles, we should not PrepareTiles on the next |
| // frame. This verifies we don't alternate calling PrepareTiles once and |
| // twice. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| scheduler_->WillPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->DidPrepareTiles(); // An explicit PrepareTiles. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // Next frame without DidPrepareTiles should PrepareTiles with draw. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_LT(client_->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"), |
| client_->ActionIndex("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->RedrawPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->PrepareTilesPending()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DidPrepareTilesPreventsPrepareTilesForOneFrame) { |
| std::unique_ptr<SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw> client = |
| base::WrapUnique(new SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw); |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, std::move(client)); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", |
| "ScheduledActionPrepareTiles"); |
| |
| // We don't want to hinder scheduled prepare tiles for more than one frame |
| // even if we call unscheduled prepare tiles many times. |
| for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| scheduler_->WillPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->DidPrepareTiles(); |
| } |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // No scheduled prepare tiles because we've already counted a prepare tiles in |
| // between frames. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // Resume scheduled prepare tiles. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", |
| "ScheduledActionPrepareTiles"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, TriggerBeginFrameDeadlineEarly) { |
| SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| |
| // The deadline should be zero since there is no work other than drawing |
| // pending. |
| EXPECT_EQ(base::TimeTicks(), client->posted_begin_impl_frame_deadline()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, WaitForReadyToDrawDoNotPostDeadline) { |
| SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw; |
| scheduler_settings_.commit_to_active_tree = true; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Begin new frame. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // Scheduler won't post deadline in the mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Try to run posted deadline. |
| // There is no posted deadline. |
| |
| // Scheduler received ready to draw signal, and posted deadline. |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToDraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1, client_->num_draws()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, WaitForReadyToDrawCancelledWhenLostLayerTreeFrameSink) { |
| SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw* client = |
| new SchedulerClientNeedsPrepareTilesInDraw; |
| scheduler_settings_.commit_to_active_tree = true; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS, base::WrapUnique(client)); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Begin new frame. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // Scheduler won't post deadline in the mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Try to run posted deadline. |
| // There is no posted deadline. |
| |
| // Scheduler loses LayerTreeFrameSink, and stops waiting for ready to draw |
| // signal. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation", |
| "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| void SchedulerTest::AdvanceAndMissOneFrame() { |
| // Impl thread hits deadline before commit finishes. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", "ScheduledActionCommit", |
| "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| void SchedulerTest::CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit( |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame) { |
| AdvanceAndMissOneFrame(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expect_send_begin_main_frame, |
| scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("WillBeginImplFrame")); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expect_send_begin_main_frame, |
| client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame")); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateBeginFrame) { |
| // If a begin frame is delivered extremely late (because the browser has |
| // some contention), make sure that the main frame is not skipped even |
| // if it can activate before the deadline. |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| AdvanceAndMissOneFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| |
| // Advance frame and create a begin frame. |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args = |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->CreateBeginFrameArgs( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, task_runner_->GetMockTickClock()); |
| |
| // Deliver this begin frame super late. |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval() * |
| 100); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(true, scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, FrameIntervalUpdated) { |
| // Verify that the SchedulerClient gets updates when the begin frame interval |
| // changes. |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| constexpr uint64_t kSourceId = viz::BeginFrameArgs::kStartingSourceId; |
| uint64_t sequence_number = viz::BeginFrameArgs::kStartingFrameNumber; |
| |
| base::TimeDelta interval = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds( |
| base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / 120.0); |
| |
| // Send BeginFrameArgs with 120hz refresh rate and confirm client gets update. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(interval); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args1 = viz::BeginFrameArgs::Create( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, kSourceId, sequence_number++, |
| task_runner_->NowTicks(), task_runner_->NowTicks() + interval, interval, |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs::NORMAL); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args1); |
| EXPECT_EQ(client_->frame_interval(), interval); |
| |
| // Send another BeginFrameArgs with 120hz refresh rate that arrives late. Even |
| // though the interval between begin frames arriving is bigger than |interval| |
| // the client only hears the interval specified in BeginFrameArgs. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| const base::TimeDelta late_delta = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(4); |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(interval + late_delta); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args2 = viz::BeginFrameArgs::Create( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, kSourceId, sequence_number++, args1.deadline, |
