blob: 95bb3d3733b672f8782cc3a4b7a13b7e0d82c6b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_style_views.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "cc/paint/paint_record.h"
#include "chrome/browser/themes/theme_properties.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/layout_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_group_data.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/glow_hover_controller.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_close_button.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/tabs/tab_controller.h"
#include "chrome/grit/theme_resources.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkScalar.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/pathops/SkPathOps.h"
#include "ui/base/theme_provider.h"
#include "ui/gfx/canvas.h"
#include "ui/gfx/scoped_canvas.h"
#include "ui/views/style/platform_style.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
namespace {
// Opacity of the active tab background painted over inactive selected tabs.
constexpr float kSelectedTabOpacity = 0.75f;
// Tab style implementation for the GM2 refresh (Chrome 69).
class GM2TabStyle : public TabStyleViews {
explicit GM2TabStyle(Tab* tab);
// TabStyle:
SkPath GetPath(
PathType path_type,
float scale,
bool force_active = false,
RenderUnits render_units = RenderUnits::kPixels) const override;
gfx::Insets GetContentsInsets() const override;
float GetZValue() const override;
TabStyle::TabColors CalculateColors() const override;
void PaintTab(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const SkPath& clip) const override;
void SetHoverLocation(const gfx::Point& location) override;
void ShowHover(ShowHoverStyle style) override;
void HideHover(HideHoverStyle style) override;
// Gets the bounds for the leading and trailing separators for a tab.
SeparatorBounds GetSeparatorBounds(float scale) const;
// Returns the opacities of the separators. If |for_layout| is true, returns
// the "layout" opacities, which ignore the effects of surrounding tabs' hover
// effects and consider only the current tab's state.
SeparatorOpacities GetSeparatorOpacities(bool for_layout) const;
// Returns whether we shoould extend the hit test region for Fitts' Law.
bool ShouldExtendHitTest() const;
// Returns whether the hover animation is being shown.
bool IsHoverActive() const;
// Returns the progress (0 to 1) of the hover animation.
double GetHoverAnimationValue() const;
// Returns the opacity of the hover effect that should be drawn, which may not
// be the same as GetHoverAnimationValue.
float GetHoverOpacity() const;
// Gets the throb value. A value of 0 indicates no throbbing.
float GetThrobValue() const;
// Returns the thickness of the stroke drawn around the top and sides of the
// tab. Only active tabs may have a stroke, and not in all cases. If there
// is no stroke, returns 0. If |should_paint_as_active| is true, the tab is
// treated as an active tab regardless of its true current state.
int GetStrokeThickness(bool should_paint_as_active = false) const;
bool ShouldPaintTabBackgroundColor(TabState active_state, int fill_id) const;
SkColor GetTabBackgroundColor(TabState active_state) const;
// Painting helper functions:
void PaintInactiveTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
const SkPath& clip) const;
void PaintTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
TabState active_state,
int fill_id,
int y_inset,
const SkPath* clip) const;
void PaintTabBackgroundFill(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
TabState active_state,
bool paint_hover_effect,
int fill_id,
int y_inset) const;
void PaintBackgroundStroke(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
TabState active_state,
SkColor stroke_color) const;
void PaintSeparators(gfx::Canvas* canvas) const;
// Given a tab of width |width|, returns the radius to use for the corners.
static float GetTopCornerRadiusForWidth(int width);
// Scales |bounds| by scale and aligns so that adjacent tabs meet up exactly
// during painting.
static gfx::RectF ScaleAndAlignBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
float scale,
int stroke_thickness);
const Tab* const tab_;
std::unique_ptr<GlowHoverController> hover_controller_;
void DrawHighlight(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
const SkPoint& p,
SkScalar radius,
SkColor color) {
const SkColor colors[2] = {color, SkColorSetA(color, 0)};
cc::PaintFlags flags;
p, radius, colors, nullptr, 2, SkTileMode::kClamp));
SkRect::MakeXYWH(p.x() - radius, p.y() - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2),
// Updates a target value, returning true if it changed.
template <class T>
bool UpdateValue(T* dest, const T& src) {
if (*dest == src)
return false;
*dest = src;
return true;
// GM2TabStyle -----------------------------------------------------------------
GM2TabStyle::GM2TabStyle(Tab* tab)
: tab_(tab),
? new GlowHoverController(tab)
: nullptr) {}
SkPath GM2TabStyle::GetPath(PathType path_type,
float scale,
bool force_active,
RenderUnits render_units) const {
const int stroke_thickness = GetStrokeThickness(force_active);
// We'll do the entire path calculation in aligned pixels.
