| # Auto-generated by lucicfg. |
| # Do not modify manually. |
| # |
| # For the schema of this file, see Config message: |
| # https://luci-config.appspot.com/schemas/projects:commit-queue.cfg |
| |
| cq_status_host: "chromium-cq-status.appspot.com" |
| submit_options { |
| max_burst: 2 |
| burst_delay { |
| seconds: 60 |
| } |
| } |
| config_groups { |
| name: "cq" |
| gerrit { |
| url: "https://chromium-review.googlesource.com" |
| projects { |
| name: "chromium/src" |
| ref_regexp: "refs/heads/.+" |
| } |
| } |
| verifiers { |
| gerrit_cq_ability { |
| committer_list: "project-chromium-committers" |
| dry_run_access_list: "project-chromium-tryjob-access" |
| } |
| tree_status { |
| url: "https://chromium-status.appspot.com" |
| } |
| tryjob { |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/chromeos-betty-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/chromeos-betty-pi-arc-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/chromeos-eve-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/chromeos-eve-compile-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/chromeos-kevin-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/chromeos-kevin-compile-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/ipad-device" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/iphone-device" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/lacros-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/linux-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/linux-chrome-beta" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/linux-chrome-stable" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/linux-chromeos-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/mac-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/mac-chrome-beta" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/mac-chrome-stable" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/win-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/win-chrome-beta" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/win-chrome-stable" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/win64-chrome" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/win64-chrome-beta" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chrome/try/win64-chrome-stable" |
| includable_only: true |
| owner_whitelist_group: "googlers" |
| owner_whitelist_group: "project-chromium-robot-committers" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/codesearch/gen-android-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/codesearch/gen-chromiumos-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/codesearch/gen-fuchsia-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/codesearch/gen-lacros-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/codesearch/gen-linux-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/codesearch/gen-win-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/3pp-linux-amd64-packager" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-10-arm64-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-11-x86-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-asan" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-bfcache-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-binary-size" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-cronet-arm-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/components/cronet/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/components/grpc_support/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/build/android/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/build/config/android/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/components/cronet/ios/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-cronet-marshmallow-arm64-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-deterministic-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-deterministic-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-inverse-fieldtrials-pie-x86-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-lollipop-arm-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-marshmallow-arm64-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-marshmallow-x86-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-marshmallow-x86-rel-non-cq" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-official" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-opus-arm-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-oreo-arm64-cts-networkservice-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-oreo-arm64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-pie-arm64-coverage-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-pie-arm64-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/android/features/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/android/javatests/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/android/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/device/vr/android/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/gvr-android-sdk/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/arcore-android-sdk/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/arcore-android-sdk-client/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-pie-arm64-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-pie-arm64-wpt-rel-non-cq" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-pie-x86-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-webview-marshmallow-arm64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-webview-nougat-arm64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-webview-oreo-arm64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-webview-pie-arm64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android-webview-pie-arm64-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_angle_deqp_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_angle_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_angle_vk32_deqp_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_angle_vk32_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_angle_vk64_deqp_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_angle_vk64_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_archive_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_arm64_dbg_recipe" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_blink_rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_cfi_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_clang_dbg_recipe" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_compile_dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_compile_x64_dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/system_headers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/tests/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/gvr-android-sdk/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_compile_x86_dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/system_headers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/linux/tests/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/gvr-android-sdk/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_cronet" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_mojo" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_n5x_swarming_dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_optional_gpu_tests_rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/cc/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/components/viz/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/test/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/audio/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/filters/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/renderers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/services/viz/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/trigger_scripts/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgl/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/android_unswarmed_pixel_aosp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/cast_shell_android" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/cast_shell_audio_linux" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/cast_shell_linux" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-amd64-generic-cfi-thin-lto-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-amd64-generic-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-amd64-generic-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-arm-generic-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-arm-generic-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-kevin-compile-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromeos-kevin-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/build/chromeos/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/build/config/chromeos/.*" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chromeos/CHROMEOS_LKGM" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/chromium_presubmit" |
