blob: 7bb882c958339c4651ce84e8450d13532e942dad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include "crazy_linker_system.h"
namespace crazy {
// A class used to read text files line-by-line.
// Usage:
// LineReader reader("/path/to/file");
// while (reader.GetNextLine()) {
// const char* line = reader.line();
// size_t line_len = reader.length();
// ... line is not necessarily zero-terminated.
// }
class LineReader {
// Construct new instance. |path| is the input file path, and
// |capacity| is the initial internal buffer capacity. Use a larger capacity
// if you expect the input file to be large, in order to speed up parsing.
// If opening the file fails, GetNextLine() will simply return false on
// the first call.
LineReader(const char* path, size_t capacity = 128);
// Grab next line. Returns true on success, or false otherwise.
bool GetNextLine();
// Return the start of the current line, this is _not_ zero-terminated
// and always contains a final newline (\n).
// Only call this after a successful GetNextLine().
const char* line() const;
// Return the line length, this includes the final \n.
// Only call this after a successful GetNextLine().
size_t length() const;
FileDescriptor fd_;
bool eof_ = false;
size_t line_start_ = 0;
size_t line_len_ = 0;
size_t buff_size_ = 0;
size_t buff_capacity_ = 0;
char* buff_ = nullptr;
} // namespace crazy