blob: 11ea64abeab4a795603e1aad26f6b0c9002fb69d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "base/trace_event/process_memory_dump.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/ext/trace_processor/importers/memory_tracker/graph.h"
namespace memory_instrumentation {
// ChromeGraphProcessor is a wrapper for a GraphProcessor from Perfetto. This
// class takes care of all required input and output parameter conversions and
// could be used as a replacement for GraphProcessor class from Chromium.
// Example usage:
// {
// std::map<base::ProcessId, uint64_t> shared_footprints;
// std::unique_ptr<GlobalDumpGraph> global_graph =
// ChromeGraphProcessor::CreateMemoryGraph(
// &shared_footprints,
// pid_to_pmd ChromeGraphProcessor::Operation::kAllOperations);
// }
using perfetto::trace_processor::GlobalNodeGraph;
class ChromeGraphProcessor {
using MemoryDumpMap =
std::map<base::ProcessId, const base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump*>;
ChromeGraphProcessor() = delete;
~ChromeGraphProcessor() = delete;
ChromeGraphProcessor(const ChromeGraphProcessor&) = delete;
void operator=(const ChromeGraphProcessor&) = delete;
enum class Operations : int {
kNoneOperation = 0,
kRemoveWeakNodesFromGraph = (1 << 1),
kComputeSharedFootprintFromGraph = (1 << 2),
kAddOverheadsAndPropagateEntries = (1 << 3),
kCalculateSizesForGraph = (1 << 4),
kGraphWithoutSharedFootprint =
(kRemoveWeakNodesFromGraph | kAddOverheadsAndPropagateEntries |
kAllOperations =
(kRemoveWeakNodesFromGraph | kComputeSharedFootprintFromGraph |
kAddOverheadsAndPropagateEntries | kCalculateSizesForGraph)
// This is a wrapper function for the Perfetto GraphProcessor member function
// perfetto::GraphProcessor::CreateMemoryGraph(). This function combines
// creation of node graph with some possible operations on that graph
// performed by other Perfetto GraphProcessor member functions like
// RemoveWeakNodesFromGraph() or AddOverheadsAndPropagateEntries().
// Shared footprints is an output parameter which will hold information
// about computed footprints by distributing the memory of the nodes among the
// processes which have edges left. This parameter will be filled when bit
// |kComputeSharedFootprintFromGraph| is set in operations parameter.
// The valid values of |operations| are |kNoneOperation|, |kAllOperations| and
// |kGraphWithoutSharedFootprint|
static std::unique_ptr<GlobalNodeGraph> CreateMemoryGraph(
const MemoryDumpMap& process_dumps,
Operations operations,
std::map<base::ProcessId, uint64_t>* shared_footprints);
// This is overloaded function to simplify usage if the shared footpints are
// not needed.
static std::unique_ptr<GlobalNodeGraph> CreateMemoryGraph(
const MemoryDumpMap& process_dumps,
Operations operations);
} // namespace memory_instrumentation