// TODO(dfried): determine if we actually want to use |stroke_thickness| as
// the inset in this case.
gfx::RectF aligned_bounds =
ScaleAndAlignBounds(tab_->bounds(), scale, stroke_thickness);
if (path_type == PathType::kInteriorClip) {
// When there is a separator, animate the clip to account for it, in sync
// with the separator's fading.
// TODO(pkasting): Consider crossfading the favicon instead of animating
// the clip, especially if other children get crossfaded.
const auto opacities = GetSeparatorOpacities(true);
constexpr float kChildClipPadding = 2.5f;
aligned_bounds.Inset(gfx::InsetsF(0.0f, kChildClipPadding + opacities.left,
kChildClipPadding + opacities.right));
// Calculate the corner radii. Note that corner radius is based on original
// tab width (in DIP), not our new, scaled-and-aligned bounds.
const float radius = GetTopCornerRadiusForWidth(tab_->width()) * scale;
float top_radius = radius;
float bottom_radius = radius;
// Compute |extension| as the width outside the separators. This is a fixed
// value equal to the normal corner radius.
const float extension = GetCornerRadius() * scale;
// Calculate the bounds of the actual path.
const float left = aligned_bounds.x();
const float right = aligned_bounds.right();
float tab_top = aligned_bounds.y();
float tab_left = left + extension;
float tab_right = right - extension;
// Overlap the toolbar below us so that gaps don't occur when rendering at
// non-integral display scale factors.
const float extended_bottom = aligned_bounds.bottom();
const float bottom_extension =
GetLayoutConstant(TABSTRIP_TOOLBAR_OVERLAP) * scale;
float tab_bottom = extended_bottom - bottom_extension;
// Path-specific adjustments:
const float stroke_adjustment = stroke_thickness * scale;
if (path_type == PathType::kInteriorClip) {
// Inside of the border runs |stroke_thickness| inside the outer edge.
tab_left += stroke_adjustment;
tab_right -= stroke_adjustment;
tab_top += stroke_adjustment;
top_radius -= stroke_adjustment;
} else if (path_type == PathType::kFill || path_type == PathType::kBorder) {
tab_left += 0.5f * stroke_adjustment;
tab_right -= 0.5f * stroke_adjustment;
tab_top += 0.5f * stroke_adjustment;
top_radius -= 0.5f * stroke_adjustment;
tab_bottom -= 0.5f * stroke_adjustment;
bottom_radius -= 0.5f * stroke_adjustment;
} else if (path_type == PathType::kHitTest ||
path_type == PathType::kExteriorClip) {
// Outside border needs to draw its bottom line a stroke width above the
// bottom of the tab, to line up with the stroke that runs across the rest
// of the bottom of the tab bar (when strokes are enabled).
tab_bottom -= stroke_adjustment;
bottom_radius -= stroke_adjustment;
const bool extend_to_top =
(path_type == PathType::kHitTest) && ShouldExtendHitTest();
// When the radius shrinks, it leaves a gap between the bottom corners and the
// edge of the tab. Make sure we account for this - and for any adjustment we
// may have made to the location of the tab!
const float corner_gap = (right - tab_right) - bottom_radius;
SkPath path;
if (path_type == PathType::kInteriorClip) {
// Clip path is a simple rectangle.
path.addRect(tab_left, tab_top, tab_right, tab_bottom);
} else if (path_type == PathType::kHighlight) {
// The path is a round rect inset by the focus ring thickness. The
// radius is also adjusted by the inset.
const float inset = views::PlatformStyle::kFocusHaloThickness +
SkRRect rrect = SkRRect::MakeRectXY(
SkRect::MakeLTRB(tab_left + inset, tab_top + inset, tab_right - inset,
tab_bottom - inset),
radius - inset, radius - inset);
} else {
// We will go clockwise from the lower left. We start in the overlap region,
// preventing a gap between toolbar and tabstrip.
// TODO(dfried): verify that the we actually want to start the stroke for
// the exterior path outside the region; we might end up rendering an
// extraneous descending pixel on displays with odd scaling and nonzero
// stroke width.
