blob: 4dfb39157f2f322689f9dbea175481b75ac0204a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_device_mac.h"
#include "base/mac/foundation_util.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "device/gamepad/gamepad_data_fetcher.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
namespace {
const uint16_t kGenericDesktopUsagePage = 0x01;
const uint16_t kGameControlsUsagePage = 0x05;
const uint16_t kButtonUsagePage = 0x09;
const uint16_t kConsumerUsagePage = 0x0c;
const uint16_t kJoystickUsageNumber = 0x04;
const uint16_t kGameUsageNumber = 0x05;
const uint16_t kMultiAxisUsageNumber = 0x08;
const uint16_t kAxisMinimumUsageNumber = 0x30;
const uint16_t kSystemMainMenuUsageNumber = 0x85;
const uint16_t kPowerUsageNumber = 0x30;
const uint16_t kSearchUsageNumber = 0x0221;
const uint16_t kHomeUsageNumber = 0x0223;
const uint16_t kBackUsageNumber = 0x0224;
const int kRumbleMagnitudeMax = 10000;
struct SpecialUsages {
const uint16_t usage_page;
const uint16_t usage;
} kSpecialUsages[] = {
// Xbox One S pre-FW update reports Xbox button as SystemMainMenu over BT.
{kGenericDesktopUsagePage, kSystemMainMenuUsageNumber},
// Power is used for the Guide button on the Nvidia Shield 2015 gamepad.
{kConsumerUsagePage, kPowerUsageNumber},
// Search is used for the Guide button on the Nvidia Shield 2017 gamepad.
{kConsumerUsagePage, kSearchUsageNumber},
// Start, Back, and Guide buttons are often reported as Consumer Home or
// Back.
{kConsumerUsagePage, kHomeUsageNumber},
{kConsumerUsagePage, kBackUsageNumber},
const size_t kSpecialUsagesLen = base::size(kSpecialUsages);
float NormalizeAxis(CFIndex value, CFIndex min, CFIndex max) {
return (2.f * (value - min) / static_cast<float>(max - min)) - 1.f;
float NormalizeUInt8Axis(uint8_t value, uint8_t min, uint8_t max) {
return (2.f * (value - min) / static_cast<float>(max - min)) - 1.f;
float NormalizeUInt16Axis(uint16_t value, uint16_t min, uint16_t max) {
return (2.f * (value - min) / static_cast<float>(max - min)) - 1.f;
float NormalizeUInt32Axis(uint32_t value, uint32_t min, uint32_t max) {
return (2.f * (value - min) / static_cast<float>(max - min)) - 1.f;
} // namespace
namespace device {
GamepadDeviceMac::GamepadDeviceMac(int location_id,
IOHIDDeviceRef device_ref,
int vendor_id,
int product_id)
: location_id_(location_id),
ff_effect_ref_(nullptr) {
if (Dualshock4ControllerMac::IsDualshock4(vendor_id, product_id)) {
dualshock4_ = std::make_unique<Dualshock4ControllerMac>(device_ref);
} else if (HidHapticGamepadMac::IsHidHaptic(vendor_id, product_id)) {
hid_haptics_ =
HidHapticGamepadMac::Create(vendor_id, product_id, device_ref);
} else if (device_ref) {
ff_device_ref_ = CreateForceFeedbackDevice(device_ref);
if (ff_device_ref_) {
ff_effect_ref_ = CreateForceFeedbackEffect(ff_device_ref_, &ff_effect_,
&ff_custom_force_, force_data_,
axes_data_, direction_data_);
GamepadDeviceMac::~GamepadDeviceMac() = default;
void GamepadDeviceMac::DoShutdown() {
if (ff_device_ref_) {
if (ff_effect_ref_) {
FFDeviceReleaseEffect(ff_device_ref_, ff_effect_ref_);
ff_effect_ref_ = nullptr;
ff_device_ref_ = nullptr;
if (dualshock4_)
if (hid_haptics_)
// static
bool GamepadDeviceMac::CheckCollection(IOHIDElementRef element) {
// Check that a parent collection of this element matches one of the usage
// numbers that we are looking for.
