blob: ce23fee676b5b9cd2bfa9f81df05654c62bffa49 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/profiling/json_exporter.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/profiling/backtrace_storage.h"
#include "services/resource_coordinator/public/cpp/memory_instrumentation/os_metrics.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace profiling {
namespace {
const size_t kNoSizeThreshold = 0;
const size_t kNoCountThreshold = 0;
const size_t kSizeThreshold = 1500;
const size_t kCountThreshold = 1000;
using MemoryMap = std::vector<memory_instrumentation::mojom::VmRegionPtr>;
static constexpr int kNoParent = -1;
// Finds the first vm region in the given periodic interval. Returns null on
// failure.
const base::Value* FindFirstRegionWithAnyName(const base::Value* root) {
const base::Value* found_mmaps =
root->FindKeyOfType("process_mmaps", base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
if (!found_mmaps)
return nullptr;
const base::Value* found_regions =
found_mmaps->FindKeyOfType("vm_regions", base::Value::Type::LIST);
if (!found_regions)
return nullptr;
for (const base::Value& cur : found_regions->GetList()) {
const base::Value* found_name =
cur.FindKeyOfType("mf", base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!found_name)
return nullptr;
if (found_name->GetString() != "")
return &cur;
return nullptr;
// Looks up a given string id from the string table. Returns -1 if not found.
int GetIdFromStringTable(const base::Value* strings, const char* text) {
for (const auto& string : strings->GetList()) {
const base::Value* string_id =
string.FindKeyOfType("id", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
const base::Value* string_text =
string.FindKeyOfType("string", base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (string_id != nullptr && string_text != nullptr &&
string_text->GetString() == text)
return string_id->GetInt();
return -1;
// Looks up a given string from the string table. Returns empty string if not
// found.
std::string GetStringFromStringTable(const base::Value* strings, int sid) {
for (const auto& string : strings->GetList()) {
const base::Value* string_id =
string.FindKeyOfType("id", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
if (string_id->GetInt() == sid) {
const base::Value* string_text =
string.FindKeyOfType("string", base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!string_text)
return std::string();
return string_text->GetString();
return std::string();
int GetNodeWithNameID(const base::Value* nodes, int sid) {
for (const auto& node : nodes->GetList()) {
const base::Value* node_id =
node.FindKeyOfType("id", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
const base::Value* node_name_sid =
node.FindKeyOfType("name_sid", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
if (node_id != nullptr && node_name_sid != nullptr &&
node_name_sid->GetInt() == sid)
return node_id->GetInt();
return -1;
int GetOffsetForBacktraceID(const base::Value* nodes, int id) {
int offset = 0;
for (const auto& node : nodes->GetList()) {
if (node.GetInt() == id)
return offset;
return -1;
bool IsBacktraceInList(const base::Value* backtraces, int id, int parent) {
for (const auto& backtrace : backtraces->GetList()) {
const base::Value* backtrace_id =
backtrace.FindKeyOfType("id", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
if (backtrace_id == nullptr)
const base::Value* backtrace_parent =
backtrace.FindKeyOfType("parent", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
int backtrace_parent_int = kNoParent;
if (backtrace_parent)
backtrace_parent_int = backtrace_parent->GetInt();
if (backtrace_id->GetInt() == id && backtrace_parent_int == parent)
return true;
return false;
} // namespace
TEST(ProfilingJsonExporterTest, Simple) {
BacktraceStorage backtrace_storage;
std::vector<Address> stack1;
const Backtrace* bt1 = backtrace_storage.Insert(std::move(stack1));
std::vector<Address> stack2;
const Backtrace* bt2 = backtrace_storage.Insert(std::move(stack2));
AllocationEventSet events;
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x1), 20, bt1, 0));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x2), 32, bt2, 0));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x3), 20, bt1, 0));
events.insert(AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kPartitionAlloc, Address(0x4),
20, bt1, 0));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x5), 12, bt2, 0));
std::ostringstream stream;
ExportParams params;
params.allocs = AllocationEventSetToCountMap(events);
params.min_size_threshold = kNoSizeThreshold;
params.min_count_threshold = kNoCountThreshold;
ExportMemoryMapsAndV2StackTraceToJSON(params, stream);
std::string json = stream.str();
// JSON should parse.