// Start with the left side of the shape.
// Draw everything left of the bottom-left corner of the tab.
// ╭─────────╮
// │ Content │
// ┏━╯ ╰─┐
path.moveTo(left, extended_bottom);
path.lineTo(left, tab_bottom);
path.lineTo(left + corner_gap, tab_bottom);
// Draw the bottom-left arc.
// ╭─────────╮
// │ Content │
// ┌─╝ ╰─┐
path.arcTo(bottom_radius, bottom_radius, 0, SkPath::kSmall_ArcSize,
SkPath::kCCW_Direction, tab_left, tab_bottom - bottom_radius);
// Draw the ascender and top arc, if present.
if (extend_to_top) {
// ┎─────────╮
// ┃ Content │
// ┌─╯ ╰─┐
path.lineTo(tab_left, tab_top);
} else {
// ╔─────────╮
// ┃ Content │
// ┌─╯ ╰─┐
path.lineTo(tab_left, tab_top + top_radius);
path.arcTo(top_radius, top_radius, 0, SkPath::kSmall_ArcSize,
SkPath::kCW_Direction, tab_left + top_radius, tab_top);
// Draw the top crossbar and top-right curve, if present.
if (extend_to_top) {
// ┌━━━━━━━━━┑
// │ Content │
// ┌─╯ ╰─┐
path.lineTo(tab_right, tab_top);
} else {
// ╭━━━━━━━━━╗
// │ Content │
// ┌─╯ ╰─┐
path.lineTo(tab_right - top_radius, tab_top);
path.arcTo(top_radius, top_radius, 0, SkPath::kSmall_ArcSize,
SkPath::kCW_Direction, tab_right, tab_top + top_radius);
// Draw the descender and bottom-right arc.
// ╭─────────╮
// │ Content ┃
// ┌─╯ ╚─┐
path.lineTo(tab_right, tab_bottom - bottom_radius);
path.arcTo(bottom_radius, bottom_radius, 0, SkPath::kSmall_ArcSize,
SkPath::kCCW_Direction, right - corner_gap, tab_bottom);
// Draw everything right of the bottom-right corner of the tab.
// ╭─────────╮
// │ Content │
// ┌─╯ ╰━┓
path.lineTo(right, tab_bottom);
path.lineTo(right, extended_bottom);
if (path_type != PathType::kBorder)
// Convert path to be relative to the tab origin.
gfx::PointF origin(tab_->origin());
path.offset(-origin.x(), -origin.y());
// Possibly convert back to DIPs.
if (render_units == RenderUnits::kDips && scale != 1.0f)
path.transform(SkMatrix::MakeScale(1.f / scale));
return path;
gfx::Insets GM2TabStyle::GetContentsInsets() const {
const int stroke_thickness = GetStrokeThickness();
const int horizontal_inset = GetContentsHorizontalInsetSize();
return gfx::Insets(
stroke_thickness, horizontal_inset,
stroke_thickness + GetLayoutConstant(TABSTRIP_TOOLBAR_OVERLAP),
float GM2TabStyle::GetZValue() const {
// This will return values so that inactive tabs can be sorted in the
// following order:
// o Unselected tabs, in ascending hover animation value order.
// o The single unselected tab being hovered by the mouse, if present.
// o Selected tabs, in ascending hover animation value order.
// o The single selected tab being hovered by the mouse, if present.
// Representing the above groupings is accomplished by adding a "weight" to
// the current hover animation value.
// 0.0 == z-value Unselected/non hover animating.
// 0.0 < z-value <= 1.0 Unselected/hover animating.
// 2.0 <= z-value <= 3.0 Unselected/mouse hovered tab.
// 4.0 == z-value Selected/non hover animating.
// 4.0 < z-value <= 5.0 Selected/hover animating.
// 6.0 <= z-value <= 7.0 Selected/mouse hovered tab.
// This function doesn't handle active tabs, as they are normally painted by a
// different code path (with z-value infinity).
float sort_value = GetHoverAnimationValue();
if (tab_->IsSelected())
sort_value += 4.f;
if (tab_->mouse_hovered())
sort_value += 2.f;
return sort_value;
TabStyle::TabColors GM2TabStyle::CalculateColors() const {
const ui::ThemeProvider* theme_provider = tab_->GetThemeProvider();
// These ratios are calculated from the default Chrome theme colors.