| args1.deadline + interval, interval, viz::BeginFrameArgs::NORMAL); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args2); |
| EXPECT_EQ(client_->frame_interval(), interval); |
| |
| // Change the interval for 90hz refresh rate. |
| interval = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds( |
| base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond / 90.0); |
| |
| // Send BeginFrameArgs with 90hz refresh rate and confirm client gets update. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(args2.deadline - task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args3 = viz::BeginFrameArgs::Create( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, kSourceId, sequence_number++, args2.deadline, |
| args2.deadline + interval, interval, viz::BeginFrameArgs::NORMAL); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args3); |
| EXPECT_EQ(client_->frame_interval(), interval); |
| |
| // Send BeginFrameArgs with zero interval. This isn't a valid interval and |
| // client shouldn't find out about it. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| task_runner_->AdvanceMockTickClock(interval); |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs args4 = viz::BeginFrameArgs::Create( |
| BEGINFRAME_FROM_HERE, kSourceId, sequence_number++, args3.deadline, |
| args3.deadline + interval, base::TimeDelta(), |
| viz::BeginFrameArgs::NORMAL); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->TestOnBeginFrame(args4); |
| EXPECT_EQ(client_->frame_interval(), interval); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = false; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| // Response times of BeginMainFrame's without the critical path flag set |
| // should not affect whether we recover latency or not. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| MainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit_LongMainFrameQueueDurationNotCritical) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationNotCriticalEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = false; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| // Response times of BeginMainFrame's with the critical path flag set |
| // should affect whether we recover latency or not. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateCommit_LongMainFrameQueueDurationCritical) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationCriticalEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationNotCriticalEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = true; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateCommitInPreferImplLatencyMode) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| scheduler_->SetTreePrioritiesAndScrollState( |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = true; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateCommit_CommitEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameStartToReadyToCommitDurationEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = true; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateCommit_ReadyToActivateEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetCommitToReadyToActivateDurationEstimate( |
| kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = true; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateCommit_ActivateEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetActivateDurationEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = true; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateCommit_DrawEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetDrawDurationEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool expect_send_begin_main_frame = true; |
| CheckMainFrameSkippedAfterLateCommit(expect_send_begin_main_frame)); |
| } |
| |
| // If the BeginMainFrame aborts, it doesn't actually insert a frame into the |
| // queue, which means there is no latency to recover. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameNotSkippedAfterLateBeginMainFrameAbort) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // Use fast estimates so we think we can recover latency if needed. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| // Impl thread hits deadline before BeginMainFrame aborts. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // After aborting the frame, make sure we don't skip the |
| // next BeginMainFrame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->BeginMainFrameAborted(CommitEarlyOutReason::FINISHED_NO_UPDATES); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("WillBeginImplFrame")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| } |
| |
| // If the BeginMainFrame aborts, it doesn't actually insert a frame into the |
| // queue, which means there is no latency to recover. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameNotSkippedAfterCanDrawChanges) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // Use fast estimates so we think we can recover latency if needed. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| // Impl thread hits deadline before BeginMainFrame aborts. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Make us abort the upcoming draw. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->SetCanDraw(false); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Make CanDraw true after activation. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetCanDraw(true); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Make sure we don't skip the next BeginMainFrame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("WillBeginImplFrame")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameNotSkippedWhenNoTimingHistory) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // Use fast estimates so we think we can recover latency if needed. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| // Impl thread hits deadline before BeginMainFrame commits. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Commit after the deadline. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Clear the timing history. Make sure we don't skip the main frame until we |
| // have history from at least one frame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->ClearHistory(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| void SchedulerTest::ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck( |
| bool receive_ack_before_deadline) { |
| // To get into a high latency state, this test disables automatic swap acks. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // Draw and swap for first BeginFrame |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| // Verify we skip every other frame if the swap ack consistently |
| // comes back late. |
| for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| // Not calling scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() until after next |
