blob: 96a8f1e6a2d181cd00a0d346db02747c2251effe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/current_thread.h"
#include "base/test/test_mock_time_task_runner.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "media/base/cdm_config.h"
#include "media/base/media_util.h"
#include "media/base/video_codecs.h"
#include "media/base/video_types.h"
#include "media/blink/video_decode_stats_reporter.h"
#include "media/capabilities/bucket_utility.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/media_types.mojom.h"
#include "media/mojo/mojom/video_decode_stats_recorder.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/self_owned_receiver.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::Return;
using ::testing::_;
namespace media {
const VideoCodecProfile kDefaultProfile = VP9PROFILE_PROFILE0;
const int kDefaultHeight = 480;
const int kDefaultWidth = 640;
const char kDefaultKeySystem[] = "org.w3.clearkey";
const bool kDefaultUseHwSecureCodecs = true;
const CdmConfig kDefaultCdmConfig = {false, false, kDefaultUseHwSecureCodecs};
const double kDefaultFps = 30;
const int kDecodeCountIncrement = 20;
const int kDroppedCountIncrement = 1;
const int kDecodePowerEfficientCountIncrement = 1;
VideoDecoderConfig MakeVideoConfig(VideoCodec codec,
VideoCodecProfile profile,
gfx::Size natural_size) {
gfx::Size coded_size = natural_size;
gfx::Rect visible_rect(coded_size.width(), coded_size.height());
return VideoDecoderConfig(
codec, profile, VideoDecoderConfig::AlphaMode::kIsOpaque,
VideoColorSpace::JPEG(), kNoTransformation, coded_size, visible_rect,
natural_size, EmptyExtraData(), EncryptionScheme::kUnencrypted);
PipelineStatistics MakeStats(int frames_decoded,
int frames_dropped,
int power_efficient_decoded_frames,
double fps) {
// Will initialize members with reasonable defaults.
PipelineStatistics stats;
stats.video_frames_decoded = frames_decoded;
stats.video_frames_dropped = frames_dropped;
stats.video_frames_decoded_power_efficient = power_efficient_decoded_frames;
stats.video_frame_duration_average = base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(1.0 / fps);
return stats;
// Mock VideoDecodeStatsRecorder to verify reporter/recorder interactions.
class RecordInterceptor : public mojom::VideoDecodeStatsRecorder {
RecordInterceptor() = default;
~RecordInterceptor() override = default;
// Until move-only types work.
void StartNewRecord(mojom::PredictionFeaturesPtr features) override {
MockStartNewRecord(features->profile, features->video_size,
features->frames_per_sec, features->key_system,
void(VideoCodecProfile profile,
const gfx::Size& natural_size,
int frames_per_sec,
std::string key_system,
bool use_hw_secure_codecs));
void UpdateRecord(mojom::PredictionTargetsPtr targets) override {
MockUpdateRecord(targets->frames_decoded, targets->frames_dropped,
void(uint32_t frames_decoded,
uint32_t frames_dropped,
uint32_t frames_power_efficient));
MOCK_METHOD0(FinalizeRecord, void());
class VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest : public ::testing::Test {
: kDefaultSize_(kDefaultWidth, kDefaultHeight) {}
~VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest() override = default;
void SetUp() override {
// Do this first. Lots of pieces depend on the task runner.
auto message_loop = base::CurrentThread::Get();
original_task_runner_ = base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get();
task_runner_ = new base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner();
// Make reporter with default configuration. Connects RecordInterceptor as
// remote mojo VideoDecodeStatsRecorder.
// Start each test with no decodes, no drops, and steady framerate.
pipeline_decoded_frames_ = 0;
pipeline_dropped_frames_ = 0;
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_ = 0;
pipeline_framerate_ = kDefaultFps;
void TearDown() override {
// Break the IPC connection if reporter still around.
// Run task runner to have Mojo cleanup interceptor_.
PipelineStatistics MakeAdvancingDecodeStats() {
pipeline_decoded_frames_ += kDecodeCountIncrement;
pipeline_dropped_frames_ += kDroppedCountIncrement;
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_ += kDecodePowerEfficientCountIncrement;
return MakeStats(pipeline_decoded_frames_, pipeline_dropped_frames_,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_, pipeline_framerate_);
// Peek at what MakeAdvancingDecodeStats() will return next without advancing
// the tracked counts.
