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- README file for the LTP GCOV extension (LCOV) -
- Last changes: 2010-08-06 -
LCOV is an extension of GCOV, a GNU tool which provides information about
what parts of a program are actually executed (i.e. "covered") while running
a particular test case. The extension consists of a set of PERL scripts
which build on the textual GCOV output to implement the following enhanced
* HTML based output: coverage rates are additionally indicated using bar
graphs and specific colors.
* Support for large projects: overview pages allow quick browsing of
coverage data by providing three levels of detail: directory view,
file view and source code view.
LCOV was initially designed to support Linux kernel coverage measurements,
but works as well for coverage measurements on standard user space
Further README contents
1. Included files
2. Installing LCOV
3. An example of how to access kernel coverage data
4. An example of how to access coverage data for a user space program
5. Questions and Comments
1. Important files
CHANGES - List of changes between releases
bin/lcov - Tool for capturing LCOV coverage data
bin/genhtml - Tool for creating HTML output from LCOV data
bin/gendesc - Tool for creating description files as used by genhtml
bin/geninfo - Internal tool (creates LCOV data files)
bin/genpng - Internal tool (creates png overviews of source files)
bin/ - Internal tool (takes care of un-/installing)
descriptions.tests - Test descriptions for the LTP suite, use with gendesc
man - Directory containing man pages for included tools
example - Directory containing an example to demonstrate LCOV
lcovrc - LCOV configuration file
Makefile - Makefile providing 'install' and 'uninstall' targets
2. Installing LCOV
The LCOV package is available as either RPM or tarball from:
To install the tarball, unpack it to a directory and run:
make install
Use anonymous CVS for the most recent (but possibly unstable) version:
cvs login
(simply press the ENTER key when asked for a password)
cvs -z3 export -D now utils
Change to the utils/analysis/lcov directory and type:
make install
3. An example of how to access kernel coverage data
Requirements: get and install the gcov-kernel package from
Copy the resulting gcov kernel module file to either the system wide modules
directory or the same directory as the PERL scripts. As root, do the following:
a) Resetting counters
lcov --zerocounters
b) Capturing the current coverage state to a file
lcov --capture --output-file
c) Getting HTML output
Point the web browser of your choice to the resulting index.html file.
4. An example of how to access coverage data for a user space program
Requirements: compile the program in question using GCC with the options
-fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage. During linking, make sure to specify
-lgcov or -coverage.
Assuming the compile directory is called "appdir", do the following:
a) Resetting counters
lcov --directory appdir --zerocounters
b) Capturing the current coverage state to a file (works only after the
application has been started and stopped at least once)
lcov --directory appdir --capture --output-file
c) Getting HTML output
Point the web browser of your choice to the resulting index.html file.
Please note that independently of where the application is installed or
from which directory it is run, the --directory statement needs to
point to the directory in which the application was compiled.
For further information on the gcc profiling mechanism, please also
consult the gcov man page.
5. Questions and comments
See the included man pages for more information on how to use the LCOV tools.
Please email further questions or comments regarding this tool to the
LTP Mailing list at