// Active/inactive are the contrast ratios of the close X against the tab
// background. Hovered/pressed are the contrast ratios of the highlight circle
// against the tab background.
constexpr float kMinimumActiveContrastRatio = 6.05f;
constexpr float kMinimumInactiveContrastRatio = 4.61f;
constexpr float kMinimumHoveredContrastRatio = 5.02f;
constexpr float kMinimumPressedContrastRatio = 4.41f;
// In some cases, inactive tabs may have background more like active tabs than
// inactive tabs, so colors should be adapted to ensure appropriate contrast.
// In particular, text should have plenty of contrast in all cases, so switch
// to using foreground color designed for active tabs if the tab looks more
// like an active tab than an inactive tab.
float expected_opacity = 0.0f;
if (tab_->IsActive()) {
expected_opacity = 1.0f;
} else if (tab_->IsSelected()) {
expected_opacity = kSelectedTabOpacity;
} else if (tab_->mouse_hovered()) {
expected_opacity = GetHoverOpacity();
const SkColor bg_color = color_utils::AlphaBlend(
GetTabBackgroundColor(TAB_ACTIVE), GetTabBackgroundColor(TAB_INACTIVE),
SkColor title_color = tab_->controller()->GetTabForegroundColor(
expected_opacity > 0.5f ? TAB_ACTIVE : TAB_INACTIVE, bg_color);
title_color = color_utils::BlendForMinContrast(title_color, bg_color).color;
const SkColor base_hovered_color = theme_provider->GetColor(
const SkColor base_pressed_color = theme_provider->GetColor(
const auto get_color_for_contrast_ratio =
[](SkColor fg_color, SkColor bg_color, float contrast_ratio) {
return color_utils::BlendForMinContrast(bg_color, bg_color, fg_color,
const SkColor generated_icon_color = get_color_for_contrast_ratio(
title_color, bg_color,
tab_->IsActive() ? kMinimumActiveContrastRatio
: kMinimumInactiveContrastRatio);
const SkColor generated_hovered_color = get_color_for_contrast_ratio(
base_hovered_color, bg_color, kMinimumHoveredContrastRatio);
const SkColor generated_pressed_color = get_color_for_contrast_ratio(
base_pressed_color, bg_color, kMinimumPressedContrastRatio);
const SkColor generated_hovered_icon_color =
color_utils::BlendForMinContrast(title_color, generated_hovered_color)
const SkColor generated_pressed_icon_color =
color_utils::BlendForMinContrast(title_color, generated_pressed_color)
return {bg_color,
void GM2TabStyle::PaintTab(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const SkPath& clip) const {
int active_tab_fill_id = 0;
int active_tab_y_inset = 0;
if (tab_->GetThemeProvider()->HasCustomImage(IDR_THEME_TOOLBAR)) {
active_tab_fill_id = IDR_THEME_TOOLBAR;
active_tab_y_inset = GetStrokeThickness(true);
if (tab_->IsActive()) {
PaintTabBackground(canvas, TAB_ACTIVE, active_tab_fill_id,
active_tab_y_inset, nullptr /* clip */);
} else {
PaintInactiveTabBackground(canvas, clip);
const float throb_value = GetThrobValue();
if (throb_value > 0) {
canvas->SaveLayerAlpha(gfx::ToRoundedInt(throb_value * 0xff),
PaintTabBackground(canvas, TAB_ACTIVE, active_tab_fill_id,
active_tab_y_inset, nullptr /* clip */);
void GM2TabStyle::SetHoverLocation(const gfx::Point& location) {
if (hover_controller_)
void GM2TabStyle::ShowHover(ShowHoverStyle style) {
if (!hover_controller_)
if (style == ShowHoverStyle::kSubtle) {
void GM2TabStyle::HideHover(HideHoverStyle style) {
if (hover_controller_)
TabStyle::SeparatorBounds GM2TabStyle::GetSeparatorBounds(float scale) const {
const gfx::RectF aligned_bounds =
ScaleAndAlignBounds(tab_->bounds(), scale, GetStrokeThickness());
const int corner_radius = GetCornerRadius() * scale;
gfx::SizeF separator_size(GetSeparatorSize());
SeparatorBounds separator_bounds;
separator_bounds.leading =
gfx::RectF(aligned_bounds.x() + corner_radius,
aligned_bounds.y() +
(aligned_bounds.height() - separator_size.height()) / 2,
separator_size.width(), separator_size.height());
separator_bounds.trailing = separator_bounds.leading;
separator_bounds.trailing.set_x(aligned_bounds.right() -
(corner_radius + separator_size.width()));
gfx::PointF origin(tab_->bounds().origin());
separator_bounds.leading.Offset(-origin.x(), -origin.y());
separator_bounds.trailing.Offset(-origin.x(), -origin.y());
return separator_bounds;
TabStyle::SeparatorOpacities GM2TabStyle::GetSeparatorOpacities(
bool for_layout) const {
// Something should visually separate tabs from each other and any adjacent
// new tab button. Normally, active and hovered tabs draw distinct shapes
// (via different background colors) and thus need no separators, while
// background tabs need separators between them.
