blob: 72549240cecaecaea057a1a8cd69b4aa015bd9c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/core/common/activation_list.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/core/common/activation_scope.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/core/mojom/subresource_filter.mojom.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
namespace subresource_filter {
// Encapsulates a set of parameters that define how the subresource filter
// feature should operate. Each configuration consists of three parts as
// described in detail below.
// There can be multiple configuration enabled at the same time. For each
// navigation, however, subresource filtering will be activated according to
// exactly one of these enabled configuration, if any. Namely, the configuration
// with the highest |priority| among those whose |activation_conditions| are
// otherwise satisfied for the navigation.
// Even when there are multiple enabled configurations, the RulesetService is
// currently only capable of fetching and indexing a single |ruleset_flavor|,
// which will be used for all navigations with subresource filtering activated,
// regardless of which configuration prescribed filtering for that navigation.
// This shared ruleset flavor will be the one lexicographically greatest.
// Experimenters wishing to use customized rulesets therefore must ensure that
// they set up the experimental state so that the ruleset chosen through this
// mechanism is compatible with all the enabled configurations (or disable some
// as needed).
struct Configuration {
// The conditions that determine whether subresource filtering should be
// activated for a given main frame navigation using this configuration.
struct ActivationConditions {
// The activation scope. That is, the subset of page loads where subresource
// filtering should be activated according to this configuration. When set
// to NO_SITES, this configuration will never be active.
ActivationScope activation_scope = ActivationScope::NO_SITES;
// The activation list to use when the |activation_scope| is
// ACTIVATION_LIST, ignored otherwise.
ActivationList activation_list = ActivationList::NONE;
// The activation priority of this configuration. Used to break ties when
// there are multiple configurations whose activation conditions are
// otherwise satisfied. A greater value indicates higher priority.
int priority = 0;
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> ToTracedValue() const;
// The details of how subresource filtering should operate for a given main
// frame navigation when it is activated using this configuration.
struct ActivationOptions {
// The maximum degree to which subresource filtering should be activated on
// any RenderFrame. When set to DISABLED, this configuration will cause
// subresource filtering to be de-activated for a navigation if this is the
// highest priority configuration with its activation conditions met.
mojom::ActivationLevel activation_level = mojom::ActivationLevel::kDisabled;
// A number in the range [0, 1], indicating the fraction of page loads that
// should have extended performance measurements enabled.
double performance_measurement_rate = 0.0;
// General settings that apply outside of the scope of a navigation.
struct GeneralSettings {
// The ruleset flavor to download through the component updater. The empty
// string indicates that the default ruleset should be used.
std::string ruleset_flavor;
// Do not forget updating operator==, operator<<, and any other necessary
// methods when adding new fields here!
Configuration(mojom::ActivationLevel activation_level,
ActivationScope activation_scope,
ActivationList activation_list = ActivationList::NONE);
Configuration(const Configuration&);
Configuration& operator=(const Configuration&);
Configuration& operator=(Configuration&&);
bool operator==(const Configuration& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const Configuration& rhs) const;
std::unique_ptr<base::trace_event::TracedValue> ToTracedValue() const;
// Returns the mojom::ActivationState that page loads that match this
// configuration should activate with. |effective_activation_level| can be
// different from this config's activation level due to things like warning
// mode or client whitelisting.
mojom::ActivationState GetActivationState(
mojom::ActivationLevel effective_activation_level) const;
// Factory methods for preset configurations.
// To add a new preset:
// 1.) Define a named factory method here.
// 2.) Define a name for the configuration to be used in variation params.
// 3.) Register it into |kAvailablePresetConfigurations| in the .cc file.
// 4.) Update unittests to cover the new preset.
static Configuration MakePresetForLiveRunOnPhishingSites();
static Configuration MakePresetForPerformanceTestingDryRunOnAllSites();
static Configuration MakePresetForLiveRunForBetterAds();
ActivationConditions activation_conditions;
ActivationOptions activation_options;
GeneralSettings general_settings;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Configuration& config);
// Thread-safe, ref-counted wrapper around an immutable list of configurations.
class ConfigurationList : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ConfigurationList> {
explicit ConfigurationList(std::vector<Configuration> configs);
// Returns the lexicographically greatest flavor string that is prescribed by
// any of the configurations. The caller must hold a reference to this
// instance while using the returned string piece.
base::StringPiece lexicographically_greatest_ruleset_flavor() const {
return lexicographically_greatest_ruleset_flavor_;
// Retrieves the configurations pre-sorted in decreasing order of their
// |activation_condition.priority|.
const std::vector<Configuration>& configs_by_decreasing_priority() const {
return configs_by_decreasing_priority_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ConfigurationList>;
const std::vector<Configuration> configs_by_decreasing_priority_;
const base::StringPiece lexicographically_greatest_ruleset_flavor_;
// Retrieves all currently enabled subresource filtering configurations. The
// configurations are parsed on first access and then the result is cached.
// In tests, however, the config may be changed in-between navigations, so
// callers should not hold on to the result for long.
scoped_refptr<ConfigurationList> GetEnabledConfigurations();
bool HasEnabledConfiguration(const Configuration& config);
namespace testing {
// Returns the currently cached enabled ConfigurationList, if any, and replaces
// it with |new_configs|, which may be nullptr to clear the cache.
scoped_refptr<ConfigurationList> GetAndSetActivateConfigurations(
scoped_refptr<ConfigurationList> new_configs);
} // namespace testing
// Feature and variation parameter definitions -------------------------------
// The master toggle to enable/disable the Safe Browsing Subresource Filter.
extern const base::Feature kSafeBrowsingSubresourceFilter;
// Safe Browsing Activation Throttle considers all checks in a redirect chain.
extern const base::Feature kSafeBrowsingSubresourceFilterConsiderRedirects;
// Enables the blocking of ads on sites that are abusive.
extern const base::Feature kFilterAdsOnAbusiveSites;
// Name/values of the variation parameter controlling maximum activation level.
extern const char kActivationLevelParameterName[];
extern const char kActivationLevelDryRun[];
extern const char kActivationLevelEnabled[];
extern const char kActivationLevelDisabled[];
extern const char kActivationScopeParameterName[];
extern const char kActivationScopeAllSites[];
extern const char kActivationScopeActivationList[];
extern const char kActivationScopeNoSites[];
extern const char kActivationListsParameterName[];
extern const char kActivationListSocialEngineeringAdsInterstitial[];
extern const char kActivationListPhishingInterstitial[];
extern const char kActivationListSubresourceFilter[];
extern const char kActivationListBetterAds[];
extern const char kActivationPriorityParameterName[];
extern const char kPerformanceMeasurementRateParameterName[];
extern const char kSuppressNotificationsParameterName[];
extern const char kWhitelistSiteOnReloadParameterName[];
extern const char kRulesetFlavorParameterName[];
extern const char kEnablePresetsParameterName[];
extern const char kDisablePresetsParameterName[];
extern const char kPresetLiveRunOnPhishingSites[];
extern const char kPresetPerformanceTestingDryRunOnAllSites[];
extern const char kPresetLiveRunForBetterAds[];
} // namespace subresource_filter