| // BeginImplFrame puts the impl thread in high latency mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| // Verify that we skip the BeginImplFrame |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Verify that we do not perform any actions after we are no longer |
| // swap throttled. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| if (receive_ack_before_deadline) { |
| // It shouldn't matter if the swap ack comes back before the deadline... |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| } else { |
| // ... or after the deadline. |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| } |
| |
| // Verify that we start the next BeginImplFrame and continue normally |
| // after having just skipped a BeginImplFrame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck_FastEstimates_SubmitAckThenDeadline) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| bool receive_ack_before_deadline = true; |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck(receive_ack_before_deadline)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck_FastEstimates_DeadlineThenSubmitAck) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| bool receive_ack_before_deadline = false; |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck(receive_ack_before_deadline)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck_LongMainFrameQueueDurationNotCritical) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationNotCriticalEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| bool receive_ack_before_deadline = false; |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck(receive_ack_before_deadline)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck_ImplLatencyTakesPriority) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // Even if every estimate related to the main thread is slow, we should |
| // still expect to recover impl thread latency if the draw is fast and we |
| // are in impl latency takes priority. |
| scheduler_->SetTreePrioritiesAndScrollState( |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kSlowDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetDrawDurationEstimate(kFastDuration); |
| |
| bool receive_ack_before_deadline = false; |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck(receive_ack_before_deadline)); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ImplFrameSkippedAfterLateAck_OnlyImplSideUpdatesExpected) { |
| // This tests that we recover impl thread latency when there are no commits. |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // To get into a high latency state, this test disables automatic swap acks. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // Even if every estimate related to the main thread is slow, we should |
| // still expect to recover impl thread latency if there are no commits from |
| // the main thread. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kSlowDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetDrawDurationEstimate(kFastDuration); |
| |
| // Draw and swap for first BeginFrame |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| // Verify we skip every other frame if the swap ack consistently |
| // comes back late. |
| for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| // Not calling scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() until after next |
| // BeginImplFrame puts the impl thread in high latency mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| // Verify that we skip the BeginImplFrame |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Verify that we do not perform any actions after we are no longer |
| // swap throttled. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| |
| // Verify that we start the next BeginImplFrame and continue normally |
| // after having just skipped a BeginImplFrame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| // Deadline should be immediate. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunUntilTime(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void SchedulerTest::ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck() { |
| // To get into a high latency state, this test disables automatic swap acks. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // Draw and swap for first BeginFrame |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| // Verify impl thread consistently operates in high latency mode |
| // without skipping any frames. |
| for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { |
| // Not calling scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() until after next |
| // frame |
| // puts the impl thread in high latency mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| |
| // Verify that we don't skip the actions of the BeginImplFrame |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", "ScheduledActionCommit", |
| "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck_MainFrameQueueDurationCriticalTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationCriticalEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameQueueDurationNotCriticalEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck_CommitEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_ |
| ->SetBeginMainFrameStartToReadyToCommitDurationEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck_ReadyToActivateEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetCommitToReadyToActivateDurationEstimate( |
| kSlowDuration); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck_ActivateEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetActivateDurationEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck_DrawEstimateTooLong) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetDrawDurationEstimate(kSlowDuration); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(ImplFrameNotSkippedAfterLateAck()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, MainFrameThenImplFrameSkippedAfterLateCommitAndLateAck) { |
| // Set up client with custom estimates. |
| // This test starts off with expensive estimates to prevent latency recovery |
| // initially, then lowers the estimates to enable it once both the main |
| // and impl threads are in a high latency mode. |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kSlowDuration); |
| |
| // To get into a high latency state, this test disables automatic swap acks. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // Impl thread hits deadline before commit finishes to make |
| // MainThreadMissedLastDeadline true |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", "ScheduledActionCommit", |
| "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // Draw and swap for first commit, start second commit. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", "ScheduledActionCommit", |
| "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // Don't call scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck() until after next |
| // frame |
