blob: 2aebd279e6c646a7d35eb2758e2f2c139af1ccbb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/log/net_log.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_event_type.h"
#include "net/log/net_log_with_source.h"
namespace net {
struct NetLogSource;
// NetLog observer that record NetLogs events and their parameters into an
// in-memory buffer.
// This class is for testing only.
class RecordingNetLogObserver : public NetLog::ThreadSafeObserver {
// Observe the global singleton netlog with kIncludeSensitive capture mode.
// Observe the global singleton netlog with |capture_mode|.
explicit RecordingNetLogObserver(NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode);
// Observe the specified |net_log| object with |capture_mode|.
RecordingNetLogObserver(NetLog* net_log, NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode);
~RecordingNetLogObserver() override;
// Change the |capture_mode|.
void SetObserverCaptureMode(NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode);
// |add_entry_callback| may be called on any thread.
void SetThreadsafeAddEntryCallback(base::RepeatingClosure add_entry_callback);
// ThreadSafeObserver implementation:
void OnAddEntry(const NetLogEntry& entry) override;
// Returns the list of all observed NetLog entries.
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntries() const;
// Returns all entries in the log from the specified Source.
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesForSource(NetLogSource source) const;
// Returns all captured entries with the specified type.
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesWithType(NetLogEventType type) const;
// Returns all captured entries with the specified values.
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesForSourceWithType(
NetLogSource source,
NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase) const;
// Returns the number of entries in the log.
size_t GetSize() const;
// Clears the captured entry list.
void Clear();
mutable base::Lock lock_;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> entry_list_;
NetLog* const net_log_;
base::RepeatingClosure add_entry_callback_;
// NetLog subclass that follows normal lifetime rules (has a public
// destructor.)
// This class is for testing only. Production code should use the singleton
// NetLog::Get().
class TestNetLog : public NetLog {
~TestNetLog() override;
// NetLog subclass that attaches a single observer (this) to record NetLog
// events and their parameters into an in-memory buffer. The NetLog is observed
// at kSensitive level by default, however can be changed with
// SetObserverCaptureMode().
// This class is for testing only.
// RecordingNetLogObserver is preferred for new tests.
class RecordingTestNetLog : public TestNetLog {
~RecordingTestNetLog() override;
// These methods all delegate to the underlying RecordingNetLogObserver,
// see the comments in that class for documentation.
void SetObserverCaptureMode(NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode);
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntries() const;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesForSource(NetLogSource source) const;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesWithType(NetLogEventType type) const;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesForSourceWithType(
NetLogSource source,
NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase) const;
size_t GetSize() const;
void Clear();
// Returns the NetLog observer responsible for recording the NetLog event
// stream. For testing code that bypasses NetLogs and adds events directly to
// an observer.
NetLog::ThreadSafeObserver* GetObserver();
RecordingNetLogObserver observer_;
// Helper class that exposes a similar API as NetLogWithSource, but uses a
// RecordingTestNetLog rather than the more generic NetLog.
// A RecordingBoundTestNetLog can easily be converted to a NetLogWithSource
// using the bound() method.
class RecordingBoundTestNetLog {
// The returned NetLogWithSource is only valid while |this| is alive.
NetLogWithSource bound() const { return net_log_; }
// These methods all delegate to the underlying RecordingNetLogObserver,
// see the comments in that class for documentation.
void SetObserverCaptureMode(NetLogCaptureMode capture_mode);
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntries() const;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesForSource(NetLogSource source) const;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesWithType(NetLogEventType type) const;
std::vector<NetLogEntry> GetEntriesForSourceWithType(
NetLogSource source,
NetLogEventType type,
NetLogEventPhase phase) const;
size_t GetSize() const;
void Clear();
RecordingTestNetLog test_net_log_;
const NetLogWithSource net_log_;
} // namespace net