PipelineStatistics PeekNextDecodeStats() const {
return MakeStats(
pipeline_decoded_frames_ + kDecodeCountIncrement,
pipeline_dropped_frames_ + kDroppedCountIncrement,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_ + kDecodePowerEfficientCountIncrement,
// Indicates expectations about rate of timer firing during FPS stabilization.
enum FpsStabiliaztionSpeed {
// Timer is expected to fire at rate of 3 * last observed average frame
// duration. This is the default for framerate detection.
// Timer is expected to fire at a rate of kRecordingInterval. This will
// occur
// when decode progress stalls during framerate detection.
// Return mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::VideoDecodeStatsRecorder>
// after binding the RecordInterceptor to the receiver for a
// VideoDecodeStatsRecorder. The interceptor serves as a mock recorder to
// verify reporter/recorder interactions.
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::VideoDecodeStatsRecorder> SetupRecordInterceptor(
RecordInterceptor** interceptor) {
// Capture a the interceptor pointer for verifying recorder calls. Lifetime
// will be managed by the |recorder_remote|.
*interceptor = new RecordInterceptor();
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::VideoDecodeStatsRecorder> recorder_remote;
return recorder_remote;
// Inject mock objects and create a new |reporter_| to test.
void MakeReporter(
VideoCodecProfile profile = kDefaultProfile,
const gfx::Size& natural_size = gfx::Size(kDefaultWidth, kDefaultHeight),
const std::string key_system = kDefaultKeySystem,
const base::Optional<CdmConfig> cdm_config = kDefaultCdmConfig) {
reporter_ = std::make_unique<VideoDecodeStatsReporter>(
profile, natural_size, key_system, cdm_config, task_runner_,
// Fast forward the task runner (and associated tick clock) by |milliseconds|.
void FastForward(base::TimeDelta delta) {
bool ShouldBeReporting() const { return reporter_->ShouldBeReporting(); }
base::TimeDelta CurrentStatsCbInterval() const {
return reporter_->stats_cb_timer_.GetCurrentDelay();
int CurrentStableFpsSamples() const {
return reporter_->num_stable_fps_samples_;
// Call at the start of tests to stabilize framerate.
// Preconditions:
// 1) Reporter should not already be in playing state
// 2) Playing should unblock the reporter to begin reporting (e.g. not in
// hidden state)
// 3) No progress made yet toward stabilizing framerate.
void StartPlayingAndStabilizeFramerate(
VideoCodecProfile expected_profile = kDefaultProfile,
gfx::Size expected_natural_size = gfx::Size(kDefaultWidth,
int expected_fps = kDefaultFps,
std::string expected_key_system = kDefaultKeySystem,
bool expected_use_hw_secure_codecs = kDefaultUseHwSecureCodecs) {
DCHECK_EQ(reporter_->num_stable_fps_samples_, 0);
// Setup stats callback to provide steadily advancing decode stats with a
// constant framerate.
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
this, &VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::MakeAdvancingDecodeStats));
// On playing should start timer at recording interval. Expect first stats
// CB when that interval has elapsed.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
StabilizeFramerateAndStartNewRecord(expected_profile, expected_natural_size,
expected_fps, expected_key_system,
// Call just after detecting a change to framerate. |expected_profile|,
// |expected_natural_size|, and |expected_fps| will be verified against
// intercepted call to StartNewRecord(...) once the framerate is stabilized.
// |fps_timer_speed| indicates the expected timer interval to be used during
// stabilization (see FpsStabiliaztionSpeed definition).
// Preconditions:
// 1. Do not call if framerate already stable (know what you're testing).
// 2. Only call with GetPipelineStatsCB configured to return
// progressing decode stats with a steady framerate.
void StabilizeFramerateAndStartNewRecord(
VideoCodecProfile expected_profile,
gfx::Size expected_natural_size,
int expected_fps,
std::string expected_key_system,
bool expected_use_hw_secure_codecs,
FpsStabiliaztionSpeed fps_timer_speed = FAST_STABILIZE_FPS) {
base::TimeDelta last_frame_duration = kNoTimestamp;
uint32_t last_decoded_frames = 0;
while (CurrentStableFpsSamples() < kRequiredStableFpsSamples) {
PipelineStatistics next_stats = PeekNextDecodeStats();
// Sanity check that the stats callback is progressing decode.
