blob: c668146ed20f3b29e03540df4040793869627fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/css/ActiveStyleSheets.h"
#include "core/css/CSSStyleSheet.h"
#include "core/css/RuleSet.h"
namespace blink {
ActiveSheetsChange compareActiveStyleSheets(const ActiveStyleSheetVector& oldStyleSheets,
const ActiveStyleSheetVector& newStyleSheets,
HeapVector<Member<RuleSet>>& changedRuleSets)
unsigned newStyleSheetCount = newStyleSheets.size();
unsigned oldStyleSheetCount = oldStyleSheets.size();
unsigned minCount = std::min(newStyleSheetCount, oldStyleSheetCount);
unsigned index = 0;
// Walk the common prefix of stylesheets. If the stylesheet rules were
// modified since last time, add them to the list of changed rulesets.
for (; index < minCount && newStyleSheets[index].first == oldStyleSheets[index].first; index++) {
if (newStyleSheets[index].second == oldStyleSheets[index].second)
if (index == oldStyleSheetCount) {
if (index == newStyleSheetCount)
return changedRuleSets.size() ? ActiveSheetsChanged : NoActiveSheetsChanged;
// Sheets added at the end.
for (; index < newStyleSheetCount; index++)
return ActiveSheetsAppended;
if (index == newStyleSheetCount) {
// Sheets removed from the end.
for (; index < oldStyleSheetCount; index++)
return ActiveSheetsChanged;
DCHECK(index < oldStyleSheetCount && index < newStyleSheetCount);
// Both the new and old active stylesheet vectors have stylesheets following
// the common prefix. Figure out which were added or removed by sorting the
// merged vector of old and new sheets.
ActiveStyleSheetVector mergedSorted;
mergedSorted.reserveCapacity(oldStyleSheetCount + newStyleSheetCount - 2 * index);
mergedSorted.appendRange(oldStyleSheets.begin() + index, oldStyleSheets.end());
mergedSorted.appendRange(newStyleSheets.begin() + index, newStyleSheets.end());
std::sort(mergedSorted.begin(), mergedSorted.end());
auto mergedIterator = mergedSorted.begin();
while (mergedIterator != mergedSorted.end()) {
const auto& sheet1 = *mergedIterator++;
if (mergedIterator == mergedSorted.end() || (*mergedIterator).first != sheet1.first) {
// Sheet either removed or inserted.
// Sheet present in both old and new.
const auto& sheet2 = *mergedIterator++;
if (sheet1.second == sheet2.second)
// Active rules for the given stylesheet changed.
// DOM, CSSOM, or media query changes.
return ActiveSheetsChanged;
} // namespace blink