while ((element = IOHIDElementGetParent(element)) != NULL) {
uint32_t usage_page = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element);
uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
if (usage_page == kGenericDesktopUsagePage) {
if (usage == kJoystickUsageNumber || usage == kGameUsageNumber ||
usage == kMultiAxisUsageNumber) {
return true;
return false;
bool GamepadDeviceMac::AddButtonsAndAxes(Gamepad* gamepad) {
bool has_buttons = AddButtons(gamepad);
bool has_axes = AddAxes(gamepad);
gamepad->timestamp = GamepadDataFetcher::CurrentTimeInMicroseconds();
return (has_buttons || has_axes);
bool GamepadDeviceMac::AddButtons(Gamepad* gamepad) {
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFArrayRef> elements_cf(IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(
device_ref_, nullptr, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone));
NSArray* elements = base::mac::CFToNSCast(elements_cf);
memset(gamepad->buttons, 0, sizeof(gamepad->buttons));
std::fill(button_elements_, button_elements_ + Gamepad::kButtonsLengthCap,
std::vector<IOHIDElementRef> special_element(kSpecialUsagesLen, nullptr);
size_t button_count = 0;
size_t unmapped_button_count = 0;
for (id elem in elements) {
IOHIDElementRef element = reinterpret_cast<IOHIDElementRef>(elem);
if (!CheckCollection(element))
uint32_t usage_page = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element);
uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
if (IOHIDElementGetType(element) == kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button) {
if (usage_page == kButtonUsagePage && usage > 0) {
size_t button_index = size_t{usage - 1};
// Ignore buttons with large usage values.
if (button_index >= Gamepad::kButtonsLengthCap)
// Button index already assigned, ignore.
if (button_elements_[button_index])
button_elements_[button_index] = element;
button_count = std::max(button_count, button_index + 1);
} else {
// Check for common gamepad buttons that are not on the Button usage
// page. Button indices are assigned in a second pass.
for (size_t special_index = 0; special_index < kSpecialUsagesLen;
++special_index) {
const auto& special = kSpecialUsages[special_index];
if (usage_page == special.usage_page && usage == special.usage) {
special_element[special_index] = element;
if (unmapped_button_count > 0) {
// Insert unmapped buttons at unused button indices.
size_t button_index = 0;
for (size_t special_index = 0; special_index < kSpecialUsagesLen;
++special_index) {
if (!special_element[special_index])
// Advance to the next unused button index.
while (button_index < Gamepad::kButtonsLengthCap &&
button_elements_[button_index]) {
if (button_index >= Gamepad::kButtonsLengthCap)
button_elements_[button_index] = special_element[special_index];
button_count = std::max(button_count, button_index + 1);
if (--unmapped_button_count == 0)
gamepad->buttons_length = button_count;
return gamepad->buttons_length > 0;
bool GamepadDeviceMac::AddAxes(Gamepad* gamepad) {
base::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFArrayRef> elements_cf(IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(
device_ref_, nullptr, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone));
NSArray* elements = base::mac::CFToNSCast(elements_cf);
memset(gamepad->axes, 0, sizeof(gamepad->axes));
std::fill(axis_elements_, axis_elements_ + Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap, nullptr);
std::fill(axis_minimums_, axis_minimums_ + Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap, 0);
std::fill(axis_maximums_, axis_maximums_ + Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap, 0);
std::fill(axis_report_sizes_, axis_report_sizes_ + Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap,
// Most axes are mapped so that their index in the Gamepad axes array
// corresponds to the usage ID. However, this is not possible when the usage
// ID would cause the axis index to exceed the bounds of the axes array.