DCHECK_GT(next_stats.video_frames_decoded, last_decoded_frames);
last_decoded_frames = next_stats.video_frames_decoded;
// Sanity check that the stats callback is providing steady fps.
if (last_frame_duration != kNoTimestamp) {
DCHECK_EQ(next_stats.video_frame_duration_average, last_frame_duration);
last_frame_duration = next_stats.video_frame_duration_average;
// The final iteration stabilizes framerate and starts a new record.
if (CurrentStableFpsSamples() == kRequiredStableFpsSamples - 1) {
MockStartNewRecord(expected_profile, expected_natural_size,
expected_fps, expected_key_system,
if (fps_timer_speed == FAST_STABILIZE_FPS) {
// Generally FPS is stabilized with a timer of ~3x the average frame
// duration.
base::TimeDelta frame_druation =
base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(1.0 / pipeline_framerate_);
EXPECT_EQ(CurrentStatsCbInterval(), frame_druation * 3);
} else {
// If the playback is struggling we will do it more slowly to avoid
// firing high frequency timers indefinitely. Store constant as a local
// to workaround linking confusion.
// fixme
EXPECT_EQ(CurrentStatsCbInterval(), kRecordingInterval);
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// Advances the task runner by a single recording interval and verifies that
// the record is updated. The values provided to UpdateRecord(...)
// should match values from PeekNextDecodeStates(...), minus the offsets of
// |decoded_frames_offset|, |dropped_frames_offset| and
// |decoded_power_efficient_offset|.
// Preconditions:
// - Should only be called during regular reporting (framerate stable,
// not in background, not paused).
void AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(int decoded_frames_offset,
int dropped_frames_offset,
int decoded_power_efficient_offset) {
// Record updates should always occur at recording interval. Store to local
// variable to workaround linker confusion with test macros.
EXPECT_EQ(kRecordingInterval, CurrentStatsCbInterval());
PipelineStatistics next_stats = PeekNextDecodeStats();
// Decode stats must be advancing for record updates to be expected. Dropped
// frames should at least not move backward.
EXPECT_GT(next_stats.video_frames_decoded, pipeline_decoded_frames_);
EXPECT_GE(next_stats.video_frames_dropped, pipeline_dropped_frames_);
// Verify that UpdateRecord calls come at the recording interval with
// correct values.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
next_stats.video_frames_decoded - decoded_frames_offset,
next_stats.video_frames_dropped - dropped_frames_offset,
next_stats.video_frames_decoded_power_efficient -
// Injected callback for fetching statistics. Each test will manage
// expectations and return behavior.
MOCK_METHOD0(GetPipelineStatsCB, PipelineStatistics());
// These track the last values returned by MakeAdvancingDecodeStats(). See
// SetUp() for initialization.
uint32_t pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
double pipeline_framerate_;
// Placed as a class member to avoid static initialization costs.
const gfx::Size kDefaultSize_;
// Task runner that allows for manual advancing of time. Instantiated during
// Setup(). |original_task_runner_| is a copy of the TaskRunner in place prior
// to the start of this test. It's restored after the test completes.
scoped_refptr<base::TestMockTimeTaskRunner> task_runner_;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> original_task_runner_;
// Points to the interceptor that acts as a VideoDecodeStatsRecorder. The
// object is owned by mojo::Remote<VideoDecodeStatsRecorder>, which is itself
// owned by |reporter_|.
RecordInterceptor* interceptor_ = nullptr;
// The VideoDecodeStatsReporter being tested.
std::unique_ptr<VideoDecodeStatsReporter> reporter_;
// Redefined constants in fixture for easy access from tests. See
// video_decode_stats_reporter.h for documentation.
static const base::TimeDelta kRecordingInterval;
static const base::TimeDelta kTinyFpsWindowDuration;
static const int kRequiredStableFpsSamples =
static const int kMaxUnstableFpsChanges =
static const int kMaxTinyFpsWindows =
const base::TimeDelta VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::kRecordingInterval =
const base::TimeDelta VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::kTinyFpsWindowDuration =
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, RecordWhilePlaying) {
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
// Verify that UpdateRecord calls come at the recording interval with
// correct values.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Once more for good measure.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, RecordingStopsWhenPaused) {
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// When paused, expect no stats callbacks and no record updates.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
// Advance a few recording intervals just to be sure.
