blob: 191cf7481de5be1fbc3fdcee69bc27eea0f4491f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crazy_linker_rdebug.h"
#include <elf.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/auxv.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "crazy_linker_debug.h"
#include "crazy_linker_globals.h"
#include "crazy_linker_system.h"
#include "crazy_linker_util.h"
#include "elf_traits.h"
namespace crazy {
namespace {
// The <sys/auxv.h> header only declares getauxval for API level >= 18.
// Declare the same function as a weak import here so we can detect at
// runtime that getauxval() is not provided, i.e. this is running on an
// older Android release.
extern "C" unsigned long getauxval(unsigned long) __attribute__((weak));
// Retrieve the address of the current process' dynamic section.
bool FindElfDynamicSection(size_t* dynamic_address, size_t* dynamic_size) {
// Sanity check. Prevents crashing when running on an Android release older
// than KitKat / API 18. The linker will still work, but debugging and
// stack crashes will not be supported.
if (!getauxval) {
LOG("Android API level 18 or higher is needed for stack trace support!");
return false;
// Use getauxval() to get the address and size of the executable's
// program table entry. Note: On Android, getauxval() is only available
// starting with API level 18.
const size_t phdr_num = static_cast<size_t>(getauxval(AT_PHNUM));
const auto* phdr_table = reinterpret_cast<ELF::Phdr*>(getauxval(AT_PHDR));
LOG("Found phdr table at %p, count=%d", phdr_table, phdr_num);
if (!phdr_table) {
LOG_ERRNO("Could not retrieve program header with AT_PHDR");
return false;
// NOTE: The program header table contains the following interesting entries:
// - A PT_PHDR entry corresponding to the program header table itself!
// - A PT_DYNAMIC entry corresponding to the dynamic section.
const ELF::Phdr* pt_phdr = nullptr;
const ELF::Phdr* pt_dynamic = nullptr;
for (size_t n = 0; n < phdr_num; ++n) {
const ELF::Phdr* phdr = &phdr_table[n];
if (phdr->p_type == PT_PHDR && !pt_phdr)
pt_phdr = phdr;
else if (phdr->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC && !pt_dynamic)
pt_dynamic = phdr;
if (!pt_phdr) {
LOG("Could not find PT_PHDR entry!?");
return false;
if (!pt_dynamic) {
LOG("Could not find PT_DYNAMIC entry!?");
return false;
LOG("Found PT_PHDR [address=%p vaddr=%lu size=%lu] and "
"PT_DYNAMIC [vaddr=%lu, size=%lu]",
pt_phdr, static_cast<unsigned long>(pt_phdr->p_vaddr),
static_cast<unsigned long>(pt_phdr->p_memsz),
static_cast<unsigned long>(pt_dynamic->p_vaddr),
static_cast<unsigned long>(pt_dynamic->p_memsz));
auto pt_hdr_address = reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(pt_phdr);
auto load_bias = pt_hdr_address - static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(pt_phdr->p_vaddr);
*dynamic_address = static_cast<size_t>(load_bias + pt_dynamic->p_vaddr);
*dynamic_size = static_cast<size_t>(pt_dynamic->p_memsz);
LOG("Dynamic section addr=%p size=%p", (void*)*dynamic_address,
return true;
// Helper function for AddEntryImpl and DelEntryImpl.
// Sets *link_pointer to entry. link_pointer is either an 'l_prev' or an
// 'l_next' field in a neighbouring linkmap_t. If link_pointer is in a
// page that is mapped readonly, the page is remapped to be writable before
// assignment.
void WriteLinkMapField(link_map_t** link_pointer, link_map_t* entry) {
// We always mprotect the page containing link_pointer to read/write,
// then write the entry. The page may already be read/write, but on
// recent Android release is most likely readonly. Because of the way
// the system linker operates we cannot tell with certainty what its
// correct setting should be.
// Now, we always leave the page read/write. Here is why. If we set it
// back to readonly at the point between where the system linker sets
// it to read/write and where it writes to the address, this will cause
// the system linker to crash. Clearly that is undesirable. From
// observations this occurs most frequently on the gpu process.
const uintptr_t kPageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
const uintptr_t ptr_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(link_pointer);
void* page = reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr_address & ~(kPageSize - 1U));
LOG("Mapping page at %p read-write for pointer at %p", page, link_pointer);
const int prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
const int ret = ::mprotect(page, kPageSize, prot);
if (ret < 0) {
// In case of error, return immediately to avoid crashing below when
// writing the new value. Note that there is still a tiny chance that the
// system linker remapped the page read-only just after mprotect() above
// returns, so this cannot be guaranteed 100% of the time.
