blob: b9aa5616611e9af275e7df856d35889d9281ff13 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "content/browser/background_fetch/background_fetch.pb.h"
#include "content/browser/background_fetch/background_fetch_registration_id.h"
#include "content/browser/cache_storage/cache_storage_manager.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/service_worker/service_worker_status_code.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/background_fetch/background_fetch.mojom.h"
namespace storage {
class QuotaManagerProxy;
} // namespace storage
namespace url {
class Origin;
} // namespace url
namespace content {
class BackgroundFetchDataManager;
class CacheStorageManager;
class ChromeBlobStorageContext;
class ServiceWorkerContextWrapper;
// Note that this also handles non-error cases where the NONE is NONE.
using HandleBackgroundFetchErrorCallback =
namespace background_fetch {
class DatabaseTask;
// A DatabaseTaskHost is the entity responsible for scheduling and running
// DatabaseTasks, usually the BackgroundFetchDataManager. Note that a
// DatabaseTask can be a DatabaseTaskHost, in order to run subtasks.
class DatabaseTaskHost {
virtual void OnTaskFinished(DatabaseTask* task) = 0;
virtual BackgroundFetchDataManager* data_manager() = 0;
virtual ~DatabaseTaskHost();
virtual base::WeakPtr<DatabaseTaskHost> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
// A DatabaseTask is an asynchronous "transaction" that needs to read/write the
// Service Worker Database.
// Only one DatabaseTask can run at once per StoragePartition, and no other code
// reads/writes Background Fetch keys, so each task effectively has an exclusive
// lock, except that core Service Worker code may delete all keys for a
// ServiceWorkerRegistration or the entire database at any time.
// A DatabaseTask can also optionally run other DatabaseTasks as subtasks. This
// allows us to re-use commonly used DatabaseTasks. Subtasks are started as soon
// as they are added, and cannot outlive the parent DatabaseTask.
class DatabaseTask : public DatabaseTaskHost {
using IsQuotaAvailableCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool is_available)>;
using StorageVersionCallback =
~DatabaseTask() override;
virtual void Start() = 0;
// This enum is append-only since it is used by UMA.
enum class BackgroundFetchStorageError {
kMaxValue = kStorageError
explicit DatabaseTask(DatabaseTaskHost* host);
// Each task MUST call this once finished, even if exceptions occur, to
// release their lock and allow the next task to execute.
// This should be called in FinishWithError() for consistency.
void Finished();
void AddDatabaseTask(std::unique_ptr<DatabaseTask> task);
void AddSubTask(std::unique_ptr<DatabaseTask> task);
// Abandon all fetches for a given service worker.
void AbandonFetches(int64_t service_worker_registration_id);
// Getters.
ServiceWorkerContextWrapper* service_worker_context();
CacheStorageManager* cache_manager();
std::set<std::string>& ref_counted_unique_ids();
ChromeBlobStorageContext* blob_storage_context();
storage::QuotaManagerProxy* quota_manager_proxy();
// DatabaseTaskHost implementation.
void OnTaskFinished(DatabaseTask* finished_subtask) override;
BackgroundFetchDataManager* data_manager() override;
// UMA reporting.
void SetStorageError(BackgroundFetchStorageError error);
void SetStorageErrorAndFinish(BackgroundFetchStorageError error);
void ReportStorageError();
bool HasStorageError();
// Quota.
void IsQuotaAvailable(const url::Origin& origin,
int64_t size,
IsQuotaAvailableCallback callback);
void GetStorageVersion(int64_t service_worker_registration_id,
const std::string& unique_id,
StorageVersionCallback callback);
CacheStorageHandle GetOrOpenCacheStorage(
const BackgroundFetchRegistrationId& registration_id);
CacheStorageHandle GetOrOpenCacheStorage(const url::Origin& origin,
const std::string& unique_id);
// Release the CacheStorageHandle for the given |unique_id|, if
// it's open. DoomCache should be called prior to releasing the handle.
void ReleaseCacheStorage(const std::string& unique_id);
// Each task must override this function and perform the following steps:
// 1) Report storage error (UMA) if applicable.
// 2) Run the provided callback.
// 3) Call Finished().
virtual void FinishWithError(blink::mojom::BackgroundFetchError error) = 0;
// The Histogram name to report with the Error.
virtual std::string HistogramName() const;
void DidGetStorageVersion(StorageVersionCallback callback,
const std::vector<std::string>& data,
blink::ServiceWorkerStatusCode status);
base::WeakPtr<DatabaseTaskHost> GetWeakPtr() override;
DatabaseTaskHost* host_;
// Owns a reference to the CacheStorageManager in case Shutdown was
// called and the DatabaseTask needs to finish.
scoped_refptr<CacheStorageManager> cache_manager_;
// Map the raw pointer to its unique_ptr, to make lookups easier.
std::map<DatabaseTask*, std::unique_ptr<DatabaseTask>> active_subtasks_;
// The storage error to report.
BackgroundFetchStorageError storage_error_ =
base::WeakPtrFactory<DatabaseTask> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace background_fetch
} // namespace content