AFL Integration

This document describes AFL‘s integration with Chromium. This document is only for the curious, developers writing Chromium fuzz targets shouldn’t worry about AFL, as this document will explain. Therefore, it does not explain how you should use AFL locally, in most cases you should just use libFuzzer.


Nearly every libFuzzer target that runs on ClusterFuzz is also fuzzed on ClusterFuzz using AFL. AFL pioneered the technique of coverage-guided fuzzing and is similar to libFuzzer. In ClusterFuzz we primarily use libFuzzer, though we find using AFL also helps. If you are writing a libFuzzer target (unless it uses LPM, which AFL does not support) you don't need to do anything to get fuzzing with AFL on ClusterFuzz.


Why use AFL if we already use libFuzzer? The answer is because using AFL helps us find bugs that we may not find with libFuzzer. We think this is particularly true for fuzz targets that are slow, memory-intensive, or frequently crash. That is because AFL's architecture allows it to continue fuzzing even when a crash or timeout has occurred.


We use Clang's trace-pc-guard and ASan to instrument fuzz targets. We use afl_driver.cpp to send coverage information to afl-fuzz from the target and send inputs from afl-fuzz to the target. It uses both deferred forkserver mode and persistent mode. On ClusterFuzz we have a launcher to run afl-fuzz on fuzz targets, just like we have for libFuzzer. The launcher also reports and reproduces crashes, and saves the corpus found during fuzzing. Another function of the launcher is ensuring targets can be fuzzed well with AFL even if they would otherwise have an issue with AFL.

We only use AFL to fuzz ASan-instrumented release builds on ClusterFuzz, instead of using it to fuzz the many different build configurations we use libFuzzer on (e.g. MSan, UBSan, etc). That is because ASan builds tend to find the most important bugs and doing a new build for each of the configurations would be too complicated.