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 3);
// Verify callbacks and record updates resume when playing again. No changes
// to the stream during pause, so no need to re-stabilize framerate. Offsets
// for stats count are still valid.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, RecordingStopsWhenHidden) {
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// When hidden, expect no stats callbacks and no record updates.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
// Advance a few recording intervals just to be sure.
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 3);
// Verify updates resume when visible again. Dropped frame stats are not valid
// while hidden, so expect a new record to begin. GetPipelineStatsCB will be
// called to update offsets to ignore stats while hidden.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
MockStartNewRecord(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize_, kDefaultFps,
kDefaultKeySystem, kDefaultUseHwSecureCodecs));
// Update offsets for new record and verify updates resume as time advances.
decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, RecordingStopsWhenNoDecodeProgress) {
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Freeze decode stats at current values, simulating network underflow.
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
MakeStats(pipeline_decoded_frames_, pipeline_dropped_frames_,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_, pipeline_framerate_)));
// Verify record updates stop while decode is not progressing. Fast forward
// through several recording intervals to be sure we never call UpdateRecord.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(3);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 3);
// Resume progressing decode!
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
this, &VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::MakeAdvancingDecodeStats));
// Verify record updates resume.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, NewRecordStartsForFpsChange) {
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Change FPS to 2x current rate. Future calls to GetPipelineStats will
// use this to compute frame duration.
EXPECT_EQ(pipeline_framerate_, static_cast<uint32_t>(kDefaultFps));
pipeline_framerate_ *= 2;
// Next stats update will not cause a record update. It will instead begin
// detection of the new framerate.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
// A new record is started with the latest frames per second as soon as the
// framerate is confirmed (re-stabilized).
StabilizeFramerateAndStartNewRecord(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize_,
kDefaultFps * 2, kDefaultKeySystem,
// Offsets should be adjusted so the new record starts at zero.
decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
// Stats callbacks and record updates should proceed as usual.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, FpsStabilizationFailed) {
// Setup stats callback to provide steadily advancing decode stats with a
// constant framerate.
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
this, &VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::MakeAdvancingDecodeStats));
// On playing should start timer.
// OnPlaying starts the timer at the recording interval. Expect first stats
// CB when that interval has elapsed. This stats callback provides the first
// fps sample.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// We should not start nor update a record while failing to detect fps.
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockStartNewRecord(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0);
int num_fps_samples = 1;
// With FPS stabilization in-progress, keep alternating framerate to thwart
// stabilization.
for (; num_fps_samples < kMaxUnstableFpsChanges; num_fps_samples++) {
pipeline_framerate_ =
(pipeline_framerate_ == kDefaultFps) ? 2 * kDefaultFps : kDefaultFps;
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// Stabilization has now failed, so fast forwarding by any amount will not
// trigger new stats update callbacks.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(0);
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 10);
// Pausing then playing does not kickstart reporting. We assume framerate is
// still variable.
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 10);
// Hidden then shown does not kickstart reporting. We assume framerate is
// still variable.
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 10);
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, FpsStabilizationFailed_TinyWindows) {
uint32_t decoded_offset = 0;
uint32_t dropped_offset = 0;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = 0;
// Setup stats callback to provide steadily advancing decode stats.
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
this, &VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::MakeAdvancingDecodeStats));
// On playing should start timer at recording interval. Expect first stats
// CB when that interval has elapsed.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// Repeatedly stabilize, then change the FPS after single record updates to
// create tiny windows.
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxTinyFpsWindows; i++) {
StabilizeFramerateAndStartNewRecord(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize_,
pipeline_framerate_, kDefaultKeySystem,
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Changing the framerate and fast forward to detect the change.
pipeline_framerate_ =
(pipeline_framerate_ == kDefaultFps) ? 2 * kDefaultFps : kDefaultFps;
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// Verify no further stats updates are made because we've hit the maximum
// number of tiny framerate windows.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
// Pausing then playing does not kickstart reporting. We assume framerate is
// still variable.
