blob: 0b4fe9b250b003e18d2032f813dae3b1d372b646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
var importer;
* Class representing the results of a scan operation.
* @interface
importer.MediaScanner = function() {};
* @typedef {function(!importer.ScanEvent, importer.ScanResult)}
* Initiates scanning.
* @param {!DirectoryEntry} directory
* @param {!importer.ScanMode} mode
* @return {!importer.ScanResult} ScanResult object representing the scan
* job both while in-progress and when completed.
* Initiates scanning.
* @param {!Array<!FileEntry>} entries Must be non-empty, and all entires
* must be of a supported media type. Individually supplied files
* are not subject to deduplication.
* @param {!importer.ScanMode} mode The method to detect new files.
* @return {!importer.ScanResult} ScanResult object representing the scan
* job for the explicitly supplied entries.
* Adds an observer, which will be notified on scan events.
* @param {!importer.ScanObserver} observer
* Remove a previously registered observer.
* @param {!importer.ScanObserver} observer
* Class representing the results of a scan operation.
* @interface
importer.ScanResult = function() {};
* @return {boolean} true if scanning is complete.
* Notifies the scan to stop working. Some in progress work
* may continue, but no new work will be undertaken.
* @return {boolean} True if the scan has been canceled. Some
* work started prior to cancelation may still be ongoing.
* @param {number} count Sets the total number of candidate entries
* that were checked while scanning. Used when determining
* total progress.
* Event method called when a candidate has been processed.
* @param {number} count
* Returns all files entries discovered so far. The list will be
* complete only after scanning has completed and {@code isFinal}
* returns {@code true}.
* @return {!Array<!FileEntry>}
* Returns all files entry duplicates discovered so far.
* The list will be
* complete only after scanning has completed and {@code isFinal}
* returns {@code true}.
* Duplicates are files that were found during scanning,
* where not found in import history, and were matched to
* an existing entry either in the import destination, or
* to another entry within the scan itself.
* @return {!Array<!FileEntry>}
* Returns a promise that fires when scanning is finished
* normally or has been canceled.
* @return {!Promise<!importer.ScanResult>}
* @return {!importer.ScanResult.Statistics}
* @typedef {{
* scanDuration: number,
* newFileCount: number,
* duplicates: !Object<!importer.Disposition, number>,
* sizeBytes: number,
* candidates: {
* total: number,
* processed: number
* },
* progress: number
* }}