float leading_opacity, trailing_opacity;
if (tab_->IsActive()) {
leading_opacity = trailing_opacity = 0;
} else {
const Tab* subsequent_tab = tab_->controller()->GetAdjacentTab(tab_, 1);
const Tab* previous_tab = tab_->controller()->GetAdjacentTab(tab_, -1);
// Fade out the intervening separator while this tab or an adjacent tab is
// hovered, which prevents sudden opacity changes when scrubbing the mouse
// across the tabstrip. If that adjacent tab is active, don't consider its
// hover animation value, otherwise the separator on this tab will disappear
// while that tab is being dragged.
auto adjacent_hover_value = [for_layout](const Tab* tab) {
if (for_layout || !tab || tab->IsActive())
return 0.f;
auto* tab_style = static_cast<const GM2TabStyle*>(tab->tab_style());
return float{tab_style->GetHoverAnimationValue()};
const float hover_value = GetHoverAnimationValue();
trailing_opacity =
1.f - std::max(hover_value, adjacent_hover_value(subsequent_tab));
leading_opacity =
1.f - std::max(hover_value, adjacent_hover_value(previous_tab));
if (tab_->IsSelected()) {
// Since this tab is selected, its shape will be visible against adjacent
// unselected tabs, so remove the separator in those cases.
if (previous_tab && !previous_tab->IsSelected())
leading_opacity = 0;
if (subsequent_tab && !subsequent_tab->IsSelected())
trailing_opacity = 0;
} else if (tab_->controller()->HasVisibleBackgroundTabShapes()) {
// Since this tab is unselected, adjacent selected tabs will normally
// paint atop it, covering the separator. But if the user drags those
// selected tabs away, the exposed region looks like the window frame; and
// since background tab shapes are visible, there should be no separator.
// TODO(pkasting): When a tab is animating
// into this gap, we should adjust its separator opacities as well.
if (previous_tab && previous_tab->IsSelected())
leading_opacity = 0;
if (subsequent_tab && subsequent_tab->IsSelected())
trailing_opacity = 0;
// For the first or (when tab shapes are visible) last tab in the strip, fade
// the leading or trailing separator based on how close to the target bounds
// this tab is. In the steady state, this hides the leading separator; it
// fades out the separators as tabs animate into these positions, after they
// pass by the other tabs; and it snaps the separators to full visibility
// immediately when animating away from these positions, which seems
// desirable.
const gfx::Rect target_bounds =
const int tab_width = std::max(tab_->width(), target_bounds.width());
const float target_opacity =
float{std::min(std::abs(tab_->x() - target_bounds.x()), tab_width)} /
if (tab_->controller()->IsFirstVisibleTab(tab_))
leading_opacity = target_opacity;
if (tab_->controller()->IsLastVisibleTab(tab_) &&
trailing_opacity = target_opacity;
// Return the opacities in physical order, rather than logical.
if (base::i18n::IsRTL())
std::swap(leading_opacity, trailing_opacity);
return {leading_opacity, trailing_opacity};
bool GM2TabStyle::ShouldExtendHitTest() const {
const views::Widget* widget = tab_->GetWidget();
return widget->IsMaximized() || widget->IsFullscreen();
bool GM2TabStyle::IsHoverActive() const {
if (!hover_controller_)
return false;
return hover_controller_->ShouldDraw();
double GM2TabStyle::GetHoverAnimationValue() const {
if (!hover_controller_)
return 0.0;
return hover_controller_->GetAnimationValue();
float GM2TabStyle::GetHoverOpacity() const {
// Opacity boost varies on tab width. The interpolation is nonlinear so
// that most tabs will fall on the low end of the opacity range, but very
// narrow tabs will still stand out on the high end.