LOG_ERRNO("Error mapping page %p read/write", page);
*link_pointer = entry;
} // namespace
r_debug* RDebug::GetAddress() {
if (!init_) {
return r_debug_;
bool RDebug::Init() {
// The address of '_r_debug' is in the DT_DEBUG entry of the current
// executable.
init_ = true;
size_t dynamic_addr = 0;
size_t dynamic_size = 0;
if (!FindElfDynamicSection(&dynamic_addr, &dynamic_size)) {
return false;
// Parse the dynamic table and find the DT_DEBUG entry.
const ELF::Dyn* dyn_section = reinterpret_cast<const ELF::Dyn*>(dynamic_addr);
while (dynamic_size >= sizeof(*dyn_section)) {
if (dyn_section->d_tag == DT_DEBUG) {
// Found it!
LOG("Found DT_DEBUG entry at %p, pointing to %p", dyn_section,
if (dyn_section->d_un.d_ptr) {
r_debug_ = reinterpret_cast<r_debug*>(dyn_section->d_un.d_ptr);
LOG("r_debug [r_version=%d r_map=%p r_brk=%p r_ldbase=%p]",
r_debug_->r_version, r_debug_->r_map, r_debug_->r_brk,
// Only version 1 of the struct is supported.
if (r_debug_->r_version != 1) {
LOG("r_debug.r_version is %d, 1 expected.", r_debug_->r_version);
r_debug_ = NULL;
return true;
dynamic_size -= sizeof(*dyn_section);
LOG("There is no non-0 DT_DEBUG entry in this process");
return false;
void RDebug::CallRBrk(int state) {
#if !defined(CRAZY_DISABLE_R_BRK)
r_debug_->r_state = state;
void RDebug::AddEntry(link_map_t* entry) {
LOG("Adding: %s", entry->l_name);
if (!init_)
if (!r_debug_) {
LOG("Nothing to do");
// Ensure modifications to the global link map are synchronized.
ScopedLinkMapLocker locker;
// IMPORTANT: GDB expects the first entry in the list to correspond
// to the executable. So add our new entry just after it. This is ok
// because by default, the linker is always the second entry, as in:
// [<executable>, /system/bin/linker,,, ...]
// By design, the first two entries should never be removed since they
// can't be unloaded from the process (they are loaded by the kernel
// when invoking the program).
// TODO(digit): Does GDB expect the linker to be the second entry?
// It doesn't seem so, but have a look at the GDB sources to confirm
// this. No problem appear experimentally.
// What happens for static binaries? They don't have an .interp section,
// and don't have a r_debug variable on Android, so GDB should not be
// able to debug shared libraries at all for them (assuming one
// statically links a linker into the executable).
if (!r_debug_->r_map || !r_debug_->r_map->l_next ||
!r_debug_->r_map->l_next->l_next) {
// Sanity check: Must have at least two items in the list.
LOG("Malformed r_debug.r_map list");
r_debug_ = NULL;
// Tell GDB the list is going to be modified.
link_map_t* before = r_debug_->r_map->l_next;
link_map_t* after = before->l_next;
// Prepare the new entry.
entry->l_prev = before;
entry->l_next = after;
// IMPORTANT: Before modifying the previous and next entries in the
// list, ensure that they are writable. This avoids crashing when
// updating the 'l_prev' or 'l_next' fields of a system linker entry,
// which are mapped read-only.
WriteLinkMapField(&before->l_next, entry);
WriteLinkMapField(&after->l_prev, entry);
// Tell GDB the list modification has completed.
void RDebug::DelEntry(link_map_t* entry) {
if (!r_debug_)
LOG("Deleting: %s", entry->l_name);
// Ensure modifications to the global link map are synchronized.
ScopedLinkMapLocker locker;
// Tell GDB the list is going to be modified.
// IMPORTANT: Before modifying the previous and next entries in the
// list, ensure that they are writable. See comment above for more
// details.
if (entry->l_prev)
WriteLinkMapField(&entry->l_prev->l_next, entry->l_next);
if (entry->l_next)
WriteLinkMapField(&entry->l_next->l_prev, entry->l_prev);
if (r_debug_->r_map == entry)
r_debug_->r_map = entry->l_next;
entry->l_prev = NULL;
entry->l_next = NULL;
// Tell GDB the list modification has completed.
} // namespace crazy