| // to put the impl thread in a high latency mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| // Note: BeginMainFrame and swap are skipped here because of |
| // swap ack backpressure, not because of latency recovery. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame")); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->HasAction("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible")); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| // Lower estimates so that the scheduler will attempt latency recovery. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetAllEstimatesTo(kFastDuration); |
| |
| // Now that both threads are in a high latency mode, make sure we |
| // skip the BeginMainFrame, then the BeginImplFrame, but not both |
| // at the same time. |
| |
| // Verify we skip BeginMainFrame first. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| // Previous commit request is still outstanding. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->NeedsBeginMainFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->IsDrawThrottled()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| // Verify we skip the BeginImplFrame second. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| // Previous commit request is still outstanding. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->NeedsBeginMainFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| |
| // Then verify we operate in a low latency mode. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| // Previous commit request is still outstanding. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->NeedsBeginMainFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| SendNextBeginFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->MainThreadMissedLastDeadline()); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F( |
| SchedulerTest, |
| Deadlock_CommitMakesProgressWhileSwapTrottledAndActiveTreeNeedsFirstDraw) { |
| // NPAPI plugins on Windows block the Browser UI thread on the Renderer main |
| // thread. This prevents the scheduler from receiving any pending swap acks. |
| |
| scheduler_settings_.main_frame_while_submit_frame_throttled_enabled = true; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // Disables automatic swap acks so this test can force swap ack throttling |
| // to simulate a blocked Browser ui thread. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // Get a new active tree in main-thread high latency mode and put us |
| // in a swap throttled state. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", "ScheduledActionCommit", |
| "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // Make sure that we can finish the next commit even while swap throttled. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| // Make sure we do not send a BeginMainFrame while swap throttled and |
| // we have both a pending tree and an active tree. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F( |
| SchedulerTest, |
| CommitMakesProgressWhenIdleAndHasPendingTreeAndActiveTreeNeedsFirstDraw) { |
| // This verifies we don't block commits longer than we need to |
| // for performance reasons - not deadlock reasons. |
| |
| // Since we are simulating a long commit, set up a client with draw duration |
| // estimates that prevent skipping main frames to get to low latency mode. |
| scheduler_settings_.main_frame_while_submit_frame_throttled_enabled = true; |
| scheduler_settings_.main_frame_before_activation_enabled = true; |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // Disables automatic swap acks so this test can force swap ack throttling |
| // to simulate a blocked Browser ui thread. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // Start a new commit in main-thread high latency mode and hold off on |
| // activation. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)", "WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", "ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| // Start another commit while we still have an active tree. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->CommitPending()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| // Can't commit yet because there's still a pending tree. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| |
| // Activate the pending tree, which also unblocks the commit immediately |
| // while we are in an idle state. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", "ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| } |
| |
| void SchedulerTest::BeginFramesNotFromClient(BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type) { |
| SetUpScheduler(bfs_type); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame |
| // without calling SetNeedsBeginFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Can't run the deadline task because it can race with begin frame for the |
| // SyntheticBFS case. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToCommit should trigger the commit. |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToActivate should trigger the activation. |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // BeginImplFrame deadline should draw. The following BeginImplFrame deadline |
| // should SetNeedsBeginFrame(false) to avoid excessive toggles. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", "WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Make sure SetNeedsBeginFrame isn't called on the client |
| // when the BeginFrame is no longer needed. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SyntheticBeginFrames) { |
| BeginFramesNotFromClient(THROTTLED_BFS); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, UnthrottledBeginFrames) { |
| BeginFramesNotFromClient(UNTHROTTLED_BFS); |
| } |
| |
| void SchedulerTest::BeginFramesNotFromClient_IsDrawThrottled( |
| BeginFrameSourceType bfs_type) { |
| SetUpScheduler(bfs_type); |
| |
| // Set the draw duration estimate to zero so that deadlines are accurate. |
| fake_compositor_timing_history_->SetDrawDurationEstimate(base::TimeDelta()); |
| |
| // To test swap ack throttling, this test disables automatic swap acks. |
| client_->SetAutomaticSubmitCompositorFrameAck(false); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Trigger the first BeginImplFrame and BeginMainFrame |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToCommit should trigger the pending commit. |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToActivate should trigger the activation and draw. |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Swapping will put us into a swap throttled state. |
| // Run posted deadline. |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // While swap throttled, BeginFrames should trigger BeginImplFrames, |
| // but not a BeginMainFrame or draw. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); // Run posted BeginFrame. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| base::TimeTicks before_deadline, after_deadline; |