base::JSONReader reader(base::JSON_PARSE_RFC);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> root = reader.ReadToValue(stream.str());
ASSERT_EQ(base::JSONReader::JSON_NO_ERROR, reader.error_code())
<< reader.GetErrorMessage();
// Validate the allocators summary.
const base::Value* malloc_summary = root->FindPath({"allocators", "malloc"});
const base::Value* malloc_size =
malloc_summary->FindPath({"attrs", "size", "value"});
EXPECT_EQ("54", malloc_size->GetString());
const base::Value* malloc_virtual_size =
malloc_summary->FindPath({"attrs", "virtual_size", "value"});
EXPECT_EQ("54", malloc_virtual_size->GetString());
const base::Value* partition_alloc_summary =
root->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc"});
const base::Value* partition_alloc_size =
partition_alloc_summary->FindPath({"attrs", "size", "value"});
EXPECT_EQ("14", partition_alloc_size->GetString());
const base::Value* partition_alloc_virtual_size =
partition_alloc_summary->FindPath({"attrs", "virtual_size", "value"});
EXPECT_EQ("14", partition_alloc_virtual_size->GetString());
const base::Value* heaps_v2 = root->FindKey("heaps_v2");
// Retrieve maps and validate their structure.
const base::Value* nodes = heaps_v2->FindPath({"maps", "nodes"});
const base::Value* strings = heaps_v2->FindPath({"maps", "strings"});
// Validate the strings table.
EXPECT_EQ(5u, strings->GetList().size());
int sid_unknown = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "[unknown]");
int sid_1234 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:1234");
int sid_5678 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:5678");
int sid_9012 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:9012");
int sid_9013 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:9013");
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_unknown);
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_1234);
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_5678);
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_9012);
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_9013);
// Validate the nodes table.
// Nodes should be a list with 4 items.
// [0] => address: 1234 parent: none
// [1] => address: 5678 parent: 0
// [2] => address: 9012 parent: 0
// [3] => address: 9013 parent: 2
EXPECT_EQ(4u, nodes->GetList().size());
int id0 = GetNodeWithNameID(nodes, sid_1234);
int id1 = GetNodeWithNameID(nodes, sid_5678);
int id2 = GetNodeWithNameID(nodes, sid_9012);
int id3 = GetNodeWithNameID(nodes, sid_9013);
EXPECT_NE(-1, id0);
EXPECT_NE(-1, id1);
EXPECT_NE(-1, id2);
EXPECT_NE(-1, id3);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBacktraceInList(nodes, id0, kNoParent));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBacktraceInList(nodes, id1, id0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBacktraceInList(nodes, id2, id0));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBacktraceInList(nodes, id3, id2));
// Retrieve the allocations and validate their structure.
const base::Value* counts =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "malloc", "counts"});
const base::Value* types =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "malloc", "types"});
const base::Value* sizes =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "malloc", "sizes"});
const base::Value* backtraces =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "malloc", "nodes"});
// Counts should be a list of two items, a 1 and a 2. The two matching 20-byte
// allocations should be coalesced to produce the 2.
EXPECT_EQ(2u, counts->GetList().size());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, types->GetList().size());
EXPECT_EQ(2u, sizes->GetList().size());
int node1 = GetOffsetForBacktraceID(backtraces, id1);
int node3 = GetOffsetForBacktraceID(backtraces, id3);
EXPECT_NE(-1, node1);
EXPECT_NE(-1, node3);
// Validate node allocated with |stack1|.
EXPECT_EQ(2, counts->GetList()[node1].GetInt());
EXPECT_EQ(0, types->GetList()[node1].GetInt());
EXPECT_EQ(40, sizes->GetList()[node1].GetInt());
EXPECT_EQ(id1, backtraces->GetList()[node1].GetInt());
// Validate node allocated with |stack2|.
EXPECT_EQ(2, counts->GetList()[node3].GetInt());
EXPECT_EQ(0, types->GetList()[node3].GetInt());
EXPECT_EQ(44, sizes->GetList()[node3].GetInt());
EXPECT_EQ(id3, backtraces->GetList()[node3].GetInt());
// Validate that the partition alloc one got through.
counts = heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc", "counts"});
types = heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc", "types"});
sizes = heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc", "sizes"});
backtraces = heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc", "nodes"});
// There should just be one entry for the partition_alloc allocation.