| disable_reuse: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/dawn-linux-x64-deps-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/buildbot/chromium.dawn.json" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/wpt/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/WebGPUExpectations" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/dawn/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/features.gni" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/dawn-mac-x64-deps-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/buildbot/chromium.dawn.json" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/wpt/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/WebGPUExpectations" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/dawn/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/features.gni" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/dawn-try-win10-x64-asan-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/dawn-try-win10-x86-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/dawn-win10-x64-deps-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/buildbot/chromium.dawn.json" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/wpt/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/WebGPUExpectations" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/dawn/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/features.gni" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/dawn-win10-x86-deps-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/buildbot/chromium.dawn.json" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/wpt/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/wpt_internal/webgpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/WebGPUExpectations" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/dawn/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/features.gni" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-angle-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-arm64-cast" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chromecast/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-compile-x64-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/base/fuchsia/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/fuchsia/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/fuchsia/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-deterministic-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-fyi-arm64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-fyi-arm64-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-fyi-x64-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-fyi-x64-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-official" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia-x64-cast" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia_arm64" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/fuchsia_x64" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-l-nexus-5-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-l-nexus-6-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-m-nexus-5x-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-m-nexus-5x-deqp-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-m-nexus-5x-skgl-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-m-nexus-9-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-n-nvidia-shield-tv-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-p-pixel-2-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-p-pixel-2-skv-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-q-pixel-2-deqp-vk-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-q-pixel-2-deqp-vk-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-q-pixel-2-vk-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-q-pixel-2-vk-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-android-r-pixel-4-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-chromeos-amd64-generic" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-chromeos-kevin" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-amd-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-intel-dqp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-intel-exp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-intel-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-intel-sk-dawn-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-intel-skv" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-nvidia-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-nvidia-dqp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-nvidia-exp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-nvidia-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-nvidia-skv" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-linux-nvidia-tsn" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-amd-dqp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-amd-pro-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-amd-retina-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-amd-retina-exp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-amd-retina-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-arm64-apple-dtk-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-asan" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-intel-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-intel-dqp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-intel-exp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-intel-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-intel-uhd-630-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-nvidia-retina-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-nvidia-retina-exp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-mac-nvidia-retina-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-amd-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-intel-dqp-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-intel-exp-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-intel-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-dbg-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-dqp-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-dx12vk-dbg-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-dx12vk-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-exp-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-rel-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win10-nvidia-sk-dawn-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win7-amd-dbg-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win7-amd-dqp-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win7-amd-rel-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win7-nvidia-dqp-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win7-nvidia-rel-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-fyi-try-win7-nvidia-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-try-android-m-nexus-5x-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-try-linux-nvidia-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-try-linux-nvidia-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-try-mac-amd-retina-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-try-mac-intel-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/gpu-try-win10-nvidia-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-angle-try-intel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-device" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-simulator" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-simulator-cronet" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/components/cronet/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/components/grpc_support/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ios/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
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| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/components/cronet/android/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-simulator-full-configs" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ios/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-simulator-inverse-fieldtrials-fyi" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-simulator-multi-window" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios-simulator-noncq" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios13-beta-simulator" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios13-sdk-simulator" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios14-beta-simulator" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/ios14-sdk-simulator" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/layout_test_leak_detection" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/leak_detection_linux" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-angle-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-annotator-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-autofill-assistant" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-bfcache-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-blink-heap-concurrent-marking-tsan-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-blink-heap-verification-try" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-blink-optional-highdpi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-blink-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/cc/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-blink-web-tests-force-accessibility-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-chromeos-compile-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-chromeos-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-chromeos-inverse-fieldtrials-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-chromeos-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-clang-tidy-dbg" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-clang-tidy-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-dawn-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-dcheck-off-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-example-builder" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-gcc-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-inverse-fieldtrials-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-lacros-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-lacros-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-layout-tests-edit-ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-libfuzzer-asan-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-mbi-mode-per-render-process-host-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-mbi-mode-per-site-instance-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-official" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-ozone-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-perfetto-rel" |
| experiment_percentage: 100 |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/base/trace_event/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/base/tracing/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/components/tracing/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/tracing/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/services/tracing/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-rel-builderful" |