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 10);
// Hidden then shown does not kickstart reporting. We assume framerate is
// still variable.
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 10);
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, ThrottleFpsTimerIfNoDecodeProgress) {
// Setup stats callback to provide steadily advancing decode stats with a
// constant framerate.
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
this, &VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::MakeAdvancingDecodeStats));
// On playing should start timer at recording interval.
// OnPlaying starts the timer at the recording interval. Expect first stats
// CB when that interval has elapsed. This stats callback provides the first
// fps sample.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
int stable_fps_samples = 1;
// Now advance time to make it half way through framerate stabilization.
base::TimeDelta frame_duration =
base::TimeDelta::FromSecondsD(1.0 / pipeline_framerate_);
for (; stable_fps_samples < kRequiredStableFpsSamples / 2;
stable_fps_samples++) {
// The timer runs at 3x the frame duration when detecting framerate to
// quickly stabilize.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
FastForward(frame_duration * 3);
// With stabilization still ongoing, freeze decode progress by repeatedly
// returning the same stats from before.
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
MakeStats(pipeline_decoded_frames_, pipeline_dropped_frames_,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_, pipeline_framerate_)));
// Advance another fps detection interval to detect that no progress was made.
// Verify this decreases timer frequency to standard reporting interval.
EXPECT_LT(CurrentStatsCbInterval(), kRecordingInterval);
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
FastForward(frame_duration * 3);
EXPECT_EQ(CurrentStatsCbInterval(), kRecordingInterval);
// Verify stats updates continue to come in at recording interval. Verify no
// calls to UpdateRecord because decode progress is still frozen. Fast forward
// through several recording intervals to be sure nothing changes.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(3);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 3);
// Un-freeze decode stats!
ON_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
this, &VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest::MakeAdvancingDecodeStats));
// Finish framerate stabilization with a slower timer frequency. The slower
// timer is used to avoid firing high frequency timers indefinitely for
// machines/networks that are struggling to keep up.
kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize_, kDefaultFps, kDefaultKeySystem,
kDefaultUseHwSecureCodecs, SLOW_STABILIZE_FPS);
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, FpsBucketing) {
EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultFps, pipeline_framerate_);
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
// Verify that UpdateRecord calls come at the recording interval with
// correct values.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Small changes to framerate should not trigger a new record.
pipeline_framerate_ = kDefaultFps + .5;
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockStartNewRecord(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0);
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Small changes in the other direction should also not trigger a new record.
pipeline_framerate_ = kDefaultFps - .5;
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockStartNewRecord(_, _, _, _, _)).Times(0);
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Big changes in framerate should trigger a new record.
pipeline_framerate_ = kDefaultFps * 2;
// Fast forward by one interval to detect framerate change.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// Stabilize new framerate.
StabilizeFramerateAndStartNewRecord(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize_,
kDefaultFps * 2, kDefaultKeySystem,
// Update offsets for new record and verify recording.
decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// Whacky framerates should be bucketed to a more common nearby value.
pipeline_framerate_ = 123.4;
// Fast forward by one interval to detect framerate change.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB());
// Verify new record uses bucketed framerate.
int bucketed_fps = GetFpsBucket(pipeline_framerate_);
EXPECT_NE(bucketed_fps, pipeline_framerate_);
StabilizeFramerateAndStartNewRecord(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize_,
bucketed_fps, kDefaultKeySystem,
// Update offsets for new record and verify recording.
decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, ResolutionBucketing) {
// Note that our current size fits perfectly into known buckets...