EXPECT_EQ(1u, counts->GetList().size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, types->GetList().size());
EXPECT_EQ(1u, sizes->GetList().size());
TEST(ProfilingJsonExporterTest, SimpleWithFilteredAllocations) {
BacktraceStorage backtrace_storage;
std::vector<Address> stack1;
const Backtrace* bt1 = backtrace_storage.Insert(std::move(stack1));
std::vector<Address> stack2;
const Backtrace* bt2 = backtrace_storage.Insert(std::move(stack2));
std::vector<Address> stack3;
const Backtrace* bt3 = backtrace_storage.Insert(std::move(stack3));
AllocationEventSet events;
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x1), 16, bt1, 0));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x2), 32, bt1, 0));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x3), 1000, bt2, 0));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x4), 1000, bt2, 0));
for (size_t i = 0; i < kCountThreshold + 1; ++i) {
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kMalloc, Address(0x5 + i), 1, bt3, 0));
// Validate filtering by size and count.
std::ostringstream stream;
ExportParams params;
params.allocs = AllocationEventSetToCountMap(events);
params.min_size_threshold = kSizeThreshold;
params.min_count_threshold = kCountThreshold;
ExportMemoryMapsAndV2StackTraceToJSON(params, stream);
std::string json = stream.str();
// JSON should parse.
base::JSONReader reader(base::JSON_PARSE_RFC);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> root = reader.ReadToValue(stream.str());
ASSERT_EQ(base::JSONReader::JSON_NO_ERROR, reader.error_code())
<< reader.GetErrorMessage();
const base::Value* heaps_v2 = root->FindKey("heaps_v2");
const base::Value* nodes = heaps_v2->FindPath({"maps", "nodes"});
const base::Value* strings = heaps_v2->FindPath({"maps", "strings"});
// Validate the strings table.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, strings->GetList().size());
int sid_unknown = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "[unknown]");
int sid_1234 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:1234");
int sid_5678 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:5678");
int sid_9999 = GetIdFromStringTable(strings, "pc:9999");
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_unknown);
EXPECT_EQ(-1, sid_1234); // Must be filtered.
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_5678);
EXPECT_NE(-1, sid_9999);
// Validate the nodes table.
// Nodes should be a list with 4 items.
// [0] => address: 5678 parent: none
// [1] => address: 9999 parent: none
EXPECT_EQ(2u, nodes->GetList().size());
int id0 = GetNodeWithNameID(nodes, sid_5678);
int id1 = GetNodeWithNameID(nodes, sid_9999);
EXPECT_NE(-1, id0);
EXPECT_NE(-1, id1);
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBacktraceInList(nodes, id0, kNoParent));
EXPECT_TRUE(IsBacktraceInList(nodes, id1, kNoParent));
// Counts should be a list with one item. Items with |bt1| are filtered.
// For |stack2|, there are two allocations of 1000 bytes. which is above the
// 1500 bytes threshold. For |stack3|, there are 1001 allocations of 1 bytes,
// which is above the 1000 allocations threshold.
const base::Value* backtraces =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "malloc", "nodes"});
EXPECT_EQ(2u, backtraces->GetList().size());
int node_bt2 = GetOffsetForBacktraceID(backtraces, id0);
int node_bt3 = GetOffsetForBacktraceID(backtraces, id1);
EXPECT_NE(-1, node_bt2);
EXPECT_NE(-1, node_bt3);
TEST(ProfilingJsonExporterTest, MemoryMaps) {
AllocationEventSet events;
ExportParams params;
params.maps = memory_instrumentation::OSMetrics::GetProcessMemoryMaps(
ASSERT_GT(params.maps.size(), 2u);
std::ostringstream stream;
params.allocs = AllocationEventSetToCountMap(events);
params.min_size_threshold = kNoSizeThreshold;
params.min_count_threshold = kNoCountThreshold;
ExportMemoryMapsAndV2StackTraceToJSON(params, stream);
std::string json = stream.str();
// JSON should parse.