const float range_start = float{GetStandardWidth()};
const float range_end = float{GetMinimumInactiveWidth()};
const float value_in_range = float{tab_->width()};
const float t = (value_in_range - range_start) / (range_end - range_start);
return tab_->controller()->GetHoverOpacityForTab(t * t);
float GM2TabStyle::GetThrobValue() const {
const bool is_selected = tab_->IsSelected();
double val = is_selected ? kSelectedTabOpacity : 0;
if (IsHoverActive()) {
constexpr float kSelectedTabThrobScale = 0.95f - kSelectedTabOpacity;
const float opacity = GetHoverOpacity();
const float offset =
is_selected ? (kSelectedTabThrobScale * opacity) : opacity;
val += GetHoverAnimationValue() * offset;
return val;
int GM2TabStyle::GetStrokeThickness(bool should_paint_as_active) const {
return (tab_->IsActive() || should_paint_as_active)
? tab_->controller()->GetStrokeThickness()
: 0;
bool GM2TabStyle::ShouldPaintTabBackgroundColor(TabState active_state,
int fill_id) const {
// In the active case, always paint the tab background. The fill image may be
// transparent.
if (active_state == TAB_ACTIVE)
return true;
// In the inactive case, the fill image is guaranteed to be opaque, so it's
// not necessary to paint the background when there is one.
if (fill_id)
return false;
return tab_->GetThemeProvider()->GetDisplayProperty(
SkColor GM2TabStyle::GetTabBackgroundColor(TabState active_state) const {
SkColor color = tab_->controller()->GetTabBackgroundColor(active_state);
base::Optional<SkColor> group_color = tab_->GetGroupColor();
if (group_color.has_value()) {
if (tab_->IsActive()) {
color = group_color.value();
} else {
// Tint with group color. With a dark scheme, the tint needs a higher
// contrast to stand out effectively.
const float target_contrast = color_utils::IsDark(color) ? 1.8f : 1.2f;
color = color_utils::BlendForMinContrast(
color, color, group_color.value(), target_contrast)
return color;
void GM2TabStyle::PaintInactiveTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
const SkPath& clip) const {
bool has_custom_image;
int fill_id = tab_->controller()->GetBackgroundResourceId(&has_custom_image);
if (!has_custom_image)
fill_id = 0;
PaintTabBackground(canvas, TAB_INACTIVE, fill_id, 0,
tab_->controller()->MaySetClip() ? &clip : nullptr);
void GM2TabStyle::PaintTabBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
TabState active_state,
int fill_id,
int y_inset,
const SkPath* clip) const {
// |y_inset| is only set when |fill_id| is being used.
DCHECK(!y_inset || fill_id);
const SkColor stroke_color =
const bool paint_hover_effect =
active_state == TAB_INACTIVE && IsHoverActive();
const float stroke_thickness = GetStrokeThickness(active_state == TAB_ACTIVE);
PaintTabBackgroundFill(canvas, active_state, paint_hover_effect, fill_id,
if (stroke_thickness > 0) {
gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped_canvas(clip ? canvas : nullptr);
if (clip)
canvas->sk_canvas()->clipPath(*clip, SkClipOp::kDifference, true);
PaintBackgroundStroke(canvas, active_state, stroke_color);
void GM2TabStyle::PaintTabBackgroundFill(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
TabState active_state,
bool paint_hover_effect,
int fill_id,
int y_inset) const {
const SkPath fill_path = GetPath(PathType::kFill, canvas->image_scale(),
active_state == TAB_ACTIVE);
gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped_canvas(canvas);
const float scale = canvas->UndoDeviceScaleFactor();
canvas->ClipPath(fill_path, true);
if (ShouldPaintTabBackgroundColor(active_state, fill_id)) {
cc::PaintFlags flags;
canvas->DrawRect(gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(tab_->GetLocalBounds(), scale),
if (fill_id) {
gfx::ScopedCanvas scale_scoper(canvas);
canvas->sk_canvas()->scale(scale, scale);
tab_->GetMirroredX() + tab_->background_offset(), 0, 0,
y_inset, tab_->width(), tab_->height());
if (paint_hover_effect) {
SkPoint hover_location(gfx::PointToSkPoint(hover_controller_->location()));
const SkScalar kMinHoverRadius = 16;