| |
| // The deadline is set to the regular deadline. |
| before_deadline = task_runner_->NowTicks(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| after_deadline = task_runner_->NowTicks(); |
| // We can't do an equality comparison here because the scheduler uses a fudge |
| // factor that's an internal implementation detail. |
| EXPECT_GT(after_deadline, before_deadline); |
| EXPECT_LT(after_deadline, |
| before_deadline + viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); // Run posted BeginFrame. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Take us out of a swap throttled state. |
| scheduler_->DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // The deadline is set to the regular deadline. |
| before_deadline = task_runner_->NowTicks(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| after_deadline = task_runner_->NowTicks(); |
| // We can't do an equality comparison here because the scheduler uses a fudge |
| // factor that's an internal implementation detail. |
| EXPECT_GT(after_deadline, before_deadline); |
| EXPECT_LT(after_deadline, |
| before_deadline + viz::BeginFrameArgs::DefaultInterval()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SyntheticBeginFrames_IsDrawThrottled) { |
| BeginFramesNotFromClient_IsDrawThrottled(THROTTLED_BFS); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, UnthrottledBeginFrames_IsDrawThrottled) { |
| BeginFramesNotFromClient_IsDrawThrottled(UNTHROTTLED_BFS); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkAfterLayerTreeFrameSinkIsInitialized) { |
| SetUpSchedulerWithNoLayerTreeFrameSink(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetVisible(true); |
| scheduler_->SetCanDraw(true); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidCreateAndInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkAfterBeginFrameStarted) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| // RemoveObserver(this) is not called until the end of the frame. |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation", |
| "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkAfterBeginFrameStartedWithHighLatency) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| // Do nothing when impl frame is in deadine pending state. |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| // OnBeginImplFrameDeadline didn't schedule LayerTreeFrameSink creation |
| // because |
| // main frame is not yet completed. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| // BeginImplFrame is not started. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunUntilTime(task_runner_->NowTicks() + |
| base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkAfterReadyToCommit) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| // Sync tree should be forced to activate. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // RemoveObserver(this) is not called until the end of the frame. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation", |
| "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkAfterSetNeedsPrepareTiles) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsPrepareTiles(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| // RemoveObserver(this) is not called until the end of the frame. |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionPrepareTiles", |
| "ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation", |
| "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkWithDelayBasedBeginFrameSource) { |
| SetUpScheduler(THROTTLED_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| AdvanceFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToCommit should trigger the commit. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| // NotifyReadyToActivate should trigger the activation. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| // RemoveObserver(this) is not called until the end of the frame. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSinkWhenIdle) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunTasksWhile(client_->InsideBeginImplFrame(true)); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| |
| // Idle time between BeginFrames. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation", |
| "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ScheduledActionActivateAfterBecomingInvisible) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetVisible(false); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| |
| // Sync tree should be forced to activate. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ScheduledActionActivateAfterBeginFrameSourcePaused) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| fake_external_begin_frame_source_->SetPaused(true); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| |
| // Sync tree should be forced to activate. |
| // Pausing the begin frame source aborts the draw. Then |
| // ProactiveBeginFrameWanted is no longer true, so the scheduler stops |
| // listening for begin frames. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure frame sources can be successfully changed while drawing. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SwitchFrameSourceToUnthrottled) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsRedraw should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| |
| // Switch to an unthrottled frame source. |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(unthrottled_frame_source_.get()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Unthrottled frame source will immediately begin a new frame. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted BeginFrame. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // If we don't swap on the deadline, we wait for the next BeginFrame. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure frame sources can be successfully changed while a frame |
| // deadline is pending. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SwitchFrameSourceToUnthrottledBeforeDeadline) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsRedraw should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| |
| // Switch to an unthrottled frame source before the frame deadline is hit. |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(unthrottled_frame_source_.get()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible", |
| // Unthrottled frame source will immediately begin a new frame. |
| "WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that the active frame source can successfully be changed from |
| // unthrottled to throttled. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SwitchFrameSourceToThrottled) { |