base::JSONReader reader(base::JSON_PARSE_RFC);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> root = reader.ReadToValue(stream.str());
ASSERT_EQ(base::JSONReader::JSON_NO_ERROR, reader.error_code())
<< reader.GetErrorMessage();
const base::Value* region = FindFirstRegionWithAnyName(root.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(region) << "Array contains no named vm regions";
const base::Value* start_address =
region->FindKeyOfType("sa", base::Value::Type::STRING);
EXPECT_NE(start_address->GetString(), "");
EXPECT_NE(start_address->GetString(), "0");
const base::Value* size =
region->FindKeyOfType("sz", base::Value::Type::STRING);
EXPECT_NE(size->GetString(), "");
EXPECT_NE(size->GetString(), "0");
TEST(ProfilingJsonExporterTest, Context) {
BacktraceStorage backtrace_storage;
ExportParams params;
std::vector<Address> stack;
const Backtrace* bt = backtrace_storage.Insert(std::move(stack));
std::string context_str1("Context 1");
int context_id1 = 1;
params.context_map[context_str1] = context_id1;
std::string context_str2("Context 2");
int context_id2 = 2;
params.context_map[context_str2] = context_id2;
// Make 4 events, all with identical metadata except context. Two share the
// same context so should get folded, one has unique context, and one has no
// context.
AllocationEventSet events;
events.insert(AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kPartitionAlloc, Address(0x1),
16, bt, context_id1));
events.insert(AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kPartitionAlloc, Address(0x2),
16, bt, context_id2));
AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kPartitionAlloc, Address(0x3), 16, bt, 0));
events.insert(AllocationEvent(AllocatorType::kPartitionAlloc, Address(0x4),
16, bt, context_id1));
std::ostringstream stream;
params.allocs = AllocationEventSetToCountMap(events);
params.min_size_threshold = kNoSizeThreshold;
params.min_count_threshold = kNoCountThreshold;
ExportMemoryMapsAndV2StackTraceToJSON(params, stream);
std::string json = stream.str();
// JSON should parse.
base::JSONReader reader(base::JSON_PARSE_RFC);
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> root = reader.ReadToValue(stream.str());
ASSERT_EQ(base::JSONReader::JSON_NO_ERROR, reader.error_code())
<< reader.GetErrorMessage();
// Retrieve the allocations.
const base::Value* heaps_v2 = root->FindKey("heaps_v2");
const base::Value* counts =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc", "counts"});
const base::Value* types =
heaps_v2->FindPath({"allocators", "partition_alloc", "types"});
const auto& counts_list = counts->GetList();
const auto& types_list = types->GetList();
// There should be three allocations, two coalesced ones, one with unique
// context, and one with no context.
EXPECT_EQ(3u, counts_list.size());
EXPECT_EQ(3u, types_list.size());
const base::Value* types_map = heaps_v2->FindPath({"maps", "types"});
const base::Value* strings = heaps_v2->FindPath({"maps", "strings"});
// Reconstruct the map from type id to string.
std::map<int, std::string> type_to_string;
for (const auto& type : types_map->GetList()) {
const base::Value* id =
type.FindKeyOfType("id", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
const base::Value* name_sid =
type.FindKeyOfType("name_sid", base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
type_to_string[id->GetInt()] =
GetStringFromStringTable(strings, name_sid->GetInt());
// Track the three entries we have down to what we expect. The order is not
// defined so this is relatively complex to do.
bool found_double_context = false; // Allocations sharing the same context.
bool found_single_context = false; // Allocation with unique context.
bool found_no_context = false; // Allocation with no context.
for (size_t i = 0; i < types_list.size(); i++) {
const auto& found = type_to_string.find(types_list[i].GetInt());
ASSERT_NE(type_to_string.end(), found);
if (found->second == context_str1) {
// Context string matches the one with two allocations.
found_double_context = true;
ASSERT_EQ(2, counts_list[i].GetInt());
} else if (found->second == context_str2) {
// Context string matches the one with one allocation.
found_single_context = true;
ASSERT_EQ(1, counts_list[i].GetInt());
} else if (found->second == "[unknown]") {
// Context string for the one with no context.
found_no_context = true;
ASSERT_EQ(1, counts_list[i].GetInt());
// All three types of things should have been found in the loop.
} // namespace profiling