EXPECT_EQ(GetSizeBucket(kDefaultSize_), kDefaultSize_);
// A slightly smaller size should fall into the same size bucket as before.
gfx::Size slightly_smaller_size(kDefaultWidth - 2, kDefaultHeight - 2);
// Since the original size perfectly fits a known size bucket, any small
// increase should cause the next larger bucket should be chosen. This is done
// to surface cut off resolutions in hardware decoders. HW acceleration can be
// critical to smooth decode at higher resolutions.
gfx::Size slightly_larger_size(kDefaultWidth + 1, kDefaultHeight + 1);
MakeReporter(kDefaultProfile, slightly_larger_size);
// With |slightly_larger_size| describing the bottom of its bucket, we should
// have of room to increase a little further within this bucket, without
// triggering the start of a new record.
slightly_larger_size = gfx::Size(slightly_larger_size.width() + 1,
slightly_larger_size.height() + 1);
// Big changes in resolution should fall into a different bucket
gfx::Size big_resolution(kDefaultWidth * 2, kDefaultHeight * 2);
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, ResolutionTooSmall) {
// Initialize the natural size to something tiny.
gfx::Size tiny_size(10, 15);
MakeReporter(kDefaultProfile, tiny_size);
// Tiny size should "bucket" to empty.
// Verify reporting has stopped because because resolution is so small. Fast
// forward through several intervals to verify no callbacks are made while the
// tiny size is in effect.
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB()).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*interceptor_, MockUpdateRecord(_, _, _)).Times(0);
FastForward(kRecordingInterval * 3);
// Change the size to something small, but reasonable.
const gfx::Size small_size(75, 75);
MakeReporter(kDefaultProfile, small_size);
// Stabilize new framerate and verify record updates come with new offsets.
StartPlayingAndStabilizeFramerate(kDefaultProfile, GetSizeBucket(small_size));
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, VaryEmeProperties) {
// Readability helpers
const gfx::Size kDefaultSize(kDefaultWidth, kDefaultHeight);
const char kEmptyKeySystem[] = "";
const bool kNonDefaultHwSecureCodecs = !kDefaultUseHwSecureCodecs;
const CdmConfig kNonDefaultCdmConfig = {false, false,
const char kFooKeySystem[] = "fookeysytem";
// Make reporter with no EME properties.
MakeReporter(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize, kEmptyKeySystem, base::nullopt);
// Verify the empty key system and non-default hw_secure_codecs.
StartPlayingAndStabilizeFramerate(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize, kDefaultFps,
kEmptyKeySystem, kNonDefaultHwSecureCodecs);
// Make a new reporter with a non-default, non-empty key system.
MakeReporter(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize, kFooKeySystem,
// Verify non-default key system
StartPlayingAndStabilizeFramerate(kDefaultProfile, kDefaultSize, kDefaultFps,
kFooKeySystem, kNonDefaultHwSecureCodecs);
TEST_F(VideoDecodeStatsReporterTest, SanitizeFrameCounts) {
// Framerate is now stable! Recorded stats should be offset by the values
// last provided to GetPipelineStatsCB.
uint32_t decoded_offset = pipeline_decoded_frames_;
uint32_t dropped_offset = pipeline_dropped_frames_;
uint32_t decoded_power_efficient_offset = pipeline_power_efficient_frames_;
// Verify that UpdateRecord calls come at the recording interval with
// correct values.
AdvanceTimeAndVerifyRecordUpdate(decoded_offset, dropped_offset,
// On next call for stats, advance decoded count a little and advance dropped
// and power efficient counts beyond the decoded count.
pipeline_decoded_frames_ += 10;
pipeline_dropped_frames_ = pipeline_decoded_frames_ + 1;
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_ = pipeline_decoded_frames_ + 2;
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
MakeStats(pipeline_decoded_frames_, pipeline_dropped_frames_,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_, pipeline_framerate_)));
// Expect that record update caps dropped and power efficient counts to the
// offset decoded count.
MockUpdateRecord(pipeline_decoded_frames_ - decoded_offset,
pipeline_decoded_frames_ - decoded_offset,
pipeline_decoded_frames_ - decoded_offset));
// Dropped and efficient counts should record correctly if subsequent updates
// cease to exceed decoded frame count.
pipeline_decoded_frames_ += 1000;
EXPECT_CALL(*this, GetPipelineStatsCB())
MakeStats(pipeline_decoded_frames_, pipeline_dropped_frames_,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_, pipeline_framerate_)));
MockUpdateRecord(pipeline_decoded_frames_ - decoded_offset,
pipeline_dropped_frames_ - dropped_offset,
pipeline_power_efficient_frames_ -
} // namespace media