blob: 0fefc49f7630e1e67ddc914b4265c4a0c6897c1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Namespace
var importer = importer || {};
* A duplicate finder for Google Drive.
importer.DriveDuplicateFinder = class DriveDuplicateFinder {
constructor() {
/** @private {Promise<string>} */
this.driveIdPromise_ = null;
* An bounded cache of most recently calculated file content hashcodes.
* @private {!LRUCache<!Promise<string>>}
this.hashCache_ =
new LRUCache(importer.DriveDuplicateFinder.MAX_CACHED_HASHCODES_);
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @return {!Promise<boolean>}
isDuplicate(entry) {
return this.computeHash_(entry)
* @param {!Array<string>} urls
* @return {boolean}
urls => {
return urls.length > 0;
* Computes the content hash for the given file entry.
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @return {!Promise<string>} The computed hash.
* @private
computeHash_(entry) {
return importer.createMetadataHashcode(entry).then(hashcode => {
// Cache key is the concatenation of metadata hashcode and URL.
const cacheKey = hashcode + '|' + entry.toURL();
if (this.hashCache_.hasKey(cacheKey)) {
return this.hashCache_.get(cacheKey);
const hashPromise = new Promise(
/** @this {importer.DriveDuplicateFinder} */
(resolve, reject) => {
const startTime = new Date().getTime();
* @param {string|undefined} result The content hash.
* @this {importer.DriveDuplicateFinder}
result => {
const elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime;
// Send the timing to GA only if it is sorta exceptionally
// long. A one second, CPU intensive operation, is pretty
// long.
if (elapsedTime >=
importer.DriveDuplicateFinder.HASH_EVENT_THRESHOLD_) {
'Content hash computation took ' + elapsedTime +
' ms.');
'DriveDuplicateFinder.LongComputeHash', elapsedTime);
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
} else {
this.hashCache_.put(cacheKey, hashPromise);
return hashPromise;
* Finds files with content hashes matching the given hash.
* @param {string} hash The content hash of the file to find.
* @return {!Promise<!Array<string>>} The URLs of the found files. If there
* are no matches, the list will be empty.
* @private
findByHash_(hash) {
return /** @type {!Promise<!Array<string>>} */ (
this.getDriveId_().then(this.searchFilesByHash_.bind(this, hash)));
* @return {!Promise<string>} ID of the user's Drive volume.
* @private
getDriveId_() {
if (!this.driveIdPromise_) {
this.driveIdPromise_ = volumeManagerFactory.getInstance().then(
* @param {!VolumeManager} volumeManager
* @return {string} ID of the user's Drive volume.
volumeManager => {
return volumeManager
return this.driveIdPromise_;
* A promise-based wrapper for chrome.fileManagerPrivate.searchFilesByHashes.
* @param {string} hash The content hash to search for.
* @param {string} volumeId The volume to search.
* @return {!Promise<!Array<string>>} A list of file URLs.
* @private
searchFilesByHash_(hash, volumeId) {
return new Promise(
/** @this {importer.DriveDuplicateFinder} */
(resolve, reject) => {
const startTime = new Date().getTime();
volumeId, [hash],
* @param {!Object<string, !Array<string>>|undefined} urls
* @this {importer.DriveDuplicateFinder}
urls => {
const elapsedTime = new Date().getTime() - startTime;
// Send the timing to GA only if it is sorta exceptionally long.
if (elapsedTime >=
importer.DriveDuplicateFinder.SEARCH_EVENT_THRESHOLD_) {
'DriveDuplicateFinder.LongSearchByHash', elapsedTime);
if (chrome.runtime.lastError) {
} else {
/** @private @const {number} */
importer.DriveDuplicateFinder.HASH_EVENT_THRESHOLD_ = 5000;
/** @private @const {number} */
importer.DriveDuplicateFinder.SEARCH_EVENT_THRESHOLD_ = 1000;
/** @private @const {number} */
importer.DriveDuplicateFinder.MAX_CACHED_HASHCODES_ = 10000;
* A class that aggregates history/content-dupe checking
* into a single "Disposition" value. Should now be the
* primary source for duplicate checking (with the exception
* of in-scan deduplication, where duplicate results that
* are within the scan are ignored).
importer.DispositionChecker = class DispositionChecker {
* @param {!importer.HistoryLoader} historyLoader
* @param {!importer.DriveDuplicateFinder} contentMatcher
constructor(historyLoader, contentMatcher) {
/** @private {!importer.HistoryLoader} */
this.historyLoader_ = historyLoader;
/** @private {!importer.DriveDuplicateFinder} */
this.contentMatcher_ = contentMatcher;
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {!importer.Destination} destination
* @param {!importer.ScanMode} mode
* @return {!Promise<!importer.Disposition>}
getDisposition(entry, destination, mode) {
if (destination !== importer.Destination.GOOGLE_DRIVE) {
return Promise.reject('Unsupported destination: ' + destination);
return new Promise(
/** @this {importer.DispositionChecker} */
(resolve, reject) => {
this.hasHistoryDuplicate_(entry, destination)
* @param {boolean} duplicate
duplicate => {
if (duplicate) {
if (mode == importer.ScanMode.HISTORY) {
/** @param {boolean} duplicate */
duplicate => {
if (duplicate) {
} else {
* @param {!FileEntry} entry
* @param {!importer.Destination} destination
* @return {!Promise<boolean>} True if there is a history-entry-duplicate
* for the file.
* @private
hasHistoryDuplicate_(entry, destination) {
return this.historyLoader_.getHistory().then(
* @param {!importer.ImportHistory} history
* @return {!Promise}
history => {
return Promise
history.wasCopied(entry, destination),
history.wasImported(entry, destination)
* @param {!Array<boolean>} results
* @return {boolean}
results => {
return results[0] || results[1];
* Factory for a function that returns an entry's disposition.
* @param {!importer.HistoryLoader} historyLoader
* @return {!importer.DispositionChecker.CheckerFunction}
static createChecker(historyLoader) {
const checker = new importer.DispositionChecker(
historyLoader, new importer.DriveDuplicateFinder());
return checker.getDisposition.bind(checker);
* Define a function type that returns a Promise that resolves the content
* disposition of an entry.
* @typedef {function(!FileEntry, !importer.Destination, !importer.ScanMode):
* !Promise<!importer.Disposition>}