// Axes with large usage IDs are mapped in a second pass.
size_t axis_count = 0;
size_t unmapped_axis_count = 0;
for (id elem in elements) {
IOHIDElementRef element = reinterpret_cast<IOHIDElementRef>(elem);
if (!CheckCollection(element))
uint32_t usage_page = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element);
uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
if (IOHIDElementGetType(element) != kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc ||
usage < kAxisMinimumUsageNumber) {
size_t axis_index = size_t{usage - kAxisMinimumUsageNumber};
if (axis_index < Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap) {
// Axis index already assigned, ignore.
if (axis_elements_[axis_index])
axis_elements_[axis_index] = element;
axis_count = std::max(axis_count, axis_index + 1);
} else if (usage_page <= kGameControlsUsagePage) {
// Assign an index for this axis in the second pass.
if (unmapped_axis_count > 0) {
// Insert unmapped axes at unused axis indices.
size_t axis_index = 0;
for (id elem in elements) {
IOHIDElementRef element = reinterpret_cast<IOHIDElementRef>(elem);
if (!CheckCollection(element))
uint32_t usage_page = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(element);
uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
if (IOHIDElementGetType(element) != kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc ||
usage < kAxisMinimumUsageNumber ||
usage_page > kGameControlsUsagePage) {
// Ignore axes with small usage IDs that should have been mapped in the
// initial pass.
if (size_t{usage - kAxisMinimumUsageNumber} < Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap)
// Advance to the next unused axis index.
while (axis_index < Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap &&
axis_elements_[axis_index]) {
if (axis_index >= Gamepad::kAxesLengthCap)
axis_elements_[axis_index] = element;
axis_count = std::max(axis_count, axis_index + 1);
if (--unmapped_axis_count == 0)
// Fetch the logical range and report size for each axis.
for (size_t axis_index = 0; axis_index < axis_count; ++axis_index) {
IOHIDElementRef element = axis_elements_[axis_index];
if (element != NULL) {
CFIndex axis_min = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element);
CFIndex axis_max = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element);
// Some HID axes report a logical range of -1 to 0 signed, which must be
// interpreted as 0 to -1 unsigned for correct normalization behavior.
if (axis_min == -1 && axis_max == 0) {
axis_max = -1;
axis_min = 0;
axis_minimums_[axis_index] = axis_min;
axis_maximums_[axis_index] = axis_max;
axis_report_sizes_[axis_index] = IOHIDElementGetReportSize(element);
gamepad->axes_length = axis_count;
return gamepad->axes_length > 0;
void GamepadDeviceMac::UpdateGamepadForValue(IOHIDValueRef value,
Gamepad* gamepad) {
IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(value);
uint32_t value_length = IOHIDValueGetLength(value);
if (value_length > 4) {
// Workaround for bizarre issue with PS3 controllers that try to return
// massive (30+ byte) values and crash IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue
// Find and fill in the associated button event, if any.
for (size_t i = 0; i < gamepad->buttons_length; ++i) {
if (button_elements_[i] == element) {
bool pressed = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value);
gamepad->buttons[i].pressed = pressed;
gamepad->buttons[i].value = pressed ? 1.f : 0.f;
gamepad->timestamp = GamepadDataFetcher::CurrentTimeInMicroseconds();
// Find and fill in the associated axis event, if any.
for (size_t i = 0; i < gamepad->axes_length; ++i) {
if (axis_elements_[i] == element) {
CFIndex axis_min = axis_minimums_[i];
CFIndex axis_max = axis_maximums_[i];
CFIndex axis_value = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(value);
if (axis_min > axis_max) {
// We'll need to interpret this axis as unsigned during normalization.