| experiment_percentage: 5 |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-chromium-try-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-try-tot-angle-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-try-tot-angle-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-try-tot-swiftshader-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-try-tot-swiftshader-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-try-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-swangle-try-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-trusty-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-viz-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-webkit-msan-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-wpt-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-wpt-identity-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux-wpt-input-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_android_dbg_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_angle_deqp_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_angle_ozone_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_analysis" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_archive_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_asan_rel_ng" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_cfi_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_chromeos_asan_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_chromeos_msan_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_clobber_deterministic" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_clobber_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_compile_dbg_32_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_compile_dbg_ng" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_compile_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_dbg_ng" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/build/.*check_gn_headers.*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_msan_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_tsan_rel_ng" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_chromium_ubsan_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_layout_tests_composite_after_paint" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_layout_tests_layout_ng_disabled" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/editing/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/core/svg/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/FlagExpectations/disable-layout-ng" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/web_tests/flag-specific/disable-layout-ng/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_mojo" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_mojo_chromeos" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_optional_gpu_tests_rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/test/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
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| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/filters/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/renderers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/buildbot/chromium.gpu.fyi.json" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/trigger_scripts/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgl/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_upload_clang" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/linux_vr" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-angle-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-arm64-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-dawn-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-inverse-fieldtrials-fyi-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-official" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-osxbeta-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-swangle-chromium-try-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-updater-try-builder-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/updater/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac-updater-try-builder-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/updater/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac10.12-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac10.13-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac10.14-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac10.15-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac11.0-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_10.11_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_10.12_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_10.13_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_10.14_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_10.15_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_11.0_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_archive_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_asan_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_compile_dbg_ng" |
| cancel_stale: NO |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_compile_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_chromium_dbg_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_optional_gpu_tests_rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/test/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
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| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/filters/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/renderers/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/services/shape_detection/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/buildbot/chromium.gpu.fyi.json" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/trigger_scripts/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgl/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/tools/clang/scripts/update.py" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/ui/gl/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/mac_upload_clang" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/network_service_linux" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/tricium-metrics-analysis" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/tricium-oilpan-analysis" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/tricium-simple" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/try-nougat-phone-tester" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-angle-deqp-rel-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-angle-deqp-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-angle-rel-32" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-angle-rel-64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-annotator-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-asan" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-celab-try-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-dawn-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-libfuzzer-asan-rel" |
| cancel_stale: NO |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-official" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-chromium-try-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-try-tot-angle-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-try-tot-angle-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-try-tot-swiftshader-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-try-tot-swiftshader-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-try-x64" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-swangle-try-x86" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-updater-try-builder-dbg" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/updater/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win-updater-try-builder-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/updater/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win10-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win10_chromium_inverse_fieldtrials_x64_fyi_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win10_chromium_x64_1909_fyi_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win10_chromium_x64_dbg_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win10_chromium_x64_rel_ng" |
| cancel_stale: NO |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win10_chromium_x64_rel_ng_exp" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win32-official" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win7-blink-rel" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win7-rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/sandbox/win/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_archive" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_chromium_compile_dbg_ng" |
| cancel_stale: NO |
| location_regexp: ".*" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_chromium_compile_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_chromium_dbg_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_chromium_x64_rel_ng" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_mojo" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_optional_gpu_tests_rel" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/chrome/browser/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/browser/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/content/test/gpu/.+" |
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| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/audio/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/filters/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/gpu/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/media/renderers/.+" |
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| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/testing/trigger_scripts/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/vr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/webgl/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/xr/.+" |
| location_regexp: ".+/[+]/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/gpu/.+" |
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| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/docs/.+" |
| location_regexp_exclude: ".+/[+]/infra/config/.+" |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_upload_clang" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| builders { |
| name: "chromium/try/win_x64_archive" |
| includable_only: true |
| } |
| retry_config { |
| single_quota: 1 |
| global_quota: 2 |
| failure_weight: 1 |
| transient_failure_weight: 1 |
| timeout_weight: 2 |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| config_groups { |
| name: "fallback-empty-cq" |
| gerrit { |
| url: "https://chromium-review.googlesource.com" |
| projects { |
| name: "chromium/src" |
| ref_regexp: "refs/branch-heads/.*" |
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| } |
| verifiers { |
| gerrit_cq_ability { |
| committer_list: "project-chromium-committers" |
| dry_run_access_list: "project-chromium-tryjob-access" |
| } |
| } |
| fallback: YES |
| } |