| SetUpScheduler(UNTHROTTLED_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted BeginFrame. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Switch to a throttled frame source. |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // SetNeedsRedraw should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SwitchFrameSourceToNullInsideDeadline) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Switch to a null frame source. |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(nullptr); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(scheduler_->begin_frames_expected()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // AdvanceFrame helper can't be used here because there's no deadline posted. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Switch back to the same source, make sure frames continue to be produced. |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(fake_external_begin_frame_source_.get()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| |
| // This test maskes sure that switching a frame source when not observing |
| // such as when not visible also works. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SwitchFrameSourceWhenNotObserving) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Begin new frame. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionCommit"); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree"); |
| |
| // Scheduler loses LayerTreeFrameSink, and stops waiting for ready to draw |
| // signal. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidLoseLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginLayerTreeFrameSinkCreation", |
| "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| |
| // Changing begin frame source doesn't do anything. |
| // The unthrottled source doesn't print Add/RemoveObserver like the fake one. |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetBeginFrameSource(unthrottled_frame_source_.get()); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->DidCreateAndInitializeLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| |
| client_->Reset(); |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame"); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that we send a ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil |
| // when expected. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that BeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil is only sent once within |
| // the same frame. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntilSentOnlyOncePerFrame) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(false); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that we send a BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon when expected. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon_Requested) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Trigger a frame draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // The BeginImplFrame deadline should SetNeedsBeginFrame(false) and send a |
| // SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon", "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that we dont't send a BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon when |
| // possible but not requested. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon_Unrequested) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Trigger a frame draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // The BeginImplFrame deadline should SetNeedsBeginFrame(false), but doesn't |
| // send a SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon as it's not been requested by the |
| // main thread. |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon"); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that we send a BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon only once per |
| // frame. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoonOnlyOncePerFrame) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Trigger a frame draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon", "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(false); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests to ensure that we send a BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon in situations |
| // where the client doesn't want messages when we first stopped observing |
| // BeginFrames but later does. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon_AlreadyIdle) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| // SetNeedsBeginMainFrame should begin the frame on the next BeginImplFrame. |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsBeginMainFrame(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Trigger a frame draw. |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyBeginMainFrameStarted(task_runner_->NowTicks()); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToCommit(); |
| scheduler_->NotifyReadyToActivate(); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionSendBeginMainFrame", |
| "ScheduledActionCommit", "ScheduledActionActivateSyncTree", |
| "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); // Run posted deadline. |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon"); |
| } |
| |
| // This tests to ensure BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon is sent during idle |
| // periods if (1) it initially wasn't sent because the message wasn't needed at |
| // the time, and (2) the BeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil was already sent in the |
| // frame (crbug.com/893653). |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoonDuringIdleIfNeeded) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| // Toggle WantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected while inside BeginImplFrame. This |
| // causes the BeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil message to get sent and the |
| // BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon message to be withheld. |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotExpectedUntil"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(false); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("RemoveObserver(this)"); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetMainThreadWantsBeginMainFrameNotExpected(true); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("SendBeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon"); |
| } |
| |
| // This tests to ensure BeginMainFrameNotExpectedSoon is sent during idle |
| // periods if (1) it initially wasn't sent because the message wasn't needed at |
| // the time, and (2) |scheduler_|.visible() is false. |
| TEST_F(SchedulerTest, |
| ScheduledActionBeginMainFrameNotSoonSentDuringIdleIfNeededNotVisible) { |
| SetUpScheduler(EXTERNAL_BFS); |
| |
| scheduler_->SetNeedsRedraw(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("AddObserver(this)"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| task_runner_->RunPendingTasks(); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame", "ScheduledActionDrawIfPossible"); |
| client_->Reset(); |
| |
| EXPECT_SCOPED(AdvanceFrame()); |
| EXPECT_ACTIONS("WillBeginImplFrame"); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client_->IsInsideBeginImplFrame()); |