switch (axis_report_sizes_[i]) {
case 8:
gamepad->axes[i] =
NormalizeUInt8Axis(axis_value, axis_min, axis_max);
case 16:
gamepad->axes[i] =
NormalizeUInt16Axis(axis_value, axis_min, axis_max);
case 32:
gamepad->axes[i] =
NormalizeUInt32Axis(axis_value, axis_min, axis_max);
} else {
gamepad->axes[i] = NormalizeAxis(axis_value, axis_min, axis_max);
gamepad->timestamp = GamepadDataFetcher::CurrentTimeInMicroseconds();
bool GamepadDeviceMac::SupportsVibration() {
return dualshock4_ || hid_haptics_ || ff_device_ref_;
void GamepadDeviceMac::SetVibration(double strong_magnitude,
double weak_magnitude) {
if (dualshock4_) {
dualshock4_->SetVibration(strong_magnitude, weak_magnitude);
} else if (hid_haptics_) {
hid_haptics_->SetVibration(strong_magnitude, weak_magnitude);
} else if (ff_device_ref_) {
FFCUSTOMFORCE* ff_custom_force =
ff_custom_force->rglForceData[0] =
static_cast<LONG>(strong_magnitude * kRumbleMagnitudeMax);
ff_custom_force->rglForceData[1] =
static_cast<LONG>(weak_magnitude * kRumbleMagnitudeMax);
// Download the effect to the device and start the effect.
HRESULT res = FFEffectSetParameters(
ff_effect_ref_, &ff_effect_,
if (res == FF_OK)
FFEffectStart(ff_effect_ref_, 1, FFES_SOLO);
void GamepadDeviceMac::SetZeroVibration() {
if (dualshock4_) {
} else if (hid_haptics_) {
} else if (ff_effect_ref_) {
// static
FFDeviceObjectReference GamepadDeviceMac::CreateForceFeedbackDevice(
IOHIDDeviceRef device_ref) {
io_service_t service = IOHIDDeviceGetService(device_ref);
if (service == MACH_PORT_NULL)
return nullptr;
HRESULT res = FFIsForceFeedback(service);
if (res != FF_OK)
return nullptr;
FFDeviceObjectReference ff_device_ref;
res = FFCreateDevice(service, &ff_device_ref);
if (res != FF_OK)
return nullptr;
return ff_device_ref;
// static
FFEffectObjectReference GamepadDeviceMac::CreateForceFeedbackEffect(
FFDeviceObjectReference ff_device_ref,
FFEFFECT* ff_effect,
FFCUSTOMFORCE* ff_custom_force,
LONG* force_data,
DWORD* axes_data,
LONG* direction_data) {
HRESULT res = FFDeviceGetForceFeedbackCapabilities(ff_device_ref, &caps);
if (res != FF_OK)
return nullptr;
if ((caps.supportedEffects & FFCAP_ET_CUSTOMFORCE) == 0)
return nullptr;
force_data[0] = 0;
force_data[1] = 0;
axes_data[0] = caps.ffAxes[0];
axes_data[1] = caps.ffAxes[1];
direction_data[0] = 0;
direction_data[1] = 0;
ff_custom_force->cChannels = 2;
ff_custom_force->cSamples = 2;
ff_custom_force->rglForceData = force_data;
ff_custom_force->dwSamplePeriod = 100000; // 100 ms
ff_effect->dwSize = sizeof(FFEFFECT);
ff_effect->dwDuration = 5000000; // 5 seconds
ff_effect->dwSamplePeriod = 100000; // 100 ms
ff_effect->dwGain = 10000;
ff_effect->dwTriggerButton = FFEB_NOTRIGGER;
ff_effect->dwTriggerRepeatInterval = 0;
ff_effect->cAxes = caps.numFfAxes;
ff_effect->rgdwAxes = axes_data;
ff_effect->rglDirection = direction_data;
ff_effect->lpEnvelope = nullptr;
ff_effect->cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(FFCUSTOMFORCE);
ff_effect->lpvTypeSpecificParams = ff_custom_force;
ff_effect->dwStartDelay = 0;
FFEffectObjectReference ff_effect_ref;
res = FFDeviceCreateEffect(ff_device_ref, kFFEffectType_CustomForce_ID,
ff_effect, &ff_effect_ref);
if (res != FF_OK)
return nullptr;
return ff_effect_ref;
} // namespace device