const SkScalar radius =
std::max(SkFloatToScalar(tab_->width() / 4.f), kMinHoverRadius);
DrawHighlight(canvas, hover_location, radius * scale,
void GM2TabStyle::PaintBackgroundStroke(gfx::Canvas* canvas,
TabState active_state,
SkColor stroke_color) const {
SkPath outer_path =
GetPath(TabStyle::PathType::kBorder, canvas->image_scale(),
active_state == TAB_ACTIVE);
gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped_canvas(canvas);
float scale = canvas->UndoDeviceScaleFactor();
cc::PaintFlags flags;
flags.setStrokeWidth(GetStrokeThickness(active_state == TAB_ACTIVE) * scale);
canvas->DrawPath(outer_path, flags);
void GM2TabStyle::PaintSeparators(gfx::Canvas* canvas) const {
const auto separator_opacities = GetSeparatorOpacities(false);
if (!separator_opacities.left && !separator_opacities.right)
gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped_canvas(canvas);
const float scale = canvas->UndoDeviceScaleFactor();
TabStyle::SeparatorBounds separator_bounds = GetSeparatorBounds(scale);
const SkColor separator_base_color =
const auto separator_color = [separator_base_color](float opacity) {
return SkColorSetA(separator_base_color,
gfx::Tween::IntValueBetween(opacity, SK_AlphaTRANSPARENT,
cc::PaintFlags flags;
canvas->DrawRect(separator_bounds.leading, flags);
canvas->DrawRect(separator_bounds.trailing, flags);
// static
float GM2TabStyle::GetTopCornerRadiusForWidth(int width) {
// Get the width of the top of the tab by subtracting the width of the outer
// corners.
const int ideal_radius = GetCornerRadius();
const int top_width = width - ideal_radius * 2;
// To maintain a round-rect appearance, ensure at least one third of the top
// of the tab is flat.
const float radius = top_width / 3.f;
return base::ClampToRange<float>(radius, 0, ideal_radius);
// static
gfx::RectF GM2TabStyle::ScaleAndAlignBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
float scale,
int stroke_thickness) {
// Convert to layout bounds. We must inset the width such that the right edge
// of one tab's layout bounds is the same as the left edge of the next tab's;
// this way the two tabs' separators will be drawn at the same coordinate.
gfx::RectF aligned_bounds(bounds);
const int corner_radius = GetCornerRadius();
// Note: This intentionally doesn't subtract TABSTRIP_TOOLBAR_OVERLAP from the
// bottom inset, because we want to pixel-align the bottom of the stroke, not
// the bottom of the overlap.
gfx::InsetsF layout_insets(stroke_thickness, corner_radius, stroke_thickness,
corner_radius + GetSeparatorSize().width());
// Scale layout bounds from DIP to px.
// Snap layout bounds to nearest pixels so we get clean lines.
const float x = std::round(aligned_bounds.x());
const float y = std::round(aligned_bounds.y());
// It's important to round the right edge and not the width, since rounding
// both x and width would mean the right edge would accumulate error.
const float right = std::round(aligned_bounds.right());
const float bottom = std::round(aligned_bounds.bottom());
aligned_bounds = gfx::RectF(x, y, right - x, bottom - y);
// Convert back to full bounds. It's OK that the outer corners of the curves
// around the separator may not be snapped to the pixel grid as a result.
return aligned_bounds;
} // namespace
// TabStyle --------------------------------------------------------------------
TabStyleViews::~TabStyleViews() = default;
// static
std::unique_ptr<TabStyleViews> TabStyleViews::CreateForTab(Tab* tab) {
return std::make_unique<GM2TabStyle>(tab);
// static
int TabStyleViews::GetMinimumActiveWidth() {
return TabCloseButton::GetWidth() + GetContentsHorizontalInsetSize() * 2;
// static
int TabStyleViews::GetMinimumInactiveWidth() {
// Allow tabs to shrink until they appear to be 16 DIP wide excluding
// outer corners.
constexpr int kInteriorWidth = 16;
// The overlap contains the trailing separator that is part of the interior
// width; avoid double-counting it.
return kInteriorWidth - GetSeparatorSize().